Web Storage Introduction for the Notes Domino Developer
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2020
With support as far back as Internet Explorer 8, it's a mystery why using Web Storage hasn't become a standard practice for IBM Notes Domino application developers. Perhaps it's an unfamiliarity with the browser-based persistent storage solution or - for those of you familiar with the name - stringValue architecture - you might not consider the direct correlation with the methods most XPages developers use daily.
Either way, after this article you'll fully understand what Web Storage is and how you can use it in your own development efforts.
Creating meta-functions in IBM Notes Domino XPages SSJS for CRUD Operations
by Chris Toohey on 10/22/2018
Good developers will walk away with new techniques to add to their arsenal.
Great developers however will evolve their code not only with any appropriate newly-required technique, but will look at the approach each developer took to craft their method.
Relaying function-to-function arguments in JavaScript
by Chris Toohey on 05/24/2018
While I will be specifically giving you an example of argument relaying in JavaScript, this technique can be used in JavaScript or any server-side emulated JavaScript language (eg., SSJS in IBM Notes Domino XPages).
Using SimpleDateFormat for Date and Time formatting in IBM Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 05/21/2018
How many times have you wrestled with Date or Time formatting in LotusScript, @Formula, and now Server Side JavaScript? Sure, you have your preferred go-to method for returning "12:45 PM" or "Monday" for a given time/date... but here's one that you can use in Server Side JavaScript with an eye to your evolution as a Java-literate developer.
Project Adoption, and Finding Success in Failure
by Chris Toohey on 01/03/2018
I wanted to take a few moments to cover some factors that I've seen affect project adoption, and how you can turn a dead project into a win.
Using the NotesDatabase Icon in your IBM Domino XPages Applications
by Chris Toohey on 04/01/2016
With the move to more web browser client use, notesDatabase icons began to play a far less important role in the application development cycle... and then we started creating mobile versions of our applications for use on smartphones and tablets.
Control the rendered HTML ID attribute of IBM Domino XPages Controls
by Chris Toohey on 03/30/2016
In this article, author Chris Toohey explains how you can control the value of rendered HTML ID attribute of any IBM Domino XPages xp:panel Controls using the Attributes List and Themes. Article includes example XPages and HTML code.
IBM Domino XPages SSJS Object Literal Primer
by Chris Toohey on 03/03/2016
I wanted to take a moment to cover a JavaScript technique that I've had great success lately. Lately meaning the past few years... and I think it's time to share.
Developer Hardware Everyday Carry (EDC)
by Chris Toohey on 12/21/2015
For those of you not familiar with EDC, or Everyday Carry, the term refers to the various items - from wallets to weapons and more - that for one reason or another you keep on yourself or in your pockets... daily. Instead of showing you the contents of my pockets, I thought that I would share with you the hardware and software that I use every day. Perhaps you'll see something that will become a part of your personal "Development EDC".
How to use 2 CSS Rules to replace the IBM Domino XPages Extension Library Picker Icons
by Chris Toohey on 09/01/2015
In this article, we'll cover how you can use two simple CSS rules to override the default icons for the IBM Domino XPages Extension Library xe:viewPicker and xe:namePicker Controls!
Using Try, Catch, Finally, Throws, and Return Objects in Client Side and Server Side JavaScript for XPages
by Chris Toohey on 08/26/2015
The try, catch, finally syntax is both something that I use every day, and something that I think most Notes Developers may not be familiar with when they make the transition to Web Developers. For those of you unfamiliar with the syntax, here's a brief breakdown via code examples...
Thoughts on Future-Proofing NotesData for Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2015
Despite the name change, most IBM Notes Domino developers are still developing "databases" vs. "applications". Whether they're using new or "traditional" design elements, they are using "traditional" methods and architectures for their apps... which could prove costly both in Domino application platform maintenance and potential future "porting" of said app...
5 Common Missteps in Developer Learning
by Chris Toohey on 03/31/2015
Learning should be an adventure into undiscovered country, not a source of frustration, resentment, and pain. There are common mistakes made time and again by even the most seasoned and well-disciplined developers. Whether it's a new feature, a new language, or an entirely new application platform, here are five - thankfully avoidable - missteps in developer learning.
First Impressions: Appcelerator Titanium Studio
by Chris Toohey on 03/02/2015
One of my IBM Notes Domino customers who is looking to create native versions of their Domino-based application for BlackBerry, Android, and iOS asked me to look into using Appcelerator Titanium Studio. Always interested in adding a new (to me) solution to my arsenal, I went to appcelerator.com/titanium/ and downloaded the free Eclipsed-based IDE.
4 Ways to Improve Your Enterprise Business Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/08/2015
As a Corporate IT developer and designer, there are various languages and platforms that you can use to deliver applications to your users... but this post dives into 4 platform-agnostic methodologies that can be used to improve your enterprise business application development.
The Role of the Corporate Developer
by Chris Toohey on 01/05/2015
Before we get started, let's define the "corporate developer". A "corporate developer" is an employee of the company's IT department who is tasked with individual assignments for various business units. They code, design, deploy, and maintain applications (and most often, the application platforms) that are used throughout the organization. They are also often forced to concede best practices and established development standards for the constant "the VP of Finance needs an Excel export of the [data from their application] from this past year to date" scenarios.
I submit that there are three "corporate developer" archetypes, and I urge you to be honest with yourself about which one best fits you today and make a decision about which of these you actually want to both personally and professionally identify you... because - and you'll have to trust me on this - the decision makers in your organization will identify you in exactly this way.
REPLAY: Getting Started with Foundation UI JavaScript Framework in IBM Lotus Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 08/11/2014
The HD replay of today's Google Hangout, covering setup and use of the Foundation UI JavaScript and CSS Framework, using a simple custom Foundation Theme, and demo of a XPages-based websites and applications using Foundation UI.
CSS for IBM Notes and Domino XPages Developers
by Chris Toohey on 05/09/2013
Cascading Style Sheets (or CSS) is a style language that enhances or can outright override the native Web and Mobile Browser rendered representation of HTML markup. Mastering CSS will enable you (browser-willing) to completely control the user interface and user experience of your applications. In this article, we'll cover CSS Selectors and Media Types... but let's start first with a fundamental review of CSS, exactly what CSS is doing in a browser, and how CSS works with HTML and JavaScript via frameworks.
Using chardin.js JavaScript Library For Rich UI Information Overlays in IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 02/27/2013
Part of my gamification methodology is to create as interactive of a user interface as possible to deliver an adaptive user experience to the customer. This helps with onboarding and educating a user to a new process or new business logic without the need to bring them into a classroom or createformal training. Taking that Microsoft Word-based Form and modernizing the process by creating an web and mobile browser accessible application to handle the workflow? With a properly-designed user interface and well-crafted user experience, you'll be able to roll out the new application without the deployment pangs from the users.
dominoGuru.com Hangout Replay: Enterprise Gamification for IBM Notes and Domino XPages Applications
by Chris Toohey on 02/07/2013
Chris Toohey (with Chris Warden, Monica Moira, and Roy Rumaner) discuss enterprise application gamification, personality profiling, and how IBM Notes and Domino XPages developers can get started using gaming industry tactics in their application development efforts. Salesforce automation, new hire onboarding, and more business topics are discussed!
dominoGuru.com Hangouts: So.. what did we miss in Orlando?
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2013
Chris Toohey is joined yet again by Chris Warden and Roy Rumaner where we discuss IBM Connect 2013 (Lotusphere 2013), the lack of IBM Notes Domino and XPages mention in the OGS, IBM Marketing, IBM Products and their position in the market, the need for community, gamification (and often the misunderstanding enterprise gamification), and more...
dominoGuru.com Hangouts: Mobilizing IBM Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/30/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner, Chris Warden, and Dragon Cotterill to discuss Mobilization of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino applications with XPages, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and 3rd-party and vendor/platform-specific solutions.
dominoGuru.com Hangouts: Modernizing IBM Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner, Chris Warden, and Bill Wheaton to discuss Modernizaton of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino applications with XPages, making sure User Interface and User Experience is key.
dominoGuru.com Hangouts: Getting Started with IBM Notes and Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 01/28/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner, Chris Warden, and Bill Wheaton to discuss IBM Lotus Notes and Domino development with XPages.
Using Pass-Thru HTML Markup with IBM XPages xp:table Controls
by Chris Toohey on 01/15/2013
Having a working knowledge of standard HTML development helps when you're developing IBM XPages applications, and using Pass-Thru HTML Markup with an xp:table Control can give you complete control over the rendered markup.
dominoGuru.com Hangouts: Using JavaScript and CSS Frameworks with IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 01/01/2013
Chris Toohey is joined by Roy Rumaner and Chris Warden to discuss Using JavaScript and CSS in IBM Lotus Notes and Domino XPages application development. We talk Responsive Web Design (via Twitter Bootstrap) and Progressive Enhancement tactics to create the best User Interfaces and User Experiences for the target web browsers or mobile device browsers.
Multiple NotesDatabases for Function-specific IBM XPages Application User Interfaces
by Chris Toohey on 10/24/2012
I'm working on a project which requires an XPages-based CMS for managing external website content. The UI for this CMS is written using core and extension library controls, and thus uses the OneUIv2.1 theme. The external website itself uses a completely custom theme that disables all Dojo libraries and instead loads in Twitter Bootstrap and JQuery to deliver a Responsive Web Design user experience.
Editorial: Is there a market for XPages apps?
by Chris Toohey on 10/15/2012
So what can XPages-savvy IBM Lotus Notes Domino application developers do to weekend warrior some solutions to pay for their own Netflix and XBox Live subscriptions?
Creating Dynamic Input Custom Controls for IBM XPages with switchFacet ExtLib Controls
by Chris Toohey on 09/24/2012
The Extension Library xe:switchFacet Control is quickly becoming my favorite go-to tool for Custom Control development work... but I don't think I use them in what might be considered a traditional sense.
IBM XPages: A game-changer for Lotus Notes Domino application developers
by Chris Toohey on 08/28/2012
But at the end of the day, I can now spin out a solid solution that meets business logic needs while enveloping the user experience expectations that users have today in a fraction of the time it would take me to develop the same application if I were to be bound by the platform limitations that traditional development can bring.
IBM XPages Custom Controls: Portlet and titlePane
by Chris Toohey on 08/27/2012
At the UI level, I was using dijit.TitlePane and dojox.widget.Portlet-based xp:div Controls throughout this project. During my second pass through the project, I had created Custom Controls for these two widgets (portlet.xspand titlePane.xsp, respectively).
IBM XPages: HTML Marquee, Dojo Rotator and AutoRotator Controls
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2012
A simple overview of my walking-the-process of helping a fellow developer, covering the HTML marquee element, Dojo Controls, and how to get them working using IBM XPages.
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Google Classroom: Introduction to Web Development for Notes Domino Developers
by Chris Toohey on 04/17/2020
Starting Monday, April 20, 2020, I'll be hosting a Google Classroom Class specifically targeted to Notes Domino Developers, where we'll cover HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics with some intro-level jumpstarts.
dominoGuru.com now using Foundation 6: Work In Progress
by Chris Toohey on 02/23/2016
I've updated the CSS and JavaScript UI Framework for dominoGuru.com from Foundation UI 4 to Foundation 6. There were apparently quite a few changes between 4 and 6 - both from the required HTML markup structure to completely deprecated and outright missing features.
The #Code Commute: Getting Started...
by Chris Toohey on 12/14/2015
My daily commute, on Periscope! In this intro to the series, I cover my new position with a company you are more than likely familiar with, and how a multi-vertical organization presents unique challenges (and opportunities) for enterprise application developers.
Job Seekers: XPages Developer with Java (Philadelphia, PA) - RockTeam
by Chris Toohey on 12/08/2015
IBM Premier Business Partner RockTeam is looking for an IBM Notes Domino XPages developer with strong Java skills local to the Philadelphia area for a six (6) month [minimum] project.
UX Improvements via the WipeTouch.js jQuery plugin
by Chris Toohey on 01/13/2015
We recently made changes to the mobile and tablet versions of this site which should improve your user experience on those devices.
dominoGuru.com Redesign Update
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2014
Quick update on the dominoGuru.com XPages + Foundation UI Redesign, and what to expect in the upcoming weeks...
Responsive Design vs. Task-Oriented UX Design
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2014
From Larry Marine's article:
Responsive design is all the rage these days, but most folks don't really know what it means. Consequently, when they ask a design firm to build a responsive website, they end up with what they asked for, but not what they really need.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code BETA First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 04/04/2016
As a multi-platform developer, I'm always on the lookout for new tools to help me get the job done. A solid and extendable IDE (or Integrated Developer Environment) can mean the difference between feeling empowered by your platform or feeling like you're l33t hacking just to get something functional deployed.
XPages Extension Library from IBM Press
by Chris Toohey on 06/04/2012
As the technical editor of the latest book from IBM Press on XPages, I had a first look at what was shaping up to be an absolute must-have resource for the OpenNTF.org Extension Library and XPages development.
XPages Portable Command Guide from IBM Press
by Chris Toohey on 03/26/2012
My review and giveaway of the latest XPages guide from IBM Press for the Lotus Notes Domino Application Developer. Read the complete review and find out how you can win your own copy of the XPages Portable Command Guide courtesy of IBM Press.
Mastering XPages by IBM Press
by Chris Toohey on 04/11/2011
IBM Press recently released the definitive guide for IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8.5.2 XPages: Mastering XPages: A Step-by-Step Guide to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language...
Input Needed - Redesigning my Marketplace experience
by Chris Toohey on 10/02/2023
Currently redesigning the consulting services and apps section of this site and want to hear from you! Questions on payments, stateful access to your purchases/downloads, and more.
I need to get my Marketplace in order...
by Chris Toohey on 09/28/2023
The Marketplace section of this site was always setup as an afterthought. That's something I need to change.
Build vs Buy - Sourcing a solution as a developer
by Chris Toohey on 09/25/2023
On my phone I hit the app store, but when it comes to Domino I immediately start the DIY project...
Course Unit Slidedeck: JSON Objects and Arrays - Intro to JavaScript
by Chris Toohey on 06/15/2020
I've been asked by several developers and people interested in developing what my free online course is all about. Included in this post is the JSON Objects and Arrays slidedeck, which concludes the Intro to JavaScript topic in the Web Development for Notes Developers course.
Was XPages a waste of time?
by Chris Toohey on 06/08/2020
I was asked recently by a long-time Notes/Domino developer a rather difficult question: was the investment in learning XPages a waste of time?
I thought I'd share my thoughts here, in case anyone has similar thoughts/concerns or cares to hear what I think on the subject.
Introduction to Web Development for Notes Domino Developers - Intro to HTML Forms - Unit Build Screencast
by Chris Toohey on 04/22/2020
f you haven't signed up for my Introduction to Web Development for Notes Domino Developers FREE online course yet, check out the Intro to HTML Forms unit Build Assignment screencast and see what you're missing.
Introduction to Web Development for Notes Developers Online Course Launch (and course syllabus)
by Chris Toohey on 04/20/2020
Today we kick off the Introduction to Web Development for Notes Domino Developers online course. The response and feedback I've received since last week has been both appreciated and humbling -- I just hope the course I've designed can live up to the expectations!
A few thoughts...
by Chris Toohey on 04/13/2020
I want to engage. Not only because it's something I need, but it's something I suspect a lot of other people need as well. I just happen to have an easy-to-remember domain name.
