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To certify or not to certify
10/23/2005 10:12 PM by Chris Toohey
As a Lotus Notes/Domino R5 CLP, I found myself asking what's the next
step from here? Having not paid attention to what-do-I-do when the talk of
a one-test upgrade was available, I was completely at a loss and (quite
frankly) didn't want to open my gob and ask a stupid question that
everyone has GOT to know the answer to by
now. This lead me to the aforelinked post on the Forums where Barbara Bowen gave
me some great information - the best bit of info being that ND6 certification
is a single test away!
This leads me to wonder, is the upgraded certification worth the investment in time to learn the stuff that I need for the exam (as well as the ~$100 for the test)?! I say the time to learn the stuff that I need for the exam because these tests aren't about the best way a developer can provide a solution, but often the recommended/text-book way that a Lotus Notes Developer can utilize Lotus Notes/Domino to provide a solution - at least that's how it was with my R5 certs. I haven't developed to IBM/Lotus recommendations for so long that I would need to at least cram before taking the test. And, if I decide to go forward and schedule myself for the upgrade exam - does anyone have any good upgrade exam study resources?! Comment's Ahoy!