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Articles and Tutorials
In this section, you'll find the development and design articles, tutorials, and how-to's from
Web Storage Introduction for the Notes Domino Developer
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2020
With support as far back as Internet Explorer 8, it's a mystery why using Web Storage hasn't become a standard practice for IBM Notes Domino application developers. Perhaps it's an unfamiliarity with the browser-based persistent storage solution or - for those of you familiar with the name - stringValue architecture - you might not consider the direct correlation with the methods most XPages developers use daily.
Either way, after this article you'll fully understand what Web Storage is and how you can use it in your own development efforts.
Creating meta-functions in IBM Notes Domino XPages SSJS for CRUD Operations
by Chris Toohey on 10/22/2018
Good developers will walk away with new techniques to add to their arsenal.
Great developers however will evolve their code not only with any appropriate newly-required technique, but will look at the approach each developer took to craft their method.
Relaying function-to-function arguments in JavaScript
by Chris Toohey on 05/24/2018
While I will be specifically giving you an example of argument relaying in JavaScript, this technique can be used in JavaScript or any server-side emulated JavaScript language (eg., SSJS in IBM Notes Domino XPages).
Using SimpleDateFormat for Date and Time formatting in IBM Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 05/21/2018
How many times have you wrestled with Date or Time formatting in LotusScript, @Formula, and now Server Side JavaScript? Sure, you have your preferred go-to method for returning "12:45 PM" or "Monday" for a given time/date... but here's one that you can use in Server Side JavaScript with an eye to your evolution as a Java-literate developer.
Project Adoption, and Finding Success in Failure
by Chris Toohey on 01/03/2018
I wanted to take a few moments to cover some factors that I've seen affect project adoption, and how you can turn a dead project into a win.
Using the NotesDatabase Icon in your IBM Domino XPages Applications
by Chris Toohey on 04/01/2016
With the move to more web browser client use, notesDatabase icons began to play a far less important role in the application development cycle... and then we started creating mobile versions of our applications for use on smartphones and tablets.
Control the rendered HTML ID attribute of IBM Domino XPages Controls
by Chris Toohey on 03/30/2016
In this article, author Chris Toohey explains how you can control the value of rendered HTML ID attribute of any IBM Domino XPages xp:panel Controls using the Attributes List and Themes. Article includes example XPages and HTML code.
IBM Domino XPages SSJS Object Literal Primer
by Chris Toohey on 03/03/2016
I wanted to take a moment to cover a JavaScript technique that I've had great success lately. Lately meaning the past few years... and I think it's time to share.
Developer Hardware Everyday Carry (EDC)
by Chris Toohey on 12/21/2015
For those of you not familiar with EDC, or Everyday Carry, the term refers to the various items - from wallets to weapons and more - that for one reason or another you keep on yourself or in your pockets... daily. Instead of showing you the contents of my pockets, I thought that I would share with you the hardware and software that I use every day. Perhaps you'll see something that will become a part of your personal "Development EDC".
How to use 2 CSS Rules to replace the IBM Domino XPages Extension Library Picker Icons
by Chris Toohey on 09/01/2015
In this article, we'll cover how you can use two simple CSS rules to override the default icons for the IBM Domino XPages Extension Library xe:viewPicker and xe:namePicker Controls!
Using Try, Catch, Finally, Throws, and Return Objects in Client Side and Server Side JavaScript for XPages
by Chris Toohey on 08/26/2015
The try, catch, finally syntax is both something that I use every day, and something that I think most Notes Developers may not be familiar with when they make the transition to Web Developers. For those of you unfamiliar with the syntax, here's a brief breakdown via code examples...
Thoughts on Future-Proofing NotesData for Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2015
Despite the name change, most IBM Notes Domino developers are still developing "databases" vs. "applications". Whether they're using new or "traditional" design elements, they are using "traditional" methods and architectures for their apps... which could prove costly both in Domino application platform maintenance and potential future "porting" of said app...
5 Common Missteps in Developer Learning
by Chris Toohey on 03/31/2015
Learning should be an adventure into undiscovered country, not a source of frustration, resentment, and pain. There are common mistakes made time and again by even the most seasoned and well-disciplined developers. Whether it's a new feature, a new language, or an entirely new application platform, here are five - thankfully avoidable - missteps in developer learning.
First Impressions: Appcelerator Titanium Studio
by Chris Toohey on 03/02/2015
One of my IBM Notes Domino customers who is looking to create native versions of their Domino-based application for BlackBerry, Android, and iOS asked me to look into using Appcelerator Titanium Studio. Always interested in adding a new (to me) solution to my arsenal, I went to and downloaded the free Eclipsed-based IDE.
4 Ways to Improve Your Enterprise Business Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/08/2015
As a Corporate IT developer and designer, there are various languages and platforms that you can use to deliver applications to your users... but this post dives into 4 platform-agnostic methodologies that can be used to improve your enterprise business application development.
The Role of the Corporate Developer
by Chris Toohey on 01/05/2015
Before we get started, let's define the "corporate developer". A "corporate developer" is an employee of the company's IT department who is tasked with individual assignments for various business units. They code, design, deploy, and maintain applications (and most often, the application platforms) that are used throughout the organization. They are also often forced to concede best practices and established development standards for the constant "the VP of Finance needs an Excel export of the [data from their application] from this past year to date" scenarios.