Domino EDITH
by Chris Toohey on 07/08/2019
Some spoilers, a non-announcement, and a simple reminder that dead does not always mean dead.
My thoughts on the HCL Redesigning Templates Project
by Chris Toohey on 06/26/2019
Just a few random thoughts on the announced HCL Templates Design Project - where a few IBM Lotus / ICS / Notes and Domino heavyweights are taking on the discussion and team room templates.
Survey: What's your development EDC?
by Chris Toohey on 10/22/2018
I'm always curious what other developers use to build their applications. So what platforms, technologies, tools, and other must-have kit go into my Every Day Carry?
A Sunday morning two-coffee-fueled idea
by Chris Toohey on 05/20/2018
With a caffeine-induced buzz, I create a new Domino database with an intended purpose: a slick demo!
Your Google Apps account has been deleted
by Chris Toohey on 02/06/2018
Ideas from the #domino2025 Forum
by Chris Toohey on 01/19/2018
I took the recent opportunity to submit a few ideas to the #domino2025 "App Dev - How would you like to see Domino Application Development evolve (and why)?" Ideation forum.
by Chris Toohey on 01/16/2018
Thoughts on Foundation, Bootstrap, and UI frameworks in general
by Chris Toohey on 01/15/2018
Over the last three years, I've used Bootstrap almost exclusively in my day-to-day application development work. I'm using Bootstrap not because I think it's better per se, but because I think it's easier.
Dear 2018
by Chris Toohey on 01/02/2018
A quick welcome to 2018, and perhaps a renewed effort to get more content out there in this new year. -
Welcome to 2017!
by Chris Toohey on 01/03/2017
Thoughts on the new year, content creation, and the reason you'll be seeing a lot more content in the upcoming year. -
The Problem with Data Architecture for IBM Notes Domino XPages Apps
by Chris Toohey on 12/15/2015
A quick editorial on what I think the biggest problem with data architecture for IBM Notes Domino XPages apps... and my advice on how to solve it!
Wanna get social? A Periscope Experiment
by Chris Toohey on 12/10/2015
I'll be "Periscoping" on Monday, December 14th at 8:00AM EDT. Interested in giving this a spin? Here's what you need to do...
Please consider donating to this goFundMe campaign... and get 2 of my $5 apps or a *Sponsored* Feature on this site!
by Chris Toohey on 12/09/2015
Heads up, troops! A brother-through-fandom finds himself in a situation I wouldn't want to see anyone go through. If you're feeling the holiday spirit - or, y'know... like a human being - donate to his goFundMe what you can...
Blog Content on this site...
by Chris Toohey on 12/02/2015
I haven't blogged for months now... In fact, any content written for this site has fallen into a "draft"-status limbo for longer than I'd like to dwell on.
I was toying with the idea of shutting down the blog in favor of the longer-form content (articles, reviews, etc.), and I still question the need for a blog with the current state of social media.
Still, I find myself in my custom XPages-based CMS, writing a "Blog"-type Post...
Get Your House In Order (or I'm Not Attending ConnectED 2015... And Why That's Not a Bad Thing)
by Chris Toohey on 01/21/2015
I have attended the conference - formerly known as Lotusphere - only 4 times in my ~14 years working with IBM Notes Domino and other IBM Collaborative technologies. Thus, it's not like the whole place will shut down if I don't show up - or perhaps more accurately, my lack of attendance has absolutely no impact on the conference. It doesn't speak to the life of the platforms, the direction of the vendor, or my personal commitment to the technology. Nor should it, quite frankly...
IBM Garage - What Could Have Been...
by Chris Toohey on 01/14/2015
IBM Connect Showcase Booths, and what makes a good demo?
by Chris Toohey on 12/10/2013
It's a question that I've been wondering since the shift from Lotusphere (an event which was highly-technical developer and administration focused) to Connect (more management and enterprise social strategy focused)... and even moreso that I'm attending this year.
Attending IBM Connect 2014
by Chris Toohey on 11/26/2013
I will be going to IBM Connect 2014 this year, working the GBS booths, where I'll be there to showcase our Modernization and Mobilization products and services.
Upcoming Webinar: Gamification of Enterprise Applications with IBM Domino XPages II
by Chris Toohey on 08/08/2013
Part II of my gamification series using IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages will deep-dive into how we can motivate
Amazon Kindle and Android Marketplace now accepting HTML5 Web Apps
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2013
For those of you IBM Notes Domino XPages application developers, this is amazing news: you can easily use those HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to create HTML5 applications that you can now sell to an established market...
Is there a need to 'blog' anymore?
by Chris Toohey on 08/01/2013
Most of my posts on dominoGuru.com have been full-length articles on IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages application development, or links to other media... which begs the question: should I be running this site as a blog, or something more?
GBS TechTuesday Webinar Replay: Using JavaScript and CSS UI Frameworks with IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 07/24/2013
Check out the replay of my webinar from yesterday, where I talk about using and extending Themes to create layout custom controls using Dojo and Twitter Bootstrap.
Speaking at IamLUG 2013: Gamifying Enterprise Applications with IBM Notes Domino XPages by @ChrisToohey
by Chris Toohey on 04/18/2013
Gamification is altering the way users interact with enterprise applications. By creating an adaptive user interface based on user experience metrics and other gamification principles, we'll take you through how XPages can be used to help onboard new employees, educate employees on new business process, and improve user engagement, data quality and ROI. Learn how you can make any application easy and fun to use and implement these techniques within a week of getting back from IamLUG!
Appathon: Engaging the IBM XPages and Connections Development Communities
by Chris Toohey on 02/26/2013
IBM Notes Domino XPages Developers pay attention: You can win 1 of 5 $1000 prizes (IBM Connections Developers can win their own 1 of 5 $1000 prizes) in the latest sponsored OpenNTF application development contest.
dominoGuru.com Hangouts Playlist
by Chris Toohey on 02/06/2013
A complete playlist for the dominoGuru.com Hangouts, covering topics that include mobilization, modernization, gamification, and more for the IBM Notes and Domino XPages enterprise application developer.
Gamification dominoGuru.com Hangout tomorrow, Wednesday Feb. 6 at 11AM EST US
by Chris Toohey on 02/05/2013
I will be running a dominoGuru.com Google Hangout tomorrow, Wed Feb 6 at 11AM Eastern US on gamification using IBM Notes Domino XPages application user interface and user experience design. Want to be a panelist? Contact me and I'll add you to the panel. Just want to watch the livestream? Check back here tomorrow for more details...
dominoGuru.com Hangouts: So.. what did we miss in Orlando?
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2013
Chris Toohey is joined yet again by Chris Warden and Roy Rumaner where we discuss IBM Connect 2013 (Lotusphere 2013), the lack of IBM Notes Domino and XPages mention in the OGS, IBM Marketing, IBM Products and their position in the market, the need for community, gamification (and often the misunderstanding enterprise gamification), and more...
Lotusphere / IBM Connect 2013 dominoGuru.com Hangouts
by Chris Toohey on 01/25/2013
I plan on hosting a dominoGuru.com Hangout each day next week at 11AM Eastern US. Each dominoGuru.com Hangout will last at least 30 minutes, while some might take the entire hour and cover various topics.
So you are NOT going to Lotusphere / IBM Connect 2013
by Chris Toohey on 01/23/2013
Should we have Google+ Hangouts covering IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages topics, should I livestream XPages-enabling this site, or something else while everyone else is attending IBM Connect 2013...
2013 Predictions
by Chris Toohey on 01/14/2013
Chris Toohey's predictions for 2013, covering IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages, Mobile Devices, and overall technology that matters to dominoGuru.com Readers.
GBS + TLCC Replay: December Q and A with the XPages Experts
by Chris Toohey on 01/03/2013
In case you missed it, here is the replay for the December IBM XPages Webinar and open Question/Answer session from GBS and TLCC. Speakers include Chris Toohey, Keith Strickland, Gary Forbis, and Paul Calhoun! Running Time: 01:42:20
Responsive Layout Frameworks for IBM XPages Application UI - Slidedeck
by Chris Toohey on 12/12/2012
In case you missed today's XPages Experts Panel, here's my slidedeck from 'Responsive Layout Frameworks for IBM XPages Application UI' session...
TLCC: Q and A with the IBM XPages Experts - Wednesday, Dec 12 10AM EST
by Chris Toohey on 12/11/2012
Got XPages questions? We will have several XPages experts ready to take your questions. First each Xpert will present a short technical topic of their choice. The remainder of the time will be for you to ask your XPages questions.
dominoGuru.com Hangout Replay: IBM XPages Education and Resources
by Chris Toohey on 11/27/2012
Our panel discusses IBM Lotus Notes Domino and XPages application development education and resources no matter what your level of knowledge or exposure. HUGE thanks to David Leedy, Paul Calhoun, and Russ Maher for joining me today and making this possible...
Introducing dominoGuru.com Hangouts!
by Chris Toohey on 11/27/2012
Topics will cover IBM XPages, collaboration, community, integration, development, modernization, mobilization, gamification, and more...
LinkedIn dominoGuru.com Products and Services
by Chris Toohey on 11/06/2012
LinkedIn released Company Profiles, and now you have the ability to add Products and Services to those profiles. As I list Author n Webmaster as my current position on LinkedIn -- a job that I've had, as of this month, for 10 years!-- I would miss a great opportunity to gain exposure for both my $5 apps, but also for independent app writers that leverage the IBM Lotus Notes and Domino platform.
IBM XPages: Data Sources via Resource Bundles
by Chris Toohey on 08/06/2012
Here is a simple way to manage your application data sources, which also speeds up your XPage Source Pane markup editing.
IBM XPages Dojo borderContainer Layout Custom Control
by Chris Toohey on 07/31/2012
Extending the Extension Library xe:djBorderContainer, this take on a Lotus Notes Client frameset for XPages shows how we can create a reusable layout-type Custom Control that provides an alternative to an OneUI application layout.
IBM XPages Demo: Using xp:repeat controls to create dynamic xp:radioGroups
by Chris Toohey on 07/13/2012
Having been asked by another IBM Lotus Notes Domino application developer for help, I thought I would put together a quick demo showing how you can create/update and dynamically bind input controls (eg., xp:radioGroup) via scoped variables and xp:repeat controls.
TLCC and GBS Webinar [10-Noon EST - July 18th, 2012]: Ask the XPages Experts!
by Chris Toohey on 07/11/2012
Join me along with other IBM XPages experts where we discuss application development best practices, user interface design, and other invaluable topics before we open the lines for your questions -- a must-attend event!
HTML5 Geolocation and Canvas IBM XPages Custom Controls Demo
by Chris Toohey on 07/10/2012
After creating various HTML5 Custom Controls for my IBM XPages application development toolkit, I thought I would showcase two of these controls -- Geolocation and Canvas -- to paint a Google Map of the current user location. Bonus: works great on mobile devices too!
Reserved Custom Control Property Names in IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 07/09/2012
Stumbled across this today while creating some HTML5 Custom Controls for an XPages project that I'm working on -- apparently there are reserved Property Names for Custom Controls in IBM XPages.
Google Static Maps API XPages Custom Control Demo
by Chris Toohey on 06/29/2012
A quick demo of one of my latest IBM XPages custom controls, this one using property-driven values to interact with the Google Static Maps API to create xp:image control maps.
XPages Resources via Themes or Custom Controls?
by Chris Toohey on 06/27/2012
Should we include Dojo Modules, JavaScript Libraries, Linked Resources, Metadata, Resource Bundles, Stylesheets, and Dojo Module Path Resources via Server or in-NotesDatabase Themes, or simply via layout Custom Controls? Share your thoughts here!
Using Design Definitions for XPage Custom Controls
by Chris Toohey on 06/26/2012
For those IBM XPage developers using the Design pane, Custom Control Design Definitions can be an invaluable tool. Here are two examples of Design Definitions that provide Custom Control insight and functionality to the Design pane...
And the winner of the IBM XPages Extension Library Book Giveaway is...
by Chris Toohey on 06/11/2012
The winner of the IBM XPages Extension Library contest is announced!
IBM XPages Project WIN: UI / UX Evolution of Customer Solution
by Chris Toohey on 06/07/2012
I don't typically talk about GBS on the site... but this press release talks about one of my customer projects. And since I'm proud of the work the customer has produced under this 'mentor and unblock' Professional Services engagement.
IBM XPages headTag HTTP Headers for iOS Webclip Applications Icon Sizing
by Chris Toohey on 05/21/2012
A detailed article and online demo for iOS devices - iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad - that delivers specific IBM XPages application webclip icons based on device specs using the XPages xp:headTag Control.
scriptBlock Artifacting for IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 05/15/2012
A brief discussion about a technique - which I call artifacting - that allows you to easily interact with XPages generated HTML Elements.
NotesIn9: 067 Creating an HTML5 Audio Custom Control for IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 05/14/2012
I (finally) contribute to NotesIn9 with a tutorial (and live demo) on how to create an HTML5 Custom Control for IBM XPages. Huge thanks to David Leedy for accepting my ~20 minute rambling submission...
HTML5 Video Custom Control for IBM XPages
by Chris Toohey on 05/09/2012
An updated version of the HTML5 Video Custom Control I showed in the XPages Markup Ultra Combos article, with online demo.
XPages Markup Ultra Combos
by Chris Toohey on 05/08/2012
A article highlighting the ability to merge pass-thru HTML with SSJS, EL, etc. in IBM XPages user interface application development.
HTML TagNames for IBM XPages xp:text Controls
by Chris Toohey on 05/07/2012
A simple article and online demo showing the tagName Property for an IBM XPage xp:text Control, and how it can be used to create any HTML container Element.
YouTube: X Series QA with XPages eXperts
by Chris Toohey on 04/27/2012
Here is a replay of the live IBM XPages presentation and QnA with Paul Calhoun, Chris Toohey, Matt White, and Howard Greenberg.
Mobile Devices Poll + a free $5 dominoGuru.com app!
by Chris Toohey on 04/12/2012
Trying to gain some information for my IBM XPages application development work, and wanted to know which devices you use, which you support, etc.
PREVIEW: Using Dojo Toasters for Interactive User Interfaces in XPage Applications
by Chris Toohey on 04/09/2012
A preview of upcoming article on IBM XPages + Dojo Toasters, and how you can use them in your XPage-based applications!
IBM XPages Developers: Do you get the full URL from your XSPUrl?
by Chris Toohey on 03/07/2012
I spent some time today writing an article on using URL fragments to create anchor tags in tabbedPanel Control-based XPages applications... only to find that the XSPUrl's getFragment() method wouldn't return the actual fragment from the URL.
Creating an inline Action Bar for IBM XPages viewPanels
by Chris Toohey on 03/05/2012
Some IBM XPages core controls -- like the viewPanel -- give you the ability to extend the control via facets, allowing you to add various inline controls to your views. Using this technique, we will look at the viewPanel facets and how you can add a simple Action Bar to your XPages applications!
Adaptive User Experiences in IBM XPages Applications: Overview
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2012
EXCERPT: This adaptive learning UI/UX will walk the user thru the use of the application and award them experience points upon reaching pre-defined milestones. As the user gains XP, you simply disable the adaptive learning user experience and load the hard core (or power user) experience...
Adaptive User Experiences in IBM XPages Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/31/2012
Back in November of 2010, I wrote the following editorial: Adaptive Tutorial User Experience for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Apps. I never actually completed the series... until now.
