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Blogger/ATOM API-based Domino Web Services as the CMS engine for the new blog template?

I'm going to make an assumption here: the majority of Notes Shops have not upgraded to 8.0.1 yet, and when 8.5 rolls out, they won't be upgrading to that immediately either.

I say that, because I know several companies who are planning to upgrade... but that plan has yet to be executed. So I'm going to assume that the 2 or 3 companies that I'm referring to aren't the only ones out there in the same situation.

I bring this up, because it was suggested by someone that I honestly respect (although I would never let him know that) that this new blogging template should utilize XPages for what I'm looking to do for the content management and delivery architecture.

Now, while I'll agree that XPages rock - I really want the majority of the Notes community to be able to adopt this solution. On the other hand, I want to be able to showcase something that's currently available to the majority of us but that might not be utilized.

So I'm thinking about doing this template all Web Services. Is that something that you use today? I know I don't. And I think that this is the perfect place for it.

So I plan on implementing the Blogger API into this template and adhering to it for all CMS-like functionality - all via Web Services. While I'm not ready at this point to get into all of the reasons why, I really plan on utilizing Web Services (which I'm going to make another assumption and say that we're not all using them in our day-to-day development) to do this as it will showcase an excellent built-in facility that can be found in more than the latest releases of the product, as well as outside of Domino Development.

So, that's the tentative plan - thoughts?

About the author: Chris Toohey

Thought Leadership, Web & Mobile Application Development, Solutions Integration, Technical Writing & Mentoring

A published developer and webmaster of, Chris Toohey specializes in platform application development, solutions integration, and evangelism of platform capabilities and best practices.

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