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Service Guarantees Citizenship! IBM Lotus Wiki Contributor Highlights
12/09/2009 06:16 PM by Chris Toohey
Recent IBM Lotus Redbook and Product Wiki contributors are now being highlighted on the developerWorks Wiki landing page.
The highlighted authors read like a who's who of Lotus product experts, and it promises to grow and evolve with more and more contributions.
How to I get my name on that list? Simple really. Write a new article in your Lotus product wiki of choice!
Before you've submitted your article, contact Amanda Bauman ( to get your points for the developerWorks Author Recognition Program. Then, after you've published, you'll be contacted by the Lotus Technical Information and Education team.
And remember, for those of you with Lotus-themed blogs, you can easily cross-post your content in the given Lotus Product Wiki. This not only can make you eligible for the DWA Program, but will get your content in front of a much wider audience: the growing user community actively learning more about Lotus Products from the developerWorks Lotus Product Wikis!