Video: XLibrary - Social Enabled IBM Lotus Domino XPages Document Library
by Chris Toohey on 01/18/2012
A demo video for the Lotusphere 2012 GBS sponsor session on leveraging social networks in your IBM Lotus Connections and IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPage applications. We took a core Document Library template and added LinkedIn, Twitter, Connections, and Google Search integration.
File Upload XPage Forms via OpenNTF.org Extension Library Dialogs
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2011
Sure *simple* IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPage forms can be used in the OpenNTF.org Dialog Control, but if you need to add mutlitype content (like file attachments) then you're out of luck -- until now! With this demo application, you'll see how you can rather easily create a rich user experience while seamlessly combining old school web development techniques with the today's cutting edge techniques!
Using Custom Control Design Definitions for development documentation
by Chris Toohey on 12/15/2011
IBM Lotus Notes and Domino XPage developers - like any developers - hate documentation. Most applications are lucky to have comments in the code, but how can we add documentation to Custom Controls? This quick article shows you one technique that might do the trick!
Creating an application framework for XPages using Custom Controls
by Chris Toohey on 12/05/2011
Most web applications retain a consistent layout throughout the user experience story. In fact, it's actually bad practice (with few exceptions that all but define the rule) to switch up the user experience specific to application layout.
More Nested IBM XPage Panels + viewPanel Controls in viewColumns (with an online demo: XBook)
by Chris Toohey on 10/28/2011
Taking the idea of nesting panel and viewPanel controls inside of viewColumns to the next level, here is a simple yet effective demo -- styled after Facebook -- to illustrate the potential of using Views as sorted NotesViewEntryCollections, completely ignoring Forms, and showing that you can do pretty much anything with IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages!
Installing Custom Themes on a Domino Server for XPages
by Chris Toohey on 10/21/2011
Here is a simple yet invaluable tutorial on installing custom Themes to your IBM Lotus Notes Domino Server for your XPage applications.
Popup Dialog Forms from Views in XPages
by Chris Toohey on 10/18/2011
Using the OpenNTF XPages Extension Library, you can create some really slick functionality that a typical Notes Developer might not consider possible on the IBM Lotus Notes Domino application platform. Here is a simple example of how the dialog Control can be used with a viewPanel to give you a simple popup document editor!
IBM XPages + Google Maps Mashup Application Download
by Chris Toohey on 10/18/2011
For those of you interested in downloading the demo IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages application from my Proof of Concept for the nested Panels inside of viewPanel Controls...
IBM XPages + Google Maps Mashup (or Surfacing traditional Views as NotesViewEntryCollections with a viewPanel Control)
by Chris Toohey on 10/13/2011
Using a viewPanel like a NotesDocumentCollection, I've created a rather simple yet visually appealing and functional maskup of IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages and Google Maps.
General Form Development with XPages
by Chris Toohey on 10/03/2011
Using this technique, you can easily create new NotesItems (or even new types of documents) as needed without the worry of maintaining two design elements (i.e., the XPage and a Data Source-driving Form).
Nested XPage viewPanels in viewColumns (with meme-themed demo)
by Chris Toohey on 09/27/2011
Using a simple viewColumn as the container, I show how you can create inline and dialog-driven user interfaces for document / response IBM Lotus Notes Domino NotesData... and hopefully show you just how powerful the viewPanel (and by extesion XPages) really are!
Customizing XPage RadioGroup Controls for Vertical Navigation Menus
by Chris Toohey on 09/07/2011
While creating an XPages-based user interface for my Remote Console HD application, I ran into a particular issue with the xp:radioGroup Control that I think warrants sharing under the provision of *stuff that took me far longer than it should of, therefore I'll save someone else the trouble once Google indexes this post...*...
Using Custom Properties with XPages Custom Controls
by Chris Toohey on 08/29/2011
This article will hopefully illustrate the potential of how useful they can be and inspire you to create your own Custom Controls by showing you how to employ Custom Properties in your Custom Controls. At the end of this article, you will have a fully-customizable horizontal tab navigation Custom Control...
Inline Buttons for XPage View Controls
by Chris Toohey on 08/22/2011
XPages gives you options when crafting your application user interface, and I recently wanted to include a Delete Row button in something I was working on. Using a View Control...
Training a Next Generation Geek
by Chris Toohey on 08/08/2011
My daughter (12) has taken to IBM Lotus Notes Domino application development at surprising speed... and I suspect she'll surpass me any day now!
XPages: Default Tab Selection via QueryString Parameters
by Chris Toohey on 07/11/2011
While working on the Web Browser Client version of Remote Console HD last night, I ran into a rather simple situation where with a little more attention being applied to an often overlooked area of any application, I think I will be able to deliver some real-world gains in the user experience.
Google +1 on Traditional Lotus Notes Domino and XPages
by Chris Toohey on 07/07/2011
This site, run on IBM Lotus Notes Domino, has now been updated with the Google +1 add-on. Here is a simple way to add +1 to your traditional IBM Lotus Notes Domino and XPage sites.
XPages - UI Layering via UserAgent-based Includes
by Chris Toohey on 07/06/2011
With UI Layering in XPages however, you can create rich, interactive, and client type-specific user interfaces/user experiences for your hybrid applications without relying of the often fragile nature of the techniques of the past.
Consumer Apps for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Revisited
by Chris Toohey on 07/05/2011
That next phase, as I discussed in my What I learned from selling $5 apps...Editorial, is to refine the structure of the consumer IBM Lotus Notes apps, and ultimately make them more powerful, more flexible, and more up-to-date with the current capabilities of the platform.
Using LotusLive with Google Chrome
by Chris Toohey on 06/24/2011
Lotus Connections - specifically, LotusLive - can be picky when it comes to browser support. Here is a quick way to get LotusLive working in Google Chrome (until someone updates their User Agent accept list!)...
Roadmap to XPages Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 06/20/2011
When I was invited to speak at the XPages Guru webinar earlier this month to help jumpstart June as theLearn XPages month... I was assigned a rather interesting subject: defining a roadmap for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Developers to XPages. Armed with 5 slides (4 if you discard the intro/cover) and approximately 7 minutes of the hour-long webinar, I attempted to convey my individual experience both with learning XPages and what I believe are the key factors in learning and successfully employing XPages in your daily application development efforts.
Using conditional arguments in SSJS functions for XPages
by Chris Toohey on 06/10/2011
In JavaScript, arguments is a reserved word variable which contains an array of the arguments passed to the given function. Find out how you can use arguments to conditionally execute functions and methods in SSJS for XPages!
DDE: I think we need a bigger dialog box...
by Chris Toohey on 06/02/2011
Defining an XPage to launch for a Form in Lotus Notes Domino Designer is easy... but reading it can be difficult due to the dialog box. Here is an easy way to view which XPage is defined!
Appending and Prepending Field Values in XPages via SSJS
by Chris Toohey on 06/01/2011
Sometimes you just gotta add a new value to a field... and sometimes you need to control the order in which the new value is added to said field. In this simple article, you will see how amazingly simple it is to add a new value to a field in an NotesXspDocument!
Register Now for the XPages Guru Webinar: June 1st, 2011 @ 11AM-12PM [Eastern]
by Chris Toohey on 05/16/2011
Featuring an all-star cast of characters, the XPages Guru Webinar on Jun 1, 2011 from 11:00AM - 12:00PM (Eastern).
The issue with series-styled posts on this site...
by Chris Toohey on 05/16/2011
Be they RESTful Web Services in XPages, or XPages for Smartphones, etc. I personally run into an issue with series-style posts...
First Impressions: IBM Lotus Quickr 8.5 for Domino Administration from Packt Publishing
by Chris Toohey on 05/04/2011
I went into this book with an open mind and an understanding that I am NOT the target audience. I haven't done admin work without a gun pointed at my head in a long time and I, thankfully, am no *business analyst*...
The true power of Social Media
by Chris Toohey on 05/02/2011
Last night, while watching Celebrity Apprentice, a report flashed across the screen that the POTUS would address the nation. Fearing for the worst, I grabbed my iPhone and hit Twitter and Facebook...
Creating Notes Client Mail and Calendar NotesURLs with XPage Link Controls or Traditional HTML A Elements
by Chris Toohey on 04/07/2011
An oldie but a goodie, this reserved replicaID can be used in both the Lotus Notes Client and Web Browser Clients to create a simple link to the user's Lotus Notes Client mail file.
Targeting Domino XPages Dojo Controls with CSS 3 Selectors
by Chris Toohey on 03/28/2011
The biggest frustration I had with XPages when I first got started was the inability to employ the Element ID attribute-based styling I had been using for years in CSS. Learn how CSS 3 Selectors can get the job done!
Creating a Centered Fixed-width Layout for Traditional Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 03/21/2011
Any sales and marketing person will tell you 'sex sells', and that the user perception of the capabilities of a given application is based on it's appearance. Simply put, if your application user interface is some cobbled-together mush, it ain't gonna win the hearts of your users and endear them to a given app [or platform].
Mobile XPages: Wireframing the User Experience
by Chris Toohey on 03/16/2011
In this series, you will be creating a multi-platform mobile device user interface and enhanced user experience for a Domino Server-hosted NotesDatabase app using the Personal Address Book Template.
Gear up Lotus Notes Domino and XPage Developers!
by Chris Toohey on 03/15/2011
Having recently built-out my new laptop - a Dell Mobile Precision M6500 - I thought I'd quickly share the list of apps that I use as a Lotus Notes Domino XPages Developer... and open the door to suggestions from you.
First Impressions: Mastering XPages and Upcoming Giveaway!
by Chris Toohey on 03/14/2011
My initial thoughts on Mastering XPages from IBM Press, covering Chapters 1-6. Also announcing a giveaway where you can win your own copy of Mastering XPages.
The XPages Demos I want to see...
by Chris Toohey on 03/10/2011
This is why I loved TSAzr. It showed that XPages and thus IBM Lotus Domino could be employed to handle Web Services requests and house data for mobile device fat apps.
Miss my Group Talk: Mobilizing Apps with XPages Webinar? Here's the recording...
by Chris Toohey on 03/04/2011
Go to gbs.com/videos to see the recording of my Mobile Device and Smartphone enablement for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Applications via XPages [registration required].
XPages-based Waterfall / Cascading Navigation Demo
by Chris Toohey on 02/25/2011
Like the Older Posts or Click More links found on Facebook and other long-format content feeds, XPages can deliver IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application NotesData via AJAX-friendly chunks that appends vs. replaces during paging... using this technique.
Abbr v1.1 Now Available on OpenNTF.org
by Chris Toohey on 02/24/2011
Now giving you complete control over the rendered default, error, and destination URL landing page, Abbr v1.1 - my IBM Lotus Notes Domino TinyURL-like utility - has been published to OpenNTF.org
One of the coolest displays of the capabilities of XPages I saw at Lotusphere 2011
by Chris Toohey on 02/18/2011
There were a few amazing takeaways from Lotusphere 2011 however... but one of the ones that I found most inspiring and certainly telling of the capabilities now available to the IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages application developer wasn't something that I saw on stage or even at the Product Showcase...
The worst [but easiest] way to integrate Google Maps in your IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPage-based applications...
by Chris Toohey on 02/17/2011
Certainly not a Best Practice, here is a technique that people unfamiliar with JavaScript and possibly scared-off by the Google Maps API can employ to embed a NotesDocument-context based Google Map Widget in their XPages apps.
Group Talk - Mobilize Your Apps with XPages Webinar Today 11AM Eastern
by Chris Toohey on 02/16/2011
Learn about creating smartphone and mobile device-friendly User Interfaces and User Experiences for your existing traditional IBM Lotus Notes Client applications. In this 1 hour session we will discuss development and architectural considerations as well as valuable techniques and code you can use to create a Mobile XPages app.
Lotusphere 2011 - Tuesday Wrapup: SpeedGeeking and Microbrews
by Chris Toohey on 02/07/2011
My slidedeck from SpeedGeeking - 10 Things You're Not Doing - and Devin Olson's microbrew debut at Lotusphere 2011
10 Things You're Not Doing - Lotusphere 2011 SpeedGeeking Slidedeck
by Chris Toohey on 02/03/2011
My Lotusphere 2011 SpeedGeeking session - 10 Things You're Not Doing! Gave this presentation in 5 minutes 13 times [in a row, back to back], and had a blast!
Lotusphere 2011 - Monday Wrapup: Sending the elevator back down
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2011
Day 1 recap of IBM Lotusphere 2011
Official dominoGuru.com Lotusphere 2011 Coverage
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2011
The official landing page for all Lotusphere 2011 coverage, from interviews with IBMers, Business Partners, and Customers to hands-on reviews, vlogs, and more - this is the home of dominoGuru.com coverage of Lotusphere 2011!
BOGO Lotusphere Special on dominoGuru.com Apps!
by Chris Toohey on 01/27/2011
Want to quickly access your Lotus Domino server console from your iPhone or BlackBerry? Need to reach your customers [or booth attendees] via mass-mailings? Need to bulk-import those email address from Microsoft Excel into your Personal Address Book or Notes-based CRM? From now until Lotusphere 2011 ends, buy one $5 app get one $5 app free!
Multi-Lingual Support for XPage Controls via Properties Files
by Chris Toohey on 01/26/2011
Properties files can be used to easily create language libraries for XPage Controls, allowing you to support multiple languages in your apps.
Mobile XPages: The Architecture of How
by Chris Toohey on 01/12/2011
Once we have defined The Five Ws, we need to figure out the How -- defining an XPages architecture to deliver a NotesDatabase app to mobile devices.
BOF 412: Secrets of the Yellow Bubble - Using the Lotus Community to Succeed in Your Role
by Chris Toohey on 01/11/2011
Just got word that our BoF session - Secrets of the 'Yellow Bubble': Using the Lotus Community to Succeed in Your Role - was selected for Lotusphere 2011! Be there 7AM Thursday... and bring coffee!
Apple debuts Mac App Store
by Chris Toohey on 01/06/2011
Well it's official boys and girls -- Apple's Mac App Store is live as of this morning, and available to use and abuse via a Snow Leopard update (version 10.6.6 to be exact). The OS X application market takes the company's wildly successful iOS App Store to its logical conclusion, bringing an orderly, structured app buying experience to desktops and laptops across the globe.
Amazon.com Unveils Appstore Developer Portal for Android Apps
by Chris Toohey on 01/05/2011
Amazon jumps into the 'app store' fray -- targeting Android devices -- with the release of the Amazon Appstore Developer Portal.
Mobile XPages: The Five Ws
by Chris Toohey on 01/03/2011
The first step in creating an enterprise-level solution on any platform is to stay as far away from the actual development of said solution as possible... until you have a complete understanding of the goals of the project and how it will improve the efficiency of those who use it. In that spirit, our project build kicks off with considerations to be addressed and decisions that must be made before a single line of code is written.
How will you attend the Lotus Technical Information and Education Community Meetings in 2011?
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2010
Let us [IBM LTIE] know via this simple Twtpoll...
How to find me during Lotusphere 2011...
by Chris Toohey on 12/15/2010
Since I will be rocking Google Latitude on my iPhone, knowing how to get in touch with me at Lotusphere 2011 should be easy!
SSJS Integration of Zephyr to support Mail events in XPage apps
by Chris Toohey on 12/15/2010
So simple it hurts, this SSJS block will create a new JobDocument in Zephyr containing all of the NotesItems of thisdoc for processing.
