Your Development & Design Resource
Yes, I am alive...
05/22/2007 11:23 PM by Chris Toohey
... and working on a bunch on new things as of late! To give you a run-down on my current list:
- Doing about 75% Notes Client development anymore...
- Learning Blackberry/BES Development
- Having to redo all of my Lotus certs (as they've expired -- unless I'm wrong here...)
- Delivering a few outstanding items that I had mentioned a few months ago (FCKeditor & Domino, etc.)
- and lastly, trying to catch back up with what's going on in the land-o-Notes
For that last one, anyone have the Cliff Notes-version? I'm pretty far behind the pack.
I'm up for jump-restart this site again, since it has greatly sufferred from my neglect... hopefully the ideas that I have will provide the community (those who have the RSS feed in their Readers-of-choice no doubt, as I'm certain no one is still hitting F5 on the home page anymore...) with some really useful stuff.
More tomorrow - I've got TONS to catch ya up on!