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Please consider donating to this goFundMe campaign... and get 2 of my $5 apps or a *Sponsored* Feature on this site!

I'm putting this out here for those who can help. It's time to send the elevator back down...


Heads up, troops! A brother-through-fandom finds himself in a situation I wouldn't want to see anyone go through. If you...

Posted by Chris Toohey on Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Heads up, troops! A brother-through-fandom finds himself in a situation I wouldn't want to see anyone go through. If you're feeling the holiday spirit - or, y'know... like a human being - donate to his goFundMe what you can.

Hell, I'll do one better - for any IBM Notes Domino XPages developers out there:

Donate (at least) $10, and get both of my $5 apps - Remote Console and Junction Lite - FREE! Just email me proof (screen capture of confirmation email, etc) and I'll send over the bundle.

IBM Business Partners-like people: donate (again, at least) $250 and I'll give you a sponsored Feature on this site for any product or service. Yeah, I don't know how sponsored content works... but we'll figure it out (and to readers of the site, I'll keep all above board).

And huge thanks to OJ Tom for making us aware of this opportunity to help Mathis out!

About the author: Chris Toohey

Thought Leadership, Web & Mobile Application Development, Solutions Integration, Technical Writing & Mentoring

A published developer and webmaster of, Chris Toohey specializes in platform application development, solutions integration, and evangelism of platform capabilities and best practices.

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