Mobile XPages for Smartphones and Tablets
by Chris Toohey on 12/01/2010
The kickoff to a new series of articles which will detail application development and architecture for mobile devices using IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages.
developerWorks for iPhone v1.2 now available via iTunes
by Chris Toohey on 11/24/2010
This latest update to the official IBM Lotus developerWorks iPhone app brings updated social networking management, and language support. Free in the iTunes App Store!
I think we need a contribution:bitch system...
by Chris Toohey on 11/23/2010
I hear people that frequent the IBM Lotus commuity complain all of the time, and while I'm pro-communciation and collaboration, I find it quite counter-productive on a whole. Perhaps a weighted bitching system is in order!
dominoGuru.com - soon on XPages!
by Chris Toohey on 11/23/2010
Long time readers of this site -- thanks! -- will remember that I nuked the NotesDatabase Template (without a backup) that runs this site, and what you are looking at now is the result of a mad-dash scramble to get something up-and-running. In prep for Lotusphere, this site will get an XPages makeover and new host on IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2.
dominoGuru.com coverage of Lotusphere 2011
by Chris Toohey on 11/22/2010
I will be covering IBM Lotusphere 2011 - from labs to announcements to product reviews and booth walks - as Press. Anything you want to see?
This is an XPage...
by Chris Toohey on 11/18/2010
With a custom Theme, RAD-generated Form suppression via a dropdown, and a single line of text in the xsp.properties, I now have complete control over my IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPage... and thus I have complete control over my apps. +1 for the future of the platform!
Reminder: IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education Community Meeting Tomorrow 10AM Eastern
by Chris Toohey on 11/15/2010
With testimonials from two heavy-hitters in the IBM Lotus software development community and a special topic covering Lotus Product Wiki enablements and tutorials on how to get the most out of the wikis, this is a must-attend meeting!
Making a Dynamic Read-Only Form for Traditional IBM Lotus Notes Domino Apps
by Chris Toohey on 11/12/2010
Sometimes you need a simple show-all Form to get the job done... here are two development techniques using Traditional IBM Lotus Notes Domino Design Elements
Adaptive Tutorial User Experience for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Apps - Intro
by Chris Toohey on 11/03/2010
You may have previously read my posts on Progressive Enhancement in application development (i.e., coding the UX and non-critical functionality on specific Client type features and capabilities) but what is the next step for apps from a UI and UX standpoint?
Lotus Software VideoFest starts... right now!
by Chris Toohey on 10/26/2010
IBM jumpstarts Lotus Software VideoFest, running from now until just after Lotusphere 2011, giving IBMers, Business Partners, and even Customers the chance to evangelize the IBM Lotus product portfolio.
Revisited: Preferences via Logic-Driven NotesDocument UNID
by Chris Toohey on 10/22/2010
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Developers and Designers heed my warning -- you are doing it wrong! DBLookups, Profile Documents, and hard-coded variables will kill your NotesDatabase applications once they are in-use. There is however, a simple solution...
How a simple (free) IBM Lotus Notes Client app is saving me time!
by Chris Toohey on 10/20/2010
Time Tracker -- available right now on OpenNTF.org for FREE -- has become an invaluable tool for me. With it, I can quickly keep track of my customer billable hours, and find out (provided I'm honest) what is an ineffective use of my time.
What does Microsoft really think about IBM Lotus Notes?
by Chris Toohey on 10/19/2010
Friend sent this to me, and it made me smile...
Simple HTTP Request Consumer - Traditional IBM Lotus Notes Domino
by Chris Toohey on 10/18/2010
A simple yet illustrative example of a LotusScript-based Agent acting as an HTTP Request Consumer.
LinkedIn deploying new JavaScript API with OAuth 2
by Chris Toohey on 10/13/2010
I recently signed up as a LinkedIn App Developer, which gave me an shiny new API Key to allow me to leverage LinkedIn for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web-based application authentication via OAuth with some pretty slick results. Now it is even easier...
Free dominoGuru.com apps... for a price!
by Chris Toohey on 10/12/2010
For my upcoming birthday, you get a gift... but it's still all about me - or rather this site. Want a free copy of one of my IBM Lotus Notes Domino $5 apps? Check the post to see how!
Upcoming Review: Reflections on Management
by Chris Toohey on 10/10/2010
Promising to guide you through managing your software projects, teams, management, and your boss, I thought this was a good book applicable to not only IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Developers, but all IT professionals.
Just sayin...
by Chris Toohey on 10/07/2010
XPages spell the end of Lotus Notes?! Journalism or Wild Speculation -- you decide!
Defining an alternate DOCTYPE for IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 10/07/2010
While working on an iWebkit-based XPages framework, I had a need to change the loose.dtd HTML DOCTYPE to xhtml1-strict.dtd
If you use Other Views in Outlines, you might want to read this...
by Chris Toohey on 10/06/2010
WARNING: IBM Lotus Notes Domino Designer in Eclipse 8.5.n does not allow you to create hierarchial Design Elements, which some of you may be relying on. But is that so bad??
Editorial: [Your] Future of IBM Lotus Notes Domino
by Chris Toohey on 10/04/2010
To be honest, I get an email (or IM, tweet, Facebook post, et al) almost daily asking me -- just a simple developer -- about the life of a platform that the majority of this site's followers consider their identifying technology.
Dynamic Tabbed Layouts using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for XPage IBM Lotus Domino App UI Development
by Chris Toohey on 09/29/2010
Taking my dynamic tabbed layouts from Traditional to XPages leveraging the IBM OneUI Theme, this article showcases the combination of XPage markup with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to deliver a fluid UI and intuitive UX design for XPage-based HTML Forms.
Adding custom iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Web Clip Icons to your IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPage Apps
by Chris Toohey on 09/29/2010
Via META and LINK tags added to the XPage HTTP HEAD Element container, you can quickly establish your IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Apps as iPhone, iPad, and iOS-friendly.
IBM developerWorks 1.1 iPhone App Update
by Chris Toohey on 09/28/2010
The IBM developerWorks team releases an update to their free iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch app!
Dynamic Tabbed Layouts using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Traditional IBM Lotus Domino App UI Development
by Chris Toohey on 09/28/2010
Before there was Dojo - at least as far as IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Application Developers were concerned - there was the need to create updated and functional user interfaces to your Domino web apps. This article showcases an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript implementation of left-handed Tabbed layouts, which can easily be used in Traditional IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Application Development.
I'm gonna sue Fisher Price for likeness rights...
by Chris Toohey on 09/24/2010
Those of you who have connected with me on Facebook (or Twitter) know that -- about a month ago -- I was walking through a local Target with my kids when I came across what appeared to be animatronic mirror...
XPages, Java Runtimes, and Windows OS-level interaction via native cmd.exe Calls
by Chris Toohey on 09/21/2010
When asked if there was a way to get an IBM Lotus Notes Client XPage to initiate a Microsoft Windows OS-level command via cmd.exe, my first thought was to revisit my xCopy utility app (and free download)...
Presentation: IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages and XPages for Mobile Device Apps
by Chris Toohey on 09/16/2010
My presentation given at IBM NYC on XPages and XPages for mobile apps, the Symphony presentation has been uploaded to SlideShare for viewing...
Another player in the $5 app arena: Extended Quick Search for Lotus Notes
by Chris Toohey on 09/13/2010
When administrators or developers need to get a given document and the only information they have is the NoteID or UNID, getting this document is usually a problem...
Want to deploy Traveler 8.5.2 but can't upgrade your IBM Lotus Domino environment? Your iPhone, iPad, and Droid will thank you...
by Chris Toohey on 09/08/2010
By creating a new Domino Domain, cross-certifying, and enabling Directory Assistance, you can quickly and securely get an IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 infrastructure up and running that supports Traveler!
What I learned from selling $5 apps...
by Chris Toohey on 09/07/2010
I went in writing $5 apps for IBM Lotus Notes and Domino to either fault IBM for not supporting developers and customers, or to prove that there is a market demand...
XPage Primer: Using the ContactPhoto Image via SSJS
by Chris Toohey on 08/30/2010
Pulling the ContactPhoto image from the IBM Lotus Notes Client via SSJS for XPages is really simple... once you understand the syntax.
While we're talking OpenNTF.org...
by Chris Toohey on 08/20/2010
OpenNTF.org is not only an amazing resource for consumers (IT Professionals) of IBM Lotus platform (Domino, Sametime, Connections, et al) looking for open source solutions to their business needs... it can also server as a muse for those same IT Professionals to create their own solutions!
How to establish yourself as a subject matter expert...
by Chris Toohey on 08/19/2010
Anyone can establish themselves as an SME, but IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Developers could learn something from Website Consultants and youngblood out-of-school developers: give it away, and build your portfolio!
Upcoming Article: XPage Maps - IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages + Google Maps Mashup
by Chris Toohey on 08/17/2010
Combining IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages with the Google Maps Data API, my proof-of-concept mashup app leverages NotesData stored in the Personal Address Book (names.nsf). Article - complete with source code - should be available later this week!
Facebook Fan Pages - Changes coming soon...
by Chris Toohey on 08/15/2010
Having designed the HTML, CSS, and FBML Facebook fan/like pages for not only dominoGuru.com, but also the official IBM LotusKnows and IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education team... the news that Facebook is changing their Fan Page layouts just adds yet another item onto my to do list!
YellowDay: For the next 24 hours, get any 2 dominoGuru.com apps for only $5!
by Chris Toohey on 08/11/2010
Buy one of my IBM Lotus Notes Domino applications for $5, get another app for free! Control your Domino Server via iPhone or BlackBerry, import NotesDocuments via Microsoft Excel, Sign any new NotesDatabase Template download, or bring MVC architecture to your Domino apps! Buy one, get one for the next 24 hours!
Cleaner URLs via IBM Lotus Domino URL Substitution Rules and BASE HREF
by Chris Toohey on 08/11/2010
This site - dominoGuru.com - runs on IBM Lotus Notes Domino... but you wouldn't know that from the URL. This quick tip highlights the technique of using Domino URL Substitution Rules for domain-specific Internet Site Documents to create cleaner URLs while still maintaining Domino NotesData Domino URL Command functionality.
IBM LotusLive Notes and Apps
by Chris Toohey on 08/10/2010
IBM creating a SaaS messaging solution based on IBM Lotus Notes Domino certainly addresses an SMB market requirements, and the hybrid approach that allows growing organizations to evolve their business based on it's needs. ...but again, I couldn't help but listen with my developer ears, and specifically my platform developer ears.
Tesla v1.0: IBM Lotus Notes Client App Signer Utility for $1.99!
by Chris Toohey on 08/10/2010
No need to open the Domino Admin client just to Sign a downloaded OpenNTF or 3rd-party NotesDatabase Template with Tesla, my latest low-cost enterprise-grade IBM Lotus Notes Client App available for immediate purchase at $1.99!
Upcoming Apps: Tesla, Mailer, and Revolution CRM Lite
by Chris Toohey on 08/09/2010
Coming soon pipeline of new low-cost IBM Lotus Notes Domino applications that will soon see $1.99 and $5 pricetags and publication.
Is there a market for the $1.99 IBM Lotus product?
by Chris Toohey on 08/06/2010
Some thoughts on IBM Lotus Notes Domino application development and if there is potential for a $1.99 product.
The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog Apps RSS Feed
by Chris Toohey on 08/03/2010
The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog allows you to create a category-specific RSS feed for available products and apps, which you can easily add to the Lotus Notes Client sidebar via the RSS Reader Widget.
The most important thing you need to know about IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages...
by Chris Toohey on 08/02/2010
Something every IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Developer should know; and somethig that most -- I think -- do not truly understand.
What do YOU want to see from a dominoGuru.com Website Re-design / Re-Imagining?
by Chris Toohey on 07/29/2010
Still keeping the site on IBM Lotus Notes Domino, but wanting to know from you -- Constant Reader -- what features you would like to see from the upcoming re-design / re-imagining of this blog.
How many people know about PlanetLotus.org or the greater Lotus Online Community?
by Chris Toohey on 07/22/2010
I am curious as to how many Lotus professionals -- that is, people who work with products in the IBM Lotus product portfolio, such as Lotus Notes Domino, Sametime, Quickr, Traveler, Foundations, etc. -- know about resources like PlanetLotus.org (http://www.planetlotus.org) or the greater Lotus Online Community.
Fixed Layouts for Traditional IBM Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 07/21/2010
Lotus Notes Client apps can mirror the look of the Web 2.0 websites of today... even if you build in Lotus Notes 6.0! This tutorial walks you thru the build of a simple yet visually pleasing user interface (UI).
Something happened while testing Remote Console...
by Chris Toohey on 07/20/2010
This Application Developer and Designer - and domain-registered IBM Lotus Notes Domino Guru - might make the leap from BlackBerry to iPhone... based on hands-on side-by-side comparison.
DEMO VIDEO: Remote Console - IBM Lotus Domino Remote Console Command App
by Chris Toohey on 07/20/2010
Use your iPhone to restart a Domino Server. Use your BlackBerry to restart a stalled Mail Router. With Remote Console, you can maintain your IBM Lotus Domino Servers while on the road and away from the Lotus Domino Admin Client.
Remote Console v1.0 - IBM Lotus Domino Remote Console Command App for your iPhone, BlackBerry, or Web Browser!
by Chris Toohey on 07/19/2010
Use your iPhone to restart a Domino Server. Use your BlackBerry to restart a stalled Mail Router. With Remote Console, you can maintain your IBM Lotus Domino Servers while on the road and away from the Lotus Domino Admin Client.
Disabled INPUT Elements in Traditional vs. XPage IBM Lotus Notes Domino Generated Markup
by Chris Toohey on 07/16/2010
A simple tutorial on Disabled INPUT Elements via Traditional vs. XPage IBM Lotus Notes Domino Rapid Application Development generated markup. Chris Toohey shows you how to create simple read-only or alternate input driven user interface designs...
Ignoring XPages 3: Ignoring Everything Else!
by Chris Toohey on 07/15/2010
OutaWerk Developer discusses how his too-busy-to-visit friend -- who writes apps for IBM Lotus Notes, BlackBerry, iPhone, Java, Sharepoint, and even SAP -- suggests he diversify his skillset...
Pwning Traditional IBM Lotus Notes Client Application UI Design
by Chris Toohey on 07/15/2010
While working on the soon-to-be-released Remote Console multi-client utility, I shared my in-progress IBM Lotus Notes Client Application UI Design work. Have any kick-ass examples of your own work?
XPages, Domino Designer in Eclipse, Package Explorer, and the case of the missing xsp.properties
by Chris Toohey on 07/13/2010
Enabling the Packet Explorer View Pane within the IBM Domino Designer in Eclipse Client will allow you to see your Lotus Notes Domino apps in a new light, but the xsp.properties -- a resource critical to advanced XPage development -- is missing...
Changing XPage Content-Type via Query String Parameter
by Chris Toohey on 07/13/2010
A simple trick for changing the XPage content-type value via a Query String Parameter for your IBM Lotus Notes Domino Applications!
Open Mic Conference Call with IBM: Customizing the Notes Install Kit
by Chris Toohey on 07/12/2010
IBM is holding an Open Mic Conference Call on Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 @ 10AM US Eastern. The topic: Customizing the IBM Lotus Notes Install Kit. Sounds like a great opportunity for Lotus Professionals interested in getting their questions answered!
From Catalog to App Store? Submitting to catalog.lotus.com
by Chris Toohey on 07/12/2010
I submitted the Controller API Utility - my MVC app for IBM Lotus Notes Domino - to the IBM Lotus and Websphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog. With my submission currently pending approval, I have to wonder if the Catalog could very well evolve into the App Store we all say the platform needs.
