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Domino Guru (.com) on the Blackberry

In preparation for my trip to Lotusphere, I've been loading more and more onto my 8820 - and realized that, as it was currently designed, I didn't have the ability to update this site via Blackberry! That's since been remedied with the simple implementation of the techniques that I hope to be able to show off for Lotusphere Idol (no, still haven't heard anything yet) and eventually on this site once the jet lag wears off and I come down off of my Cold-eeze!

One of the things that I thought strange - and I've still yet to address (I gotta get some sleep) is the apparent fact that markup listed in the textarea tag appears to break the WAP textarea renderings. For example, when I write a post, I normally hand-code the markup - it keeps me on top of my simple markup skills. For the Blackberry, I simply utilize some auto-text hacks to get some quickly-used tags and markup blocks. For example, if I type "bbpost", the auto-text engine renders the markup-rich "<p>[ Posted via my AT&T 8820 ]</p>". It's a pretty slick and useful trick, and something I've been doing for a while with 'canned responses'.

The problem is, if I put that markup, or worse yet edit a document with markup, the markup that is in the field - and thus between the textarea tags - renders as markup. The paragraph renders outside of the textarea as page structure instead of form content... which really sucks!

I'll look into it tomorrow and see what I can do, as I now have to rest both my eyes and my thumbs!

[ Posted via my AT&T 8820 ]

About the author: Chris Toohey

Thought Leadership, Web & Mobile Application Development, Solutions Integration, Technical Writing & Mentoring

A published developer and webmaster of, Chris Toohey specializes in platform application development, solutions integration, and evangelism of platform capabilities and best practices.

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