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Upcoming Review (and Giveaway!): IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 by Packt Publishing
01/22/2010 10:15 AM by Chris Toohey
My latest book review (which you can expect to see tonight), RESTful Java Web Services, will soon be followed by another Packt Publishing review. This one, I can promise will interest most (if not all) of my readers: IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1!
As with any of my book reviews, there will be a contest/giveaway that will allow you to win my review copy. If you're interested in this book, keep an eye out for the First Impressions when I receive my review copy (which I expect in the next 10 days).
Also, feel free to check out the Pack Publishing catalog and let me know if there are any books you would be interested in having reviewed on!