Controller API Utility v1.0 - Take MVC Architecture to your IBM Lotus Notes Application
by Chris Toohey on 07/12/2010
The Controller API Utility allows you to completely maintain application and business logic separate from user interface design, allowing you to evolve the application as needed with minimal code and design maintenance. Download it now for only $5 USD!
Traditional Development of Controller - IBM Lotus Notes Domino Logic Utility
by Chris Toohey on 07/08/2010
I walk you thru the UI build of Controller, designed using Traditional IBM Lotus Notes Domino Development techniques.
Ignoring XPages 2 - The Job Market
by Chris Toohey on 07/05/2010
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Developers should listen to OutaWerk Developer: there are ALWAYS job postings for Microsoft .Net and Sharepoint -- but why?
The most important thing you will do today... Vote for my kids!
by Chris Toohey on 07/02/2010
We made it to the final 10 -- please vote (every day!) for ShirleyToohey at youtube.com/smalltalk from July 2nd, 2010 until July 11th, 2010.
Rendering Controls in XPages via User Agent
by Chris Toohey on 07/01/2010
A follow-up tutorial discussing the idea of Progressive Enhancement specific to different User Agents, and delivering specific features and functionality via IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPage Applications.
XPages, Session Scope Variables, and User Agents in IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 06/29/2010
An XPages Primer entry discussing the use of the User Agent -- via a Session Variable -- to recognize the Client, Browser, or Mobile Device.
Ignoring XPages - Episode 1
by Chris Toohey on 06/28/2010
Outawerk Developer shows us how to get more functionality into our traditional Lotus Notes Client databases in time for reality TV!
Enabling New Developers for IBM Lotus Notes Domino, XPages, SSJS, and Java
by Chris Toohey on 06/28/2010
Every day I am asked by a developer new to the Lotus platform how they can get started - be it via book, website, wiki, or training course. We have an opportunity to enable a new breed of developers -- we just need the material!
Could be the big summer blockbuster: Java 4-ever!
by Chris Toohey on 06/25/2010
The story of a boy rebelling against Microsoft .Net-loving parents, and making his own choices about which platform to write applications for -- Java 4-ever indeed!
Session Feedback from The View Lotus developer2010
by Chris Toohey on 06/23/2010
Despite the scheduled time slots (my fault, I assure you), those that attended my XPages, Mobile, and MVC architecture sessions at The View Lotus developer2010 apparently liked what I had to say...
Development: Getting started with a new technology or platform!
by Chris Toohey on 06/23/2010
I recently asked of fellow IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application and other platform developers on Facebook and Twitter what helps them Get Started with a new (to them) technology or platform...
Putting a complaint to good use...
by Chris Toohey on 06/18/2010
If you find yourself frustrated with the Code Sample Examples in IBM Lotus Notes Domino Designer Help, be a better community member than a frustrated me and submit your suggestions online!
Drive, Motivation and The Lotus Online Community
by Chris Toohey on 06/17/2010
There's been a recent question on how to motivate the IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Developer. Today this video came across my news feed which sent me to my Sametime contact list asking community leaders what motivates them...
A Guide to Field Pre-population for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Apps
by Chris Toohey on 06/16/2010
In both traditional Form Design Elements and XPages, learn how you can easily pre-populate a UI Field Element via custom URL Query String Parameters!
Using the IBM Lotus Domino Designer DXL Editor to maintain Traditional Design Elements
by Chris Toohey on 06/14/2010
By launching the specific IBM Lotus Notes Domino Design Element - be it a Form, View, Agent, et al - thru the Package Explorer, you can directly modify the DXL of that Design Element within the Domino Designer Client. That means you get the Source Pane for Forms!
Getting Windows Environment Variables with LotusScript and ActiveX
by Chris Toohey on 06/10/2010
I just recently found out about Environ(), a function in IBM Lotus Notes Domino LotusScript which allows you to get Environment Variable values. I thought I'd take a few minutes to show this function along with an ActiveX counterpart.
LiveBlog: IBM Lotus Notes Domino on Amazon Web Services
by Chris Toohey on 06/09/2010
Join me on June 9, 2010 @ 11:00AM Eastern for LiveBlog Coverage of the IBM Webinar announcing (and demo'ing) the release of IBM Lotus Notes Domino for Amazon Web Services!
Adding a Java Script Library to the Project Build Path for SSJS and XPage Development
by Chris Toohey on 06/07/2010
Calling Java Methods in SSJS allows you to take XPages from a functional technology to an enterprise-level solution. Here's a quick step-by-step tutorial showing you how you can add your own custom Java Script Library into the Project Build Path of your IBM Lotus Notes Domino NotesDatabase Design.
Friday Fun: Ancestor Book Trailer from Scott Sigler
by Chris Toohey on 06/04/2010
Frequent readers of this site should recognize the name Scott Sigler. He's one of my favorite authors, and has a knack of writing stories that are impossible to put down. The hard science horror author really delivers with his action-packed novel -- which I had the pleasure of hearing in it's initial podcast novel release -- Ancestor, which goes on-sale June 22nd, 2010.
IBM Webcast: Deep-dive on building applications with XPages on June 17, 2010
by Chris Toohey on 06/04/2010
Sign up (IBM site login required) and join IBM developerWorks as they host a deep-dive webinar on building applications with IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages, Dojo, and more!
A Rant on IBM, ASW Community antics, and the latest FUD memes
by Chris Toohey on 06/02/2010
Putting IBM on Notice, or taking the time to call out a given platform, product, application, or service undermines the hard work and continued efforts of the Lotus online community.
Do you Like IBM Redbooks?
by Chris Toohey on 05/29/2010
Just reaching their 5,000th Fan/Like, the IBM Redbook Facebook Fan Page welcomes former residents as well as fans of the IBM Redbook (and IBM Redbook Wikis) to Like and help spread the word!
The Gift and Curse of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Applications
by Chris Toohey on 05/27/2010
Unlike other technology vendors, Lotus Notes and Domino apps do not require rip-and-replace after 2 years, thus you can have an in-production app running with the same user experience and user interface for 10+ years...
XPages Primer: Creating a New Contact in a Domino Directory
by Chris Toohey on 05/24/2010
One of the greatest benefits of using IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages is that it naturally allows for the separation of User Interface and Target DataStore. To illustrate, we'll use an XPage to create a simple User Registration form for a Domino Directory!
My Gear: The Jack Sack
by Chris Toohey on 05/22/2010
While at developer2010, IBM Lotus admins and developers alike wanted to know where they could get my laptop case...
Adding Facebook Like to my IBM Lotus Notes Domino Custom Blog
by Chris Toohey on 05/21/2010
Via simple Formula and a well-documented (and simple) process, I recently added the Facebook Like button to all posts on the IBM Lotus Notes Domino Custom Template that runs this site!
Warning: XPages Image Resource Control aliased Image Resource rendering in the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.1 Client
by Chris Toohey on 05/20/2010
Came across this bug, which I promptly reported, where aliased Image Resources are not rendered via the XPage Image Resource Control in the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.1 Client. Might want to pay attention, as you'll more than likely run into this...
Using an XPages Repeat Control for an Embedded Single-Category View
by Chris Toohey on 05/19/2010
A quick tutorial showing you how to duplicate the traditional IBM Lotus Notes Domino Embedded Single-Category View in XPages via a simple Repeat Control!
The View Lotus developer2010 - Learning, Speaking, and more!
by Chris Toohey on 05/18/2010
An amazing week filled with friends from the yellow bubble, XPages, Lotus Notes User Group Meetings, and finally being able to put faces to avatars!
Use the Aptana iPhone Emulator with IBM Lotus Notes Domino XPages
by Chris Toohey on 05/13/2010
A simple yet quick and effective way to test your XPages mobile applications on an Apple iPhone layout.
YouTube: XPage Custom Controls in IBM Lotus Notes and Domino
by Chris Toohey on 05/13/2010
A 5-minute screencast and demo of the presentation I recently gave at the North Eastern Lotus User Group, I show how you can simplify your XPages while using Custom Controls to create user-maintained functional XPage markup!
Question from NELUG: Does Lotus Notes have a future?
by Chris Toohey on 05/12/2010
While presenting last night at the North East Lotus User Group on XPages development, I was asked if there's a future to the Lotus Notes platform...
Lotus developer2010: Departure from Philadelphia
by Chris Toohey on 05/10/2010
Kicking off my trip to The View Lotus developer2010 with a departure video from 30th Street Station, Philadelphia PA, where I'm taking a midnight train to... Boston. Arrival time is 7AM-ish, so expect to see me bright and early for developer2010 Day 1 Registration!
dominoGuru.com Mailbag: iCalendar, Lotus Notes, and an Example Application!
by Chris Toohey on 05/10/2010
A sample IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application that allows you to import Event Announcements via iCalendar into your Lotus Notes Client Calendar!
The View Lotus developer2010 dominoGuru.com coverage (and my sessions)!
by Chris Toohey on 05/07/2010
From blogging and podcasting interviews, notes user group meetings, product reviews, and more - make sure you keep your browsers tuned in for the dominoGuru.com coverage of The View Lotus developer2010!
Your first and latest applications?
by Chris Toohey on 05/06/2010
My first application was not IBM Lotus Notes Domino-based, but rather a Microsoft Access CRM app. My latest, working on a Google Calendar app for the Lotus Notes Client. How about you?
Teamstudio Unplugged - First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 05/05/2010
Taking your IBM Lotus Notes Domino Applications to your BlackBerry looks to be even easier with Teamstudio Unplugged. Build in XPages, and Unplugged generates native BlackBerry device apps!
Questions (and Answers) from the dominoGuru.com Mail Bag!
by Chris Toohey on 05/03/2010
From XPages to RSS Feeds to IBM Lotus Notes Client applications, I take a few minutes to rapid-fire answer reader (or someone that found me via Google) questions.
MDS Push Confirmation, Custom HTTP Headers, and a LotusScript and Java HTTP Request Consumer
by Chris Toohey on 04/29/2010
Updated Showtime, my BlackBerry Enterprise Server MDS Push Utility for the IBM Lotus Notes Client, to use the X-RIM-Push_NotifyURL HTTP Header to create a confirmation logger for any Showtime job submission...
Use Showtime to send Message, Browser, and Channel Push requests to BlackBerry Enterprise Server-maintained Groups
by Chris Toohey on 04/28/2010
I found the BES Group syntax recently for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server MDS Push API, and got Showtime - my IBM Lotus Notes Client App - to use them!
Site News: dominoGuru.com Amazon Store
by Chris Toohey on 04/27/2010
I have created a simple Amazon Storefront for the reviewed and upcoming reviews of all books, gadgets, and etc. at abbr.dominoguru.com/store. Note I am using my open source IBM Lotus Notes TinyURL-like utility Abbr for the URL...
Teaser for My Mobile Development Session at The View Lotus developer2010
by Chris Toohey on 04/26/2010
Something you might not see everyday: An XPage UI rocking an iPhone UX on a Blackberry!
Database vs. Application
by Chris Toohey on 04/26/2010
What is the real difference between an IBM Lotus Notes Domino Database and an Application?
IBM Business Partner LotusLive Plug-ins: Silanis’ e-SignLive Services
by Chris Toohey on 04/20/2010
A slick e-signature solution for IBM LotusLive from Silanis, which gives your LotusLive users the ability to easily manage process document signage in the cloud!
One-click Microsoft Excel (or Symphony Spreadsheets) via XPages and SSJS
by Chris Toohey on 04/19/2010
A quick preview from my View developer2010 Session, Using MVC architecture to take your XPages applications to the next level.
Editorial: Progressive Enhancement in IBM Lotus Notes Domino Development
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2010
While listening to Boagworld a while back, Paul mentioned Progressive Enhancement and the potential for developers to build core functionality and expand client-specific functionality...
First Impressions: Making it Big in Software from Prentice Hall (Pearson Education)
by Chris Toohey on 04/14/2010
IBM's Sam Lightstone gives you 'all the information you need to jumpstart your software career'.
Press Release: IBM Announcing Expansion of LotusLive Cloud Service for Businesses
by Chris Toohey on 04/14/2010
IBM LotusLive Expands with Business Tools and Services from UPS, Skype, Salesforce.com and Silanis to Serve Growing Demand for Cloud Computing
IBM Lotus Connections Profiles LinkedIn Widget - First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 04/12/2010
I give a First Impressions review of the new IBM Lotus Connections Profiles LinkedIn Widget...
Don't save the NotesUIDocument - Form vs. XPage
by Chris Toohey on 04/12/2010
Simple IBM Lotus Notes Domino Form Design Element and XPage Design Element NotesDocument solution for not saving the NotesUIDocument!
Join the Evolution!
by Chris Toohey on 04/06/2010
Moving from 'legacy' Design Elements to Java, SSJS, and XPages is not a needed Revolution, but an Evolution of IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Development.
Wiki Madness - 50 Submissions, but there's still time for more!
by Chris Toohey on 03/31/2010
We have 50 IBM Lotus product family Wiki submissions, and the deadline for Wiki Madness is midnight 12:00AM Eastern (-5:00 GMT).
IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 from IBM Press: Giveaway Winner!
by Chris Toohey on 03/23/2010
The competition was fierce, but we have a winner of the dominoGuru.com Giveaway of IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 from IBM Press...
I love hearing success stories on IBM Lotus Foundations!
by Chris Toohey on 03/23/2010
IBM and ShoreTel announced the general availability of ShoreTel for IBM Lotus Foundations. Delivering UCC to the SMB in an innovative, cost-effective manner. This solution offers powerful and easy –to-manage UCC features to businesses requiring less than 500 phone lines.
39 New Wiki Articles (and counting) - Wiki Madness Marches On!
by Chris Toohey on 03/22/2010
Haven't contributed to this IBM and Lotus Online Community awareness event yet? You're missing out on the chance to walk away with some sweet swag! Click thru for details.
Adding Quick Highlighter support to your IBM Lotus Notes Domino Wiki, Weblog, or Webpage
by Chris Toohey on 03/18/2010
A quick tip for adding Quick Highlighter CSS into your IBM Lotus Notes Domino Weblog -- a must for any yellow bleeder sharing code!
re: Introducing the IdeaJam API
by Chris Toohey on 03/17/2010
Elguji talks API Services for their IdeaJam application, and I talk about taking your own IBM Lotus Notes Domino platform applications to the next level!
Lotus Notes Domino, Blackberry, WAP, and forgetting your portfolio (and Ego)!
by Chris Toohey on 03/17/2010
An audio (with transcription) drive-time podcast where I discuss a customer need for a solution, and how delivering a low-tech alternative saved the day.
Adding wibiya to dominoGuru.com - Let the collaboration begin!
by Chris Toohey on 03/16/2010
In an attempt to add even more functionality to this site, I've copy/pasted a new script library into the NotesDatabase Template that runs this site!
IBM Lotus to Google Apps Migration Remorse: The story from a [reported] Google Apps customer
by Chris Toohey on 03/15/2010
From the dominoGuru.com Inbox, an account of a new Google Apps customer who migrated from IBM Lotus Notes Domino, and is regretting the move...
IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 from IBM Press: Review and Giveaway
by Chris Toohey on 03/15/2010
My complete review of IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 from IBM Press as well as the giveaway/contest rules!
