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Quickpoll: Frameset Design Elements in Lotus Notes Client Application UI Design

In follow-up to my post from the other day, I thought I'd pose the following question via Twitter:

Lotus Notes Client design question: Do you still use Framesets in your Application UI?

The response from both Twitter and the various other social networking sites prompted me to create a quick MicroPoll:

Now, understandably, this is a pretty wide-open alternative with Frameset vs. 'Web', but I have this idea...

Look at the more successful cloud service solutions out there today. You're presented with - in most cases - a 3-column fixed layout with highly-stylized UI interaction with various functional nodes. Navigation to top-sections is fairly basic, with in-content drill-down options to specific content or functional sections.

This should be fairly simple to re-create within a Lotus Notes Client application without the *[conventional] use of Frameset Design Elements.

* - Have to give myself an out if there comes a situation where I'll need to use a Frameset in some unconven tional ways.

And I know this won't be possible for every application-type within the Lotus Notes Client, as certain applications have certain user experience expectations... which begs the questions for those of you who might answer "We have a corporate standard UI": maybe that's a bad thing in some cases?

About the author: Chris Toohey

Thought Leadership, Web & Mobile Application Development, Solutions Integration, Technical Writing & Mentoring

A published developer and webmaster of, Chris Toohey specializes in platform application development, solutions integration, and evangelism of platform capabilities and best practices.

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