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Jack's Back!
01/14/2007 10:38 PM by Chris Toohey
Every season, I'm blown away by a particular scene or moment in the 24 premiere
(which I've just watched) - without fail. I thought that the best
jaw-dropper-scene for the premiere was Season 2 - which had Jack hacksaw the
head off of a dead man to gain the street cred he needed to get the
day's job started. Tonight however, tonight's first hour has provided us with
a new king: Jackula!!! Great stuff!
I was ready to call BS on Jack coming across a GPS-enabled mobile
phone in that POS he broke into... until (when discussing the premiere with a friend) I realized
my Nokia e62 is currently sitting in the front seat of my car. I don't want to
give away too many details to those of you who Tivo'ed the 2-hour premiere (or
bore those of you who don't watch 24)... but I haven't been this excited about an
upcoming season since Season 3 (my favorite thus far)!