MoWiki Intro and User Interface Wireframe
by Chris Toohey on 03/12/2010
In an attempt to get you mission-critial information when and where you need it the most, a crack team of developers from the Lotus Online Community are working on a new OpenNTF project: MoWiki, a mobile device client and data proxy for IBM Lotus XPage Wikis.
The Madness hits IBM Lotus developerWorks
by Chris Toohey on 03/04/2010
Expect the submission numbers to go up, as the gang at IBM has added Wiki Madness to the main page of IBM Lotus developerWorks!
Poll: Which Web Browser would you use for a Lotus Online Community-themed Browser Add-on?
by Chris Toohey on 03/03/2010
Whether it's an add-on or an extension, which browser are you most likely to use to interact with an IBM Lotus Online Community-themed Web Service?
Wiki Madness 2010 still going strong!
by Chris Toohey on 03/03/2010
Wiki Madness, our Lotus Online Community Event, is growing: 19 new IBM Lotus Product Wiki Contributions and the Prize Pack Giveaways are full of must-have items for the equipped yellow bleeder!
Using Notes URLs to open XPages, Forms, Framesets and more in the Lotus Notes Client
by Chris Toohey on 03/02/2010
You can set an XPage Design Element as the Default Launch Object of a NotesDatabase, but I was asked recently if there is a way that you could launch an XPage (in the Lotus Notes Client) via a direct call - such as from an Email, an intranet URL, or another like-context. I happen to use Notes URLs to call an XPage in the Lotus Notes Client, but before you jump in there are several things you should know...
IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 from IBM Press: First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 03/01/2010
My First Impressions review of IBM Lotus Connections 2.5: Planning and Implementing Social Software for Your Enterprise from IBM Press!
LotusScript Create and Edit NotesDocument via NotesUIWorkspace
by Chris Toohey on 03/01/2010
I had a request from a customer recently: they wanted to be able to quick-post a new document in a particular application by highlighting/selecting an existing NotesDocument and pre-populating a Form with values from the highlighted/selected document. Easy enough, but I thought that I would share the technique as part of the things you should know series...
YellowCast 2.0: Reboot and Audio Promo
by Chris Toohey on 02/25/2010
To jumpstart our triumphant return to podcasting, we have a website redesign and audio promo for YellowCast - the IBM Lotus-themed development deep-dive audio podcast!
Packt Publishing - making my life a little easier!
by Chris Toohey on 02/23/2010
Ensuring that the contest winners of dominoGuru.com Packt Publishing giveaways get their review books in a timely manner, the publisher is (thankfully) handling the shipping!
Wiki Madness: a Lotus Online Community Awareness Event!
by Chris Toohey on 02/23/2010
...enter to win Prize Packs via contribution to an IBM Lotus Product Wiki, establish your subject matter expertise, and even become eligible for IBM developerWorks Author Recognition Program points!
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Form Element Hacks
by Chris Toohey on 02/22/2010
A quick review of several different methods to get around IBM Lotus Notes Domino generating a FORM HTML Element!
YellowCake 2.0: RESTful MVC Web Services for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Apps
by Chris Toohey on 02/21/2010
Now that we can support REST via XPage XAgents and SSJS, I'm moving forward with YellowCake 2.0, and creating a configuration-based Model-View-Controller proxy for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Applications
XPage XAgents, REST, and IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 02/18/2010
Another drive-time podcast where I discuss the use of XPages as XAgents to act as HTTP Request Consumers for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Applications!
Considering Theme Days for my technical blogging habits...
by Chris Toohey on 02/17/2010
There is an amazing amount of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino content to push out there, but between basics to advanced to the theoretical, I'm considering scheduling via Theme Days to create some consistency.
Simple LotusScript NotesDocumentCollection Iteration
by Chris Toohey on 02/16/2010
StampAll might not always do the trick, so here's a simple beginner-level LotusScript tip to help you loop through an IBM Lotus Notes Domino NotesDocument Collection!
IBM Lotus Notes Domino REST Web Services via XPage XAgents - Part 1
by Chris Toohey on 02/15/2010
A simple no add-on, completely supported IBM Lotus Notes Domino RESTful NotesData API proof of concept that may just change how I develop web and mobile applications!
Upcoming Review - IBM Lotus Connections 2.5: Planning and Implementing Social Software for Your Enterprise
by Chris Toohey on 02/14/2010
From IBM Press, IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 will get the dominoGuru.com review (and giveaway) treatment! Coming soon, so check back for the First Impressions review when I get my copy in the mail!
Site News: Added TinyEditor to the dominoGuru.com Comment Form!
by Chris Toohey on 02/10/2010
So easy, even an IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Application Developer could do it! With Tim Tripcony and Nathan T Freeman on the assist, I've added this XHTML generating JavaScript WYSIWYG editor to the Comment Form for this site...
Even PlanetLotus.org knows I'm 1337!
by Chris Toohey on 02/09/2010
Shocked when I checked my daily hit count at PlanetLotus.org today -- must be doing something right!
Lotus Notes Domino UI and Backend Development with an eye to the future!
by Chris Toohey on 02/09/2010
What happens when your customer wants to take this Lotus Notes Client Application to the web? What happens when they want to access the NotesDatabase via a Blackberry or another mobile device?
Mail Merge Mass Mailings in IBM Lotus Notes Domino with Zephyr
by Chris Toohey on 02/08/2010
Learn how you can create a simple LotusScript Agent in your Lotus Notes Client Personal Address Book and create feature-rich Mass Mailings with Microsoft Word-like Mail Merge via Zephyr, my open source IBM Lotus Notes Domino utility!
Review: IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 from Packt Publishing (and Special Giveaway Contest)
by Chris Toohey on 02/07/2010
My complete review (and giveaway) of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1: Upgrader's Guide from Packt Publishing. Special contest rules for my review copy giveaway!
Project Dauth: XPages FTW!
by Chris Toohey on 02/06/2010
Based on feedback from Twitter, LinkdeIn, and Facebook, Dauth - my IBM Lotus Notes Domino Oauth-like authentication utility - will be written with XPages, SSJS, and Themes!
Sometimes IBM Lotus Domino HTTP RPC Agents aren't the answer...
by Chris Toohey on 02/05/2010
The more applications are used, the more taxing complex Agents are. Here's a tip on improving - for example - AJAX calls to dynamic JSON NotesData Stores!
I've been asked to speak at The View Lotus Developer2010!
by Chris Toohey on 02/04/2010
I'll be talking about MVC and XPages, readying IBM Lotus Notes Domino Applications for Mobile Device App platforms like Apple iPhone, RIM Blackberry, Google Android, and more!
QUICKTIP: * { border: 1px solid red; }
by Chris Toohey on 02/03/2010
Sometimes the best technique an IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Application Developer can employ to help troubleshoot dynamic XHTML, JavaScript, and CSS!
Kicking off Project Romulan: Federated Social and Business Networking Dashboard for the IBM Lotus Notes Client
by Chris Toohey on 02/03/2010
Running on XPages in the local client, Romulan leverages the power of XPages in the Lotus Notes Client to deliver a customizable dashboard for your internal and external social and business networking!
Coming Soon -- Project Dauth: IBM Lotus Notes Domino Oauth-like Token Authentication Engine
by Chris Toohey on 02/02/2010
I found myself liking the token-based authentication architecture more and more and have decided to make an Oauth-like utility for the IBM Lotus Notes Domino Server.
Building Web Applications with Domino 8.5.1 Redbooks Wiki now with PDF Goodness!
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2010
The IBM Redbook Remote Residency team lead behind the latest Lotus Residency shares news of the publication in PDF format.
It's coming...
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2010
Something of interest to IBM Lotus partners, customers, and IT Professionals alike - App Lot, an upcoming e-commerce solution coming soon!
RESTful Java Web Services Contest Winner: Erskine Harris!
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2010
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Developer and friend of dominoGuru.com Erskine Harris wins my review copy of RESTful Java Web Services from Packt Publishing!
LoCoPo.net's Custom Home Page on Facebook
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2010
The Bulgarian Lotus User Group contacted me, after seeing the work I did for the Lotus Knows, IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education, and my own (dominoGuru.com) Facebook Fan Page...
SOTU: Mobile Device Platform Considerations and Security Update - Drivetime podcast!
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2010
A quick update on SOTU, my Remote Console Command Utility for IBM Lotus Notes Domino, where I discuss Blackberry, iPhone, and Android platforms (and OAuth-like security).
First Impressions: IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 from Packt Publishing
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2010
My First Impressions review of a book, IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1, that covers the latest from Lotus Notes and Domino, Symphony, and more...
IBM developerWorks on the Lotusphere 2010 Product Showcase
by Chris Toohey on 01/27/2010
One of my favorite parts of Lotusphere is walking the Product Showcase, and Scott Laningham of developerWorks makes me feel like I made it this year!
Find yourself outpacing the LotusScript Type-Ahead Syntax Help in Lotus Domino Designer in Eclipse?
by Chris Toohey on 01/27/2010
A quick LotusScript Editor Preferences change would have kept me off the social networks complaining about the 200ms delay...
Using IBM Lotus Notes Domino Internet Site Document Redirect Rules (or Update your RSS Readers!)
by Chris Toohey on 01/27/2010
A while back I mentioned that I was moving the RSS Feed for dominoGuru.com to FeedBurner - today, I setup a Redirect Rule in case you haven't updated your feed readers.
Review: The new IBM Support Portal
by Chris Toohey on 01/26/2010
New from IBM, and demo-ed at the Lotus Technical Information and Education Community meeting, the Support Portal gives customers the ability to create a home page for their IBM (and Lotus) product portfolio.
IBM developerWorks On-Demand Demos Presents: An Introduction to XML
by Chris Toohey on 01/25/2010
IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Application Developers can check out this YouTube series from IBM developerWorks to get started in XML and learn how to leverage it in Web 2.0 development!
NEPA Group -- Northeastern Pennsylvania Lotus User Group
by Chris Toohey on 01/25/2010
The Official Home Page for the Northeastern Pennylvania Lotus User Group!
Creating Oauth-like MD2 Hash Keys for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/25/2010
Considering an Oauth-like Key for SOTU: Remote Console Command Utility for IBM Lotus Notes Domino, proof of concept coming soon!
RESTful Java Web Services from Pack Publishing - Review and Giveaway!
by Chris Toohey on 01/23/2010
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Applications Developers should be familiar with Java and Web Services, and the push for RESTful services all but demands that you check out this review (and try to win yourself my review copy)!
Zen-Coding: HTML and CSS hi-speed markup coding
by Chris Toohey on 01/23/2010
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web Application developers, check out this plugin - available across many eclipse-based app dev products - to help with markup generation!
SOTU: Mobile Device Client and Server Security Considerations
by Chris Toohey on 01/22/2010
Drivetime thoughts on Oauth style security architecture for SOTU, my IBM Lotus Notes Domino Server Console Command Application and soon to be Mobile Device App!
Don't forget: IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education Community Meeting on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @ 10-11AM Eastern!
by Chris Toohey on 01/22/2010
Join Joyce Davis and the rest of the IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education Community for our first meeting of January 2010!
What mobile device platform should I write a SOTU v0.4 client for?
by Chris Toohey on 01/22/2010
SOTU, my IBM Lotus Notes Domino remote administration utility and Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widget, needs a v0.4... should I include a mobile client beyond the WAP Browser?
Not too sure what to do with your rejected Lotusphere session abstracts?!
by Chris Toohey on 01/22/2010
Contribute your ideas to the IBM Lotus Notes Domino, Traveler, Quickr, Sametime and other Product Wikis - earn credit for the developerWorks Author Recognition Program and help the community!
Upcoming Review (and Giveaway!): IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 by Packt Publishing
by Chris Toohey on 01/22/2010
I expect my review copy of IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 in 10 days, so expect my review AND giveaway within 11 ;-)
As you leave Lotusphere 2010...
by Chris Toohey on 01/21/2010
With the new and exciting developments in IBM Lotus Notes and Domino, Traveler, Sametime, Quickr, LotusLive, and more, the community should use that post-Lotusphere energy to take the Lotus Online Community to the next level...
YouTube: PlanetLotus Blogger of the Year Announced for 2009 (via @IDoNotes)
by Chris Toohey on 01/21/2010
Chris Miller - @IDoNotes - caught the PlanetLotus Blogger of the Year announcement during Lotusphere and posted it to YouTube!
Upcoming Giveaways on dominoGuru.com!
by Chris Toohey on 01/21/2010
Straight from Lotusphere and the Bulgarian Lotus User Group, Lotus Knows there will be giveaways on dominoGuru.com!
YouTube: Notes 101
by Chris Toohey on 01/19/2010
The IBM Lotus Information Development Center has put together a brief intro video on IBM Lotus Notes.
First Impressions: IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
by Chris Toohey on 01/19/2010
Running on XPages in IBM Lotus Greenhouse, does this App Catalog meet the needs of the Notes Shop customers and IT Professionals?
Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1 Redbooks Wiki Online!
by Chris Toohey on 01/18/2010
The latest Redbook Remote Residency has just produced and published the Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1 Redbooks Wiki...
PlanetLotus Blogger of the Year
by Chris Toohey on 01/18/2010
Apparently you guys like how I blog about IBM, Lotus, Application Development, and my daily babble about a collaborative platform that we all love...
YouTube: Paul Van Chenko Knows Best!
by Chris Toohey on 01/14/2010
Excellent viral video from IBM discussing social networking and IBM Lotus Connections -- social media behind the firewall!
Re-Cast: YellowCast - Episode 5: Yellow and Blue (or why having Lotusphere Booth Babes could be a bad thing!)
by Chris Toohey on 01/13/2010
With Lotusphere 2010 just days from now, I thought that I would re-post Episode 5 of the YellowCast (our IBM Lotus Notes Domino Development Podcast) where -- aside from some solid IBM Lotus Notes Domino Development tips and deep-dive discussion -- Tim and I discuss the possible negative impact of having a vendor hiring a booth babe for Lotusphere.
Mockingbird Wireframes for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Web and Client Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 01/13/2010
A new rapid user interface mockup (wireframe) service can help you quickly create user/manager/customer-friendly designs before you start development!
developerWorks Podcast: Lotusphere 2010 Preview
by Chris Toohey on 01/12/2010
Scott Laningham and Turbo Todd Watson discuss not only their upcoming Twitter, Facebook, Weblog, and podcast coverage of Lotusphere 2010, but share what they'll be looking to take away from the week-long IBM Lotus collaborative technology conference.
LotusIDC on YouTube: Adding an article to a Lotus product wiki!
by Chris Toohey on 01/11/2010
The IBM Lotus Information Development Center put together a quick YouTube video explaining how you can easily create a new wiki article in the Lotus Product Wikis!
PlanetLotus.org 2009 Blogger of the Year - Deadline for voting Wed. Jan. 13, 2010 5PM ET
by Chris Toohey on 01/11/2010
The IBM Lotus Notes Domino Online Community's PlanetLotus.org Blogger of the Year 2009 Award deadline for voting is Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 at 5PM ET (-5GMT) -- Vote yet?
The most basic tutorial on interacting with Web Services you'll ever read...
by Chris Toohey on 01/11/2010
IBM Lotus Notes Domino developers pay attention: this tutorial will give you a basic understanding of how you can interact with Web Services!
Site News: Facebook, Gravatars, MDn Hashes, and why stealing is fun!
by Chris Toohey on 01/08/2010
I stole code from the IBM Lotus Notes Domino DominoBlog Template, and I liked it!
