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Personal Address Book + 1 Domino Agent = Read-Only WAP UI for Mobile Devices
07/29/2009 12:42 AM by Chris Toohey
I was contacted by Keith the other day asking me for a downloadable example from my WML-enabling a Personal Address Book - It's in the cards.... article.
Instead of going the multi-Design Element route (as the original article called for a View Design Element and a Form Design Element), I thought that I would take a second to simplify the approach and instead deliver the same functionality with a single Agent Design Element.
The Agent - named mobile - can be added to any Lotus Notes Personal Address Book Template-based NotesDatabase, have that NotesDatabase setup with an appropriately configured Access Control List, put in on a Domino HTTP-enabled Server, and simply point your mobile devices to NotesDatabase/mobile.
The Agent itself is very simple - by design - and can allow for customization via tweaking to meet the needs of the particular customer:
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim markup_options As String
Dim markup_cards As String
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set col = db.AllDocuments
Call col.FTSearch(|[form] = "Person"|, 0)
Print |Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml|
If (col.Count > 0) Then
Set doc = col.GetFirstDocument
Do Until (doc Is Nothing)
markup_options = markup_options + |<option value="| +
Join(doc.GetItemValue("fullname"), "") + |"><onevent
type="onpick"><go href="#card_| + Cstr(doc.UniversalID) + |"
/></onevent>| + Join(doc.GetItemValue("fullname"), "") +
markup_cards = markup_cards + |<card id="card_| +
Cstr(doc.UniversalID) + |" title="Contact Info"><p><b>| +
Join(doc.GetItemValue("fullname"), "") + |</b><br />| +
Join(doc.GetItemValue("mailaddress"), "") + |<br />| +
Join(doc.GetItemValue("officephonenumber"), "") + |</p></card>|
Set doc = col.GetNextDocument(doc)
Print |<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC
Print |<wml><card id="card1" title="| + Cstr(db.Title) +
|"><p><select name="name">| + markup_options +
|</select></p></card>| + markup_cards + |</wml>|
Print |<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC
Print |<wml><card id="card1" title="| + Cstr(db.Title) +
|"><p><b>Unable to load
Contacts</b></p><p>There appears to be an issue with this
address book. Please contact support.</p></card></wml>|
End If
End Sub
Pretty simple stuff here, which renders the following WML markup:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="Example WAP NAB">
<option value="Chris Toohey">
<onevent type="onpick">
<go href="#card_3CEDB7D07E5327D98525760200117ECA" />
</onevent>Chris Toohey</option>
<card id="card_3CEDB7D07E5327D98525760200117ECA" title="Contact Info">
<b>Chris Toohey</b><br /><br />
So feel free to take the above LotusScript-based Agent Design Element code and use it to add a mobile device WAP UI to any Group Address Books and such that you might have lying around. Also, feel free to point your mobile device WAP-friendly browser to check-out the online demo that I've setup.
(Note: I wrote this in an Agent and leveraged things like FTSearch from within the mobile Agent. I do this so you can easily pinpoint what's going on and apply any required modifications.)
Now, for a killer solution: combine this with Showtime and deliver via Channel Push - for example - as many icon-laden WAP-enabled Personal Address Books that your customer teams require.
So, to review:
To implement this solution, you can simply create a new Agent Design Element named mobile, past in my code, and point any WAP-friendly mobile device to /mobile.