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In this section you'll find the reviews of books, hands-on (and real world) use of apps and warez, and more from wearable tech to products intended to make your development life easier.

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code BETA First Impressions

    by Chris Toohey on 04/04/2016

    As a multi-platform developer, I'm always on the lookout for new tools to help me get the job done. A solid and extendable IDE (or Integrated Developer Environment) can mean the difference between feeling empowered by your platform or feeling like you're l33t hacking just to get something functional deployed.

  • XPages Extension Library from IBM Press

    by Chris Toohey on 06/04/2012

    As the technical editor of the latest book from IBM Press on XPages, I had a first look at what was shaping up to be an absolute must-have resource for the Extension Library and XPages development.

  • XPages Portable Command Guide from IBM Press

    by Chris Toohey on 03/26/2012

    My review and giveaway of the latest XPages guide from IBM Press for the Lotus Notes Domino Application Developer. Read the complete review and find out how you can win your own copy of the XPages Portable Command Guide courtesy of IBM Press.

  • Mastering XPages by IBM Press

    by Chris Toohey on 04/11/2011

    IBM Press recently released the definitive guide for IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8.5.2 XPages: Mastering XPages: A Step-by-Step Guide to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language... is powered by IBM Notes Domino XPages & hosted by Prominic.NET

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Except where otherwise noted, by Chris Toohey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.