Using Computed Text and Pass-Thru HTML to create interactive no-UI View Applications in IBM Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/08/2010
YouTube demo and download of my IBM Lotus Notes Client Application: Computed Passthru Example, which highlights an interactive no-UI View technique!
LiveBlog: CNBC's Planet of the Apps
by Chris Toohey on 01/07/2010
Mobile application developers, iPhone fans, and all gadget geeks, tune into CNBC on Jan 07, 2010 @ 10PM ET, and check the live coverage here! (Sign-in via Facebook Connect, Twitter Connect, or MySpace Connect to comment!)
Reminder - Two Community Events tomorrow: LUG VUG and dominoGuru.com LiveBlog
by Chris Toohey on 01/06/2010
Quickie reminder that the LotusUserGroup.org IBM Lotus Community Virtual User Group meeting and my own LiveBlog coverage of CNBC's mobile app store special are tomorrow, Jan. 07, 2010!
Using Tables, Image Resources, and CSS to create functional Labels and Fields in Lotus Notes Client Applications
by Chris Toohey on 01/06/2010
A quick tutorial on creating simple yet functional Label and Field combinations in the Lotus Notes Client.
Lotus Knows how to help an Army Officer keep in touch with friends and family!
by Chris Toohey on 01/05/2010
A good friend and former coworker, currently stationed in Afghanistan, is using the Lotus Notes Domino Blog to communicate with friends and family.
Sadly, I won't be able to attend Lotusphere 2010...
by Chris Toohey on 01/04/2010
Being a blogger, podcaster, and yellow bleeder, I had my heart set on attending IBM's Lotusphere 2010...
Upcoming LiveBlog: CNBC's Planet of the Apps: A Handheld Revolution!
by Chris Toohey on 01/02/2010
Mark your Lotus Notes Calendars! Application Developers and Gadget Geeks, we'll be LiveBlogging this special at Thursday 10PM ET, Jan. 07, 2010!
Lotus Notes 8 Upgrader's Guide Contest Winner
by Chris Toohey on 12/30/2009
The IBM Lotus Notes 8 Upgrader's Guide from Packt Publishing Contest Winner received my review copy, and was good enough to send me this photo!
My Top N Lists for 2009
by Chris Toohey on 12/29/2009
From IBM Lotus Notes Domino resources to things to throw on your iPod/Zune, I recount my recommendations for 2009
RESTful Java Web Services from Pack Publishing - First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 12/28/2009
A 4-chapter initial review of the book, which covers HTTP Requests via METHOD (or REST) architecture and development via Java Web Services.
LotusUserGroup.org's 2010 VUG: Making Unified Communications Easy with the new IBM Lotus Sametime 8.5
by Chris Toohey on 12/28/2009
John Del Pizzo kicks off the LotusUserGroup.org Virtual User Group Events for 2010, talking about Unified Messaging via IBM Lotus Sametime 8.5
MVC, Readers-type NotesItems, and Data Proxies in IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 12/23/2009
An editorial on using Readers fields, MVC architecture, and the potential for a 'better way'...
AUDIO: Future of Content Delivery (while I write my latest editorial...)
by Chris Toohey on 12/22/2009
While I write my upcoming editorial on the best practices use of Readers-type NotesItems in NotesDocuments for IBM Lotus Notes Domino Development...
Facebook Users: Help spread the Lotus-themed Fan Page word!
by Chris Toohey on 12/21/2009
Using an app named 'Profile HTML', you can use HTML and CSS to create 'badge' for your favorite Lotus-themed Fan Pages!
This should be a fun week!
by Chris Toohey on 12/20/2009
Quick post outling the Lotus and other development projects I'm working on this week + a few articles I want to publish ASAP.
YouTube: IBM Lotus Sametime 8.5 Browser Chat Client Demo
by Chris Toohey on 12/18/2009
An excellent, detailed, and visually-appealing IBM Lotus Sametime hands-on demo video posted to YouTube.
Friday Fun: Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus!
by Chris Toohey on 12/18/2009
This video was better than the last two seasons...
IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education Weblog, Facebook Fan Boxes, and customizing Lotus Connections!
by Chris Toohey on 12/17/2009
A quick post on how I've modified Lotus Conncetions and added a simple Facebook Fan Box for the IBM Lotus Technical Information and Education Team Blog.
Discussion Topic: What's the first application you'd built with IBM Lotus Notes/Domino?
by Chris Toohey on 12/17/2009
Today we build CRMs, SFAs, social networking tools, widgets, gadgets, and other business apps, but what was your first app on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino?
Publishing Zephyr on OpenNTF.org, but before I do...
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2009
Zephyr - my IBM Lotus Notes/Domino Rich Text Mail-Merge and Email Utility - is going up in v1.0 release on OpenNTF.org, but what else do you want to see in there?
YouTube: IBM Lotus Sametime Meetings
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2009
An excellent, detailed, and visually-appealing IBM Lotus Sametime hands-on demo video posted to YouTube.
LTIEC: December 2009 Community Meeting Replay (Audio and Video)
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2009
Adding the Yahoo Media Player JavaScript library to a IBM Lotus Connections blog, the Lotus Technical Information and Education Community Meeting for December 2009 gets audio only and video/screencast playback!
So you've downloaded Domino Designer in Eclipse -- Now what?
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2009
Having downloaded and installed Lotus Notes Domino Designer in Eclipse, developers new to the platform might be lost...
Of Fan Pages and Tweets: dominoGuru.com on Facebook and Twitter!
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2009
Not only is @dominoGuru on Twitter, but there's now a Facebook Fan Page - using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and FBML - to help spread the word on IBM Lotus Technologies, OpenNTF projects, community news, and my daily babbling...
Press Release: IBM Software Helps Governments Improve Citizen Services
by Chris Toohey on 12/15/2009
Click thru to read the entire press release, which talks to several success stories of IBM/Lotus products and services allowing people to work smarter, and truly collaborate with ease!
Site Poll: Would you be interested in a series of articles at dominoGuru.com discussing Google Chrome Extensions?
by Chris Toohey on 12/15/2009
Wondering who would be interested in learning how you can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML / JSON, and other web technologies to leverage Domino Web Applications and Domino Web SOA in Google Chrome Extensions development!
Lotus Notes CMS Client Utility v1.0 on OpenNTF.org!
by Chris Toohey on 12/14/2009
Manage HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and Media resources via this simple Lotus Notes Client application just published to OpenNTF.org!
Lotus Notes Domino 8: Upgrader's Guide Giveaway - 2 Winners!
by Chris Toohey on 12/12/2009
We have 2 winners of the latest (and first!) contest on dominoGuru.com: each getting copies of Pack Publishing's Lotus Notes Domino 8: Upgrader's Guide!
YouTube: Lotus Notes CMS Client Utility Demo: www.pvcubs.com
by Chris Toohey on 12/11/2009
A quick video demo of my upcoming OpenNTF.org project: Lotus Notes CMS Client Utility, which maintains the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Images, XML, and Flash resources for www.pvcubs.com!
Learning Lotus Notes
by Chris Toohey on 12/10/2009
The IBM Lotus Domino Wiki shares user-friendly educational material for Lotus Notes, iNotes, Lotus Traveler and more!
Lotus Notes Domino 8 from Packt Publishing (and Giveaway!)
by Chris Toohey on 12/10/2009
Review of Lotus Notes Domino 8, and book giveaway/contest!
Service Guarantees Citizenship! IBM Lotus Wiki Contributor Highlights
by Chris Toohey on 12/09/2009
Recent IBM Lotus Redbook and Product Wiki contributors highlighted on developerWorks!
Lotus Technical Information and Education Community on Facebook!
by Chris Toohey on 12/09/2009
LotusTechInfo gets a Facebook facelift via FBML, HTML, and CSS!
Lotus Connections 2.5 and added social features hit My developerWorks!
by Chris Toohey on 12/09/2009
Lotus Connections 2.5 combined with Facebook and Twitter integration makes My developerWorks a must-see for yellow bleeders!
YouTube: Google Chrome Extensions: How to create an extension
by Chris Toohey on 12/08/2009
Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and JSON, you can quickly get started writing your own Google Chrome Extensions!
Google Chrome now has extensions and bookmark sync.
by Chris Toohey on 12/08/2009
Google Chrome combines their new extensions and bookmark sync with Google Docs and sharing capabilities with your Google Contacts...
Polls Open: 2009 Planet Lotus Blogger of the Year
by Chris Toohey on 12/08/2009
Vote for your favorite blogger, podcaster, and all-around contributor to the Lotus Online Community.
'Lotus Notes: what the hell is it?' Lotus Notes at 20, and what tomorrow may bring...
by Chris Toohey on 12/07/2009
Lotus Notes is 20 today!
Screencast: Configuring Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widgets to use Form Design Elements
by Chris Toohey on 12/07/2009
Getting questions on my OpenNTF application Time Tracker and adding the sidebar widget, so here's a quick screencast!
Would you use these Web 2.0-like fields in your Lotus Notes Domino Web Applications?
by Chris Toohey on 12/04/2009
Playing around with a technique here for data maintenance on multiple NotesDocument targets via single interface data entry via a HTML Form in Lotus Notes Domino Applications via a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/AJAX... but not too sure if this User Interface/User Experience shift will work or not.
Had this song stuck in my head all morning...
by Chris Toohey on 12/04/2009
My wife and I saw Lelia Broussard perform live (twice!) after Shirley (my wife) found the artist on MySpace.
Lotus Knows there's a Lotus Bulgaria User Group!
by Chris Toohey on 12/03/2009
Lotus Bulgaria User Group, at LoCoPo.net and on Facebook, rocked the knowledge and some awesome Lotus Knows swag!
YouTube: Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1 Repackaging
by Chris Toohey on 12/02/2009
Angus McIntyre discusses Lotus Notes and Domino repackaging and client access licensing; even I understood it!
Google Android Developer Challenge 2, and why you should care!
by Chris Toohey on 12/01/2009
Android is an emerging platform in the mobile device marketshare, app stores are key, and the ADCs woo platform developers...
Lotus Technical Information and Education Community Meeting for December 2009
by Chris Toohey on 12/01/2009
Member Spotlights and a demo of the XPages Discussion Forum are in store for the last Lotus Tech Info Community Meeting of 2009!
First Impressions: Squad - think Google Wave for Code Monkeys
by Chris Toohey on 12/01/2009
A quick initial review of Squad, a realtime collaborative team code editor solution/service.
Do you use Showtime, Time Tracker, or Abbr from OpenNTF? If so, I need your help...
by Chris Toohey on 12/01/2009
Use any of my open source Lotus Notes and Domino Applications from OpenNTF? Please email me or comment in the post...
Lotus Knows Facebook Facelift!
by Chris Toohey on 11/30/2009
Lotus Knows gets a custom landing page/microsite on Facebook.
Using CallN to record MagicJack and other VOIP calls
by Chris Toohey on 11/29/2009
Great for podcasts, CallN - a windows-based service + SaaS mashup - records VOIP calls such as Magic Jack!
David Leedy: Notes in 9 - Viewer Questions, Lost and (soon to be) Found!
by Chris Toohey on 11/28/2009
David Leedy - via Notes in 9 - answers domino designer in eclipse (DDE) and XPages questions, and calls out two slackers...
Lotus Knows... how to advertise on Engadget!
by Chris Toohey on 11/25/2009
On IBM marketing Lotus Notes - via Lotus Knows - to the IT and tech enthusiast crowd...
Revisit: Leveraging MVC-style design techniques in Domino Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 11/25/2009
I was recently asked to write an article for the Redbook Wiki Residency about MVC-style development practices with Lotus Notes Domino 8.5 -- specifically XPages...
Lotusphere Idol 2010 - Call for Session Abstracts
by Chris Toohey on 11/24/2009
Ed Brill mentions on his blog that Lotusphere Idol submissions have re-opened. As a former contestant...
Lotus Notes Domino 8 from Packt Publishing - First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 11/24/2009
A mini-review of Chapters 1-3 of Lotus Notes Domino 8 from Packt Publishing, covering Whats New and SOA architecture...
My attempt at thwarting evil...
by Chris Toohey on 11/24/2009
Just implemented the world's easiest captcha on dominoGuru.com, where I ask you a pretty simple Lotus Notes Formula question...
The joys of coming home to UPS deliveries!
by Chris Toohey on 11/23/2009
Received my review copies of Lotus Notes Domino 8 and RESTful Web Services from Packt Publishing from Packt Publishing...
AUDIO: Developers, Developers, Developers!
by Chris Toohey on 11/23/2009
Re-cutting this as the new intro for YellowCast, Digital Droo rocks out Ballmer-style!
Adding an Embedded Audio Player to your blog!
by Chris Toohey on 11/23/2009
Great tutorial for adding a Flash MP3 Audio Player (read: podcasts) for any website, including Lotus Notes Domino blogs like dominoGuru.com!
Google Wave - First Impressions and 'I got invitations!'
by Chris Toohey on 11/21/2009
Google's new SaaS / cloud collaboration offering that reminds me a LOT of Lotus Notes and eight (8) invitations to give away - click thru for details!
My developerWorks, OpenNTF.org, IBM Lotus, college students and recent graduates!
by Chris Toohey on 11/20/2009
A Youtube interview about My developerWorks and my recent interactions with college students and graduates working with Lotus Notes Domino, OpenNTF, and other IBM products!
Sync your Facebook Events (and Friends Birthdays) to your Lotus Notes 8.5 Client Calendar
by Chris Toohey on 11/20/2009
I keep my calendar in Lotus Notes, not on Facebook. I can respond to any number of Events that I like, but quite frankly it's going to slip my mind if it's not in Lotus Notes, on my Blackberry, and available to me in the context of my day-to-day work.
What Productivity Suite do you use and want to import into Lotus Notes Applications?
by Chris Toohey on 11/19/2009
Use Microsoft Excel, Lotus Symphony, Open Office Calc, or Google Docs and want to import that information as NotesDocument Data into your Lotus Notes Applications? Click thru, take the poll, and let me know!
Upcoming book reviews: 'Lotus Notes Domino 8: Upgrader's Guide' and 'RESTful Java Web Services'
by Chris Toohey on 11/18/2009
Do you like Domino Servers that are upgraded to the latest release? Do you like RESTful Web Services?? Click-thru to read up on exactly what will have me checking my mailbox daily...
Installing local replica Lotus Notes Applications via Email
by Chris Toohey on 11/18/2009
I recently ran into a scenario where a customer site - which did not have a Lotus Domino Policy architecture that supported this - had a need to deploy a two local replica Lotus Notes Applications to remote users. Here's the solution that kept them from sending in their laptops!
Code Monkey like You!
by Chris Toohey on 11/16/2009
I'm becoming a fan of Jonathan Coulton... For those of you who've updated your RSS Feed Reader, you should get an enclosure...
The OpenNTF.org release of Time Tracker v1.1!
by Chris Toohey on 11/13/2009
With an updated Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widget and a detailed About this Application page, Time Tracker v1.1 is shaping up nicely. Feedback wanted and appreciated!
Reminder: RSS Feed switch to Feedburner
by Chris Toohey on 11/12/2009
Just a friendly reminder, Constant Reader, if you're using pointing your RSS Feed Readers to the following URL: http://www.dominoguru.com/feed.xml -- please change your readers to the new site feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/dominoGuru. This change will ensure that you get all of the latest content available from dominoGuru.com - and the site redesign wasn't the *only* thing to change around here!
Project Abbr - TinyURL-like solution for Lotus Notes Domino!
by Chris Toohey on 11/12/2009
Click-thru for online demos and a complete overview of the recently published as Open Source to OpenNTF.org Abbr Project!
