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Welcome to the IBM developerWorks Author Achievement Recognition Program!

IBM developerWorks Author Achievement Recognition Program

The other day (shows you how behind I am when I'm just getting to this now...) I received the following email:

Welcome to the IBM developerWorks Author Achievement Recognition Program!

At the core of developerWorks is a library of unparalleled technical content that provides information and education on current and emerging technologies, and on the full spectrum of industry-leading IBM software.  Millions of readers have drawn upon the unique mix of content presented on developerWorks, finding unsurpassed value in the collective experience of more than 3,000 subject matter experts who have shared their knowledge, demonstrated best practices, and showcased new ideas over the years.

As a developerWorks author, you have an impact on the success of your colleagues, and on making developerWorks an information and community resource like no other.  By participating in this program, you can also have an impact your own professional success by leveraging your body of published work for the significant achievement that it is.

Included with this note is information to help you begin working toward achieving an IBM developerWorks author designation, including your customized tracking tool and instructions to follow after you have completed all the requirements for a specific achievement level.  Expand the sections below to learn more.

If you have questions about using the tracking tool or about the program in general, check the program Web site for details and frequently asked questions, or contact the program administrator at

Attached is your customized tracking tool and program instructions.  If you have published on developerWorks before, your tracking tool is pre-filled with your eligible developerWorks contributions from the past 5 years, based on our records.  The program instructions explain how to use and interpret the tool, and what to do when you have fulfilled the requirements for an achievement level.

If you have fulfilled the requirements for an achievement level entirely with past contributions, you will be awarded the corresponding author designation provided you have published on developerWorks within the past 12 months.  If this is the case, you will receive a separate notice formally confirming your achievement.  See the program instructions for details.

The good news here is that my RedWiki contributions (specifically those to Lotus Domino Web Application Development Wiki count for this!

So sign up if you haven't already, and you can immediately start collecting points through contributions to any of the developerWorks Wikis!

... now I just have to complete the paperwork, add a few things up, and get over to the wikis to inflate my content contribution!

About the author: Chris Toohey

Thought Leadership, Web & Mobile Application Development, Solutions Integration, Technical Writing & Mentoring

A published developer and webmaster of, Chris Toohey specializes in platform application development, solutions integration, and evangelism of platform capabilities and best practices.

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