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YouTube: Lotus Domino Designer Overview

Within 5 minutes, Angus McIntyre provides a great introduction and overview to Lotus Domino Designer. I'm really excited about the material that's coming from IBM lately: introduction, overviews, and documentation, all to support user and geek education of the product and platform capabilities.

See - I have a very selfish take on all of this: the more people that know about Lotus products, the more developers new to the platform or existing developers that can extend the platform, and the more admins that can get walkthroughs in setting up, upgrading, and maintaining environments of various sizes, and the more informed we keep IT professionals so that the next time they're in a meeting they can say "y'know, there's an app for that...." the longer I'll have a job!!!

And I don't think I'm alone here.

So IBM's stepping up to the plate and putting some solid content out there to help spread the word on their products - which rocks! They've developed incentives for you to contribute back to the community. So share your subject matter expertise and gain exposure not only within our community but to the world at large. Like the above video or think you can do even better? Create your own channel and videos today. Don't have a blog? No problem: post your video tutorials and screencasts to the IBM Lotus Domino Designer Wiki or you can quickly create your own blog on IBM LDD My developerWorks!

About the author: Chris Toohey

Thought Leadership, Web & Mobile Application Development, Solutions Integration, Technical Writing & Mentoring

A published developer and webmaster of, Chris Toohey specializes in platform application development, solutions integration, and evangelism of platform capabilities and best practices.

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