Share to Facebook Tip: Hidden Thumbnail-Fu!
by Chris Toohey on 11/11/2009
For the dominoGuru.com website redesign I went with a single-image header which shows both the logo and the header text, all in an attempt to give the header a more polished, properly aliased look and feel. This works great for the site design, but when sharing an article via ShareThis! (or any of the like click-to-share social networking solutions out there) you are limited to the images on the linked web page to set as the Facebook Link Thumbnail. Not that big of an issue, unless your post doesn't have an image and the only image that you have available as your Facebook Link Thumbnail option is your Contact Information avatar! Find out how a quick HTML and CSS trick can allow you to provide your would-be-sharers with a decent Facebook Link Thumbnail image!
Online resources for Lotus Developers
by Chris Toohey on 11/11/2009
With the potential for new developers to the IBM Lotus Domino platform -- as a result of the new pricetag for Lotus Domino Designer in Eclipse (read: FREE!) -- I thought that I would put together a list of resources for the Lotus Developer. These resources include online communities and directories of subject matter experts, listings of open source and community-maintained content, Twitter accounts, Facebook fan pages, LinkedIn discussion forums, YouTube channels, and various other online resources that are intended to empower IT Professionals and Lotus yellowbleeders alike! Now, in no particular order...
Hello World v3.0! (or *not* how I wanted to spend my last few days...)
by Chris Toohey on 11/09/2009
dominoGuru.com takes shape after a mad-dash redesign effort. The content was -- thankfully -- saved, and that's what you're really here for anyway right?! While I'll go into a deeper technical dive once I get things polished off, I thought I'd include an overview of what I'm looking to do here now that this website has been running for over seven years (since 2002)!
How to create whitehat viruses in Lotus Notes (or, I don't *need* you to click on my buttons anymore)!
by Chris Toohey on 11/04/2009
How many times have you created an email with a Button, which you've coded with Formula or - hopefully - LotusScript that's been designed to perform some function? And how many times do people just ignore those emails? Sure, they open the email once, but they never click on your button for whatever silly reason they have. Ultimately, you're hard work is ignored and didn't get the chance to do whatever you wanted/needed it to do.
Yes, we *do* need a Lotus App Store...!
by Chris Toohey on 11/03/2009
I've mentioned this in the past, and apparently I'm not alone in my thinking that IBM Lotus customers need a consumer-facing, click-and-install App Store.
On advice, cutting your teeth, and owning your past WTF?! moments...
by Chris Toohey on 10/30/2009
Most of the time I'm contacted by a fellow yellowbleeder and presented with a question that has me asking two questions for their every one. I'm fine with this - don't get me wrong - as it's something that I do literally every day.
Member of LotusUserGroup.org? Save on your Lotusphere 2010 registration!
by Chris Toohey on 10/23/2009
As a member LotusUserGroup.org, you are entitled to a special offer from Lotus. From now until November 20th you can register at a special discounted rate for LotusUserGroup.org members only: The lowest fee available, only $1795.00!
YouTube: Lotus Domino Designer Overview
by Chris Toohey on 10/20/2009
So IBM's stepping up to the plate and putting some solid content out there to help spread the word on their products - which rocks!
Time Tracker v1.1 - new features coming soon!
by Chris Toohey on 10/19/2009
Based on some pretty awesome feedback that I've received from people who apparently find Time Tracker v1.0 very useful, I'm adding a few new features and improvements to the user interface.
Lotus Domino Designer Wiki, Remote Redbook Residency for Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.1, and why you should care!
by Chris Toohey on 10/19/2009
Today we begin the Best Practices for Building Web Applications for Domino 8.5(.1) Remote Redbook Residency... and I'm a little more than excited with not only the team that we've managed to assemble, but also the content that we are looking to cover in our 8 week remote residency. I'm excited by the prospect of creating content for both the seasoned Lotus developers as well developers new to the platform.
Time Tracker is now on OpenNTF.org!
by Chris Toohey on 10/13/2009
...so it only makes sense that my open source applications and utilities go into our community's open source catalog: OpenNTF.org
Setup of your Time Tracker Sidebar Widget and Managing your Preferences
by Chris Toohey on 10/13/2009
A quick guide to the Time Tracker Sidebar Widget and the application Preferences!
Time Tracker v1.0 - Open Source Efficiency Tracking Utility for the Lotus Notes Client
by Chris Toohey on 10/13/2009
Time Management experts will tell you an individual only has 24 hours in a single day; proper time management isn't finding time in your day, but rather discovering and dealing with inefficiencies in your day. The best way to discover those inefficiences - at least as recommended to me as part of the AMA Time Management Strategies seminar which I recently attended - is to document how you spend your day. With that, I introduce Time Tracker, an Open Source Efficiency Tracking Utility for the Lotus Notes Client. The idea is simple. At the start of your day - upon completion of your first task - create an entry highlighting what you did and whether you feel it was an efficient or inefficient use of your time. Based on several requests, you can also select the priority, apply categories, or even align your time against a project.
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives...
by Chris Toohey on 10/13/2009
Now, that's the in-order prioritized list of upcoming projects. As I'm plotting out the schedule, I'm hoping to put the Secret Community Project out while those lucky enough to be attending LotusSphere 2010 are in Orlando, Florida grabbing swag.
Blackberry Widget API and SDK - What You Should Know!
by Chris Toohey on 10/12/2009
And then came the Blackberry Widget API and SDK... which sounds really interesting, but most people I know don't get that excited when I talk about Blackberry Application Development. Most people I know are busy working on their own platforms, and the thought of needing to learn yet-another-technology to support what some may consider a nice to have customer base for the majority of their projects.
Want to back of your DVDs or re-encode your home movies for YouTube, your iPod or Zune?
by Chris Toohey on 10/10/2009
Our DVD collection - which consists mostly of kids DVDs - is marred by scratches that made each ~$20USD investment a complete waste of money. That was until...
RIM releases Blackberry Widget API and SDK v1.0 Beta!
by Chris Toohey on 10/09/2009
The BlackBerry Widget Packager 1.0 Beta 1 is a new tool that allows web developers to package up their web assets into BlackBerry Widgets (small, discrete, standalone web applications that use HTML, CSS and JavaScript). A BlackBerry Widget looks, behaves and has the same security mechanisms as a native BlackBerry application. BlackBerry Widgets can be installed on a BlackBerry smartphone like any native application and can be extended to use device-specific information and data using the BlackBerry Widget APIs.
STILL OPEN: Lotus Remote Residency / Wiki Deliverable - Best Practices for Building Web Applications for Domino 8.5
by Chris Toohey on 10/09/2009
...So if you're an IBMer, Lotus Business Partner, Lotus Customer, or just your average yellowbleeder and want to work with some of the best in the business to help shape the best practices approach to leveraging Lotus Domino 8.5.1 technology - sign up right now!
David Leedy's Notes in Nine 007 - A License to TypeAhead!
by Chris Toohey on 10/08/2009
Dave Leedy does it again - taking nine minutes to dive into Type Ahead-enabled Fields on XPages - showing the differences between Partial and Full Modes - and showing via screencast demo just how easy it is to use SSJS and XPages to create some truly functional Domino XPage web application user interfaces within minutes!
SaaS vs. On-Premises Solutions Considerations @ Lotus Journal
by Chris Toohey on 10/08/2009
But what about editorials? Something that goes far beyond a simple weblog post; something that does not talk to a particular technology but more of a principal or overall understanding that a professional developer needs to grasp if not master to be successful in the enterprise...
Time Tracker - Personal Productivity Lotus Notes Client Application - UPDATES!!
by Chris Toohey on 10/08/2009
Based on feedback I got from here, on Twitter, and on Facebook regarding my upcoming Time Tracker application, I've made a few simple changes:
Lotus Knows Bob will rock the Tri State LUG crowd!
by Chris Toohey on 10/07/2009
Free to all attendees, the Fall Tri-State Lotus User Group Meeting will be held at IBM's NYC Office to handle what we expect to be a large turnout as Bob Picciano - IBM Lotus General Manager - takes the stage for the keynote address. Offering Management, Administrator, and Developer tracks, the Fall Tri-State Lotus User Group Meeting promises to be fun AND informative.
My thoughts on eWeek's 'IBM Puts Google Apps in Its Crosshairs with Lotus Cloud E-Mail'
by Chris Toohey on 10/07/2009
With the release of Lotus Traveler 8.5.1, we now completely support the iPhone. Google Gmail Premier customers - while they have various options for accessing their email - are stuck with IMAP for the iPhone. If IBM wanted to make their LotusLive iNotes offering a truly killer solution, they would pitch this to the device that most consumers (who work for these SMB/mom-and-pop-shops) are using: the iPhone.
Post-Code Google Gadget Lotus Notes Sidebar Widget
by Chris Toohey on 10/07/2009
I've made it no secret that the blog template that I use relies on my hand-writing the HTML markup that you see in each post. Sure, I could go with a WYSIWYG editor, but I really think that writing out the markup by hand keeps me more up-to-speed on coding for the web. The only problem that I run into - and it's not really a problem as much as it's an annoyance - is when I need to display markup within a post. See, if I want to display a <, I need to write <.
Time Tracker - Personal Productivity Lotus Notes Client Application - Coming Soon!
by Chris Toohey on 10/06/2009
...Another exercise that is intended to help me see my time wasters - which was recommended both in the training literature and by the instructor - is to keep a time diary. The idea is simple - write what you're doing, when you're doing it, and whether that was an efficient or inefficient use of my time.
If you need me, I'll be on LDD!
by Chris Toohey on 10/06/2009
Yes, True Believers, that's me on the front page of IBM developerWorks Lotus Developer Domain!
IBM Brings Lotus Notes and Domino Software to Full Spectrum of Web Devices
by Chris Toohey on 10/06/2009
No Charge Option Available to Developers for Domino Designer to Extend Domino Business Applications
Is there a need for YellowCake? How about a version 2.0?!
by Chris Toohey on 09/30/2009
I was asked the other day by a fellow developer if I had an example of a really solid Web UI for creating, reading, updateding, and deleting (notice the order) NotesDocuments in a target NotesDatabase.
Lotus Remote Residency / Wiki Deliverable - Best Practices for Building Web Applications for Domino 8.5
by Chris Toohey on 09/28/2009
Having participated in the first Lotus Remote Residency, I'd recommend you sign up - you not only get the opportunity to share what you know (read: SME recognition), but you also get to work with some of the best and brightest in the community. I've made long-lasting connections with both my fellow residency members as well as see a lot of referrals even today coming from my bio page in the wiki.
Lotus Knows... Facebook!
by Chris Toohey on 09/28/2009
Lotus Knows - the latest IBM Lotus Marketing campaign - is in full swing: not only via a totally revamped, media-centric website at www.lotusknows.com, but also hitting the major social networking sites in the consumer landscape - on Twitter as @LotusKnows, on YouTube at www.youtube.com/LotusKnows, and now with an official Lotus Knows Facebook Fan Page!
So you want to present at Lotusphere 2010? Call for abstracts open until October 2nd!
by Chris Toohey on 09/24/2009
Whether you're a seasoned Lotusphere speaker back for a repeat performance, or finally ready to stand out in the crowd - we want to hear from you. And we all know that sometimes the best seat in the house is the one onstage!
Press Release: New IBM Lotus Connections Software Brings Consumer Social Networking Features to the Office
by Chris Toohey on 09/23/2009
In case you missed this IBM Press Release straight out of LoLA yesterday...
NotesDocument READ and UPDATE with AJAX calls to Domino Agents (or Simple Inline View Editing over the web) - Build, Demo, and Download
by Chris Toohey on 09/22/2009
Building off of my example from yesterday, I thought that I would show you how we can quickly and easily create READ and UPDATE functions for NotesDocuments via calls to our (modified) HTTP Request Consumer Domino Agents. And, to spice things up, I thought I'd do it all via AJAX.
HTTP Request Consumer Domino Agents - Build, Demo, and Download
by Chris Toohey on 09/21/2009
I was recently asked by two people how they could get a Domino Agent Design Element to consume an HTTP request. Well, I wasn't asked this exactly... Features an Online Demo and Downloadable Example NotesDatabase!
VIDEO: How to add YouTube widget to your My developerWorks blog
by Chris Toohey on 09/17/2009
John Muller of IBM put together a step-by-step video showing you how you can add a YouTube widget to your My developerWorks Connections Blog... and the 7:43 runtime is well spent.
IBM News: U.S Bank ousts MSFT for IBM Lotus Solutions
by Chris Toohey on 09/15/2009
IBM Lotus announced that U.S. Bank, the 6th largest commercial bank in the United States, has chosen Lotus collaboration software over Microsoft’s SharePoint-based platform, marking a considerable win for IBM Lotus Notes Domino (8.5!), Lotus Sametime, and Lotus Quickr.
What can we learn from the Zune HD/Zune Marketplace 4.0 Launch?
by Chris Toohey on 09/15/2009
I have a Zune30 - the first generation Zune device - but have applied all software and firmware updates as they have launched with a fair amount of success. I like my Zune, which I primarily use for podcasts, audiobooks, (and especially podiobooks) while on-the-go, but I do of course use as a mobile photo album and something to rock out to while I code.
The man who should have used Lotus Connections 2
by Chris Toohey on 09/14/2009
Liking these presentations of real world applications of business 2.0 technologies...
Coming Soon: Spread - NotesData Export Engine for the Lotus Notes 8 Client
by Chris Toohey on 09/10/2009
I'm currently putting the finishing touches on my latest application - Spread, my NotesData Export Engine for the Lotus Notes 8 (and above) client. This is a consumer-focused product aimed at... well, I suppose anyone who has to take content from a NotesDatabase and work with it in Microsoft Excel.
IBM Now Offering Microsoft Customers Free of Charge Lotus Symphony Software with Popular Widgets
by Chris Toohey on 09/10/2009
IBM has begun offering Microsoft customers free of charge productivity software that is compatible with popular Microsoft Office formats, and supports a wide range of widgets popularized by consumer Web sites and third parties that extend the functions of Lotus Symphony.
How to suggest an article in the Lotus Domino Designer Wiki
by Chris Toohey on 09/03/2009
Knowing that we are at work creating a more formalized mechanism for capturing new article suggestions on the wikis, I asked Amanda if there was a place online where someone could make a suggestion or request a specific topic be covered in the Domino Designer Wiki...
Lotus Domino NotesDocument Auto-Save for Web Browser Applications - Article and Download
by Chris Toohey on 09/03/2009
This tutorial will showcase a simple NotesDocument auto-save engine for an example NotesDatabase using the Domino CRUD API. The desired user experience will have the user's non-submitted NotesDocument auto-save after an admin-defined interval. To ensure a seamless user experience, I will continually - via a JavaScript timer - submit the "uidoc" via HTTP POST through AJAX to the Domino CRUD API to create (or update) a "temp" NotesDocument. We will create a custom response message to the HTTP POST and return the "temp" NotesDocument Unique ID (UNID), which we will use to update the "uidoc" HTML Form Processing Agent.
Email is SO last week!
by Chris Toohey on 09/02/2009
While it doesn't show the product, this video does effectively show how silly it is to use email to collaborate across your organization to the target audience: the customer.
Facebook 1.7 for Blackberry coming in September?
by Chris Toohey on 09/01/2009
Promising (and from the above screen shot delivering) a clearner UI, faster page loads, News Feed filters, and even