I submit that there are three "corporate developer" archetypes, and I urge you to be honest with yourself about which one best fits you today and make a decision about which of these you actually want to both personally and professionally identify you... because - and you'll have to trust me on this - the decision makers in your organization will identify you in exactly this way.
REPLAY: Getting Started with Foundation UI JavaScript Framework in IBM Lotus Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 08/11/2014
The HD replay of today's Google Hangout, covering setup and use of the Foundation UI JavaScript and CSS Framework, using a simple custom Foundation Theme, and demo of a XPages-based websites and applications using Foundation UI.
CSS for IBM Notes and Domino XPages Developers
by Chris Toohey on 05/09/2013
Cascading Style Sheets (or CSS) is a style language that enhances or can outright override the native Web and Mobile Browser rendered representation of HTML markup. Mastering CSS will enable you (browser-willing) to completely control the user interface and user experience of your applications. In this article, we'll cover CSS Selectors and Media Types... but let's start first with a fundamental review of CSS, exactly what CSS is doing in a browser, and how CSS works with HTML and JavaScript via frameworks.
Using chardin.js JavaScript Library For Rich UI Information Overlays in IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 02/27/2013
Part of my gamification methodology is to create as interactive of a user interface as possible to deliver an adaptive user experience to the customer. This helps with onboarding and educating a user to a new process or new business logic without the need to bring them into a classroom or createformal training. Taking that Microsoft Word-based Form and modernizing the process by creating an web and mobile browser accessible application to handle the workflow? With a properly-designed user interface and well-crafted user experience, you'll be able to roll out the new application without the deployment pangs from the users.
- Hangout Replay: Enterprise Gamification for IBM Notes and Domino XPages Applications
by Chris Toohey on 02/07/2013
Chris Toohey (with Chris Warden, Monica Moira, and Roy Rumaner) discuss enterprise application gamification, personality profiling, and how IBM Notes and Domino XPages developers can get started using gaming industry tactics in their application development efforts. Salesforce automation, new hire onboarding, and more business topics are discussed!
- Hangouts: So.. what did we miss in Orlando?
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2013
Chris Toohey is joined yet again by Chris Warden and Roy Rumaner where we discuss IBM Connect 2013 (Lotusphere 2013), the lack of IBM Notes Domino and XPages mention in the OGS, IBM Marketing, IBM Products and their position in the market, the need for community, gamification (and often the misunderstanding enterprise gamification), and more...
- Hangouts: Mobilizing IBM Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/30/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner, Chris Warden, and Dragon Cotterill to discuss Mobilization of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino applications with XPages, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and 3rd-party and vendor/platform-specific solutions.
- Hangouts: Modernizing IBM Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner, Chris Warden, and Bill Wheaton to discuss Modernizaton of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino applications with XPages, making sure User Interface and User Experience is key.
- Hangouts: Getting Started with IBM Notes and Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 01/28/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner, Chris Warden, and Bill Wheaton to discuss IBM Lotus Notes and Domino development with XPages.
Using Pass-Thru HTML Markup with IBM XPages xp:table Controls
by Chris Toohey on 01/15/2013
Having a working knowledge of standard HTML development helps when you're developing IBM XPages applications, and using Pass-Thru HTML Markup with an xp:table Control can give you complete control over the rendered markup.
- Hangouts: Using JavaScript and CSS Frameworks with IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 01/01/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner and Chris Warden to discuss Using JavaScript and CSS in IBM Lotus Notes and Domino XPages application development. We talk Responsive Web Design (via Twitter Bootstrap) and Progressive Enhancement tactics to create the best User Interfaces and User Experiences for the target web browsers or mobile device browsers.
Multiple NotesDatabases for Function-specific IBM XPages Application User Interfaces
by Chris Toohey on 10/24/2012
I'm working on a project which requires an XPages-based CMS for managing external website content. The UI for this CMS is written using core and extension library controls, and thus uses the OneUIv2.1 theme. The external website itself uses a completely custom theme that disables all Dojo libraries and instead loads in Twitter Bootstrap and JQuery to deliver a Responsive Web Design user experience.
Editorial: Is there a market for XPages apps?
by Chris Toohey on 10/15/2012
So what can XPages-savvy IBM Lotus Notes Domino application developers do to weekend warrior some solutions to pay for their own Netflix and XBox Live subscriptions?
Creating Dynamic Input Custom Controls for IBM XPages with switchFacet ExtLib Controls
by Chris Toohey on 09/24/2012
The Extension Library xe:switchFacet Control is quickly becoming my favorite go-to tool for Custom Control development work... but I don't think I use them in what might be considered a traditional sense.
IBM XPages: A game-changer for Lotus Notes Domino application developers
by Chris Toohey on 08/28/2012
But at the end of the day, I can now spin out a solid solution that meets business logic needs while enveloping the user experience expectations that users have today in a fraction of the time it would take me to develop the same application if I were to be bound by the platform limitations that traditional development can bring.
IBM XPages Custom Controls: Portlet and titlePane
by Chris Toohey on 08/27/2012
At the UI level, I was using dijit.TitlePane and dojox.widget.Portlet-based xp:div Controls throughout this project. During my second pass through the project, I had created Custom Controls for these two widgets (portlet.xspand titlePane.xsp, respectively).
IBM XPages: HTML Marquee, Dojo Rotator and AutoRotator Controls
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2012
A simple overview of my walking-the-process of helping a fellow developer, covering the HTML marquee element, Dojo Controls, and how to get them working using IBM XPages.