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SaaS vs. On-Premises Solutions Considerations @ Lotus Journal
10/08/2009 11:31 AM by Chris Toohey
While I plan on making this website - which has admittedly turned into more of a weblog than an actual website - a better resource for developers and geeks alike, I've come to a conclusion recently:
Lotus deep-dive articles will be posted in the respective Lotus product wiki.
But what about editorials? Something that goes far beyond a simple weblog post; something that does not talk to a particular technology but more of a principal or overall understanding that a professional developer needs to grasp if not master to be successful in the enterprise.
And I think I found such a place with the help of founder Yancy Lent: Lotus Journal.
This editorial talks to the basics of - in my experience - what a developer needs to know about the whole SaaS vs. On-Premises debate that goes on in most companies.
Check out SaaS vs. On-Premises Solutions Considerations @ Lotus Journal and let me know what you think!