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How to suggest an article in the Lotus Domino Designer Wiki
09/03/2009 10:26 AM by Chris Toohey
After submitting my latest article to the Domino Designer Wiki, I contacted Amanda Bauman to confirm my developerWorks Author Achievement Recognition Program points - something that all article-length Domino Designer Wiki contributing authors can do! While chatting with Amanda about the article, I noticed the following comment from Johan:
Articles like this is in my taste! Great feature that can be used in a lot of applications!
Knowing that we are at work creating a more formalized mechanism for capturing new article suggestions on the wikis, I asked Amanda if there was a place online where someone could make a suggestion or request a specific topic be covered in the Domino Designer Wiki.
So, have an idea for an article that you would like to see in the Domino Designer Wiki? Always wanted to know about a particular feature or function of IBM Lotus Notes or Lotus Domino? Check out a> and tell us what you want to see! (IBM Log-In Required)