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My Lotus Knows IdeaJam entry: Real World problem solving viral videos

I've entered my first idea for the Lotus Knows IdeaJam - specifically to how we can better inform the global user community of just what Lotus technologies can do for them.

Real World problem solving viral videos

Showcasing the product - not unlike the iPhone ads we see across various media outlets today - we address an everyday customer need with Lotus technologies.

  1. Pick a "killer app".
  2. Do a 30 second screencast showing the full UX. Click, Click, Click, Resolved.
  3. Publish the video via YouTube, Vimeo, and various other mediums.

Think about it. You show off a LiveText LinkedIn demo that leverages the Lotus Notes Client. Wrap a voice-over script that talks about a potential new hire or engagement with a consultant, and you've got product demo gold!

If you agree, feel free to promote the idea. If not, bugger off feel free to demote. Either way, weigh in with your thoughts not only on my post and the posts of other participants in the community, but join in your own thoughts and ideas!

(Note: Registration and Login to the Elguji Lotus Knows IdeaJam required.)

About the author: Chris Toohey

Thought Leadership, Web & Mobile Application Development, Solutions Integration, Technical Writing & Mentoring

A published developer and webmaster of, Chris Toohey specializes in platform application development, solutions integration, and evangelism of platform capabilities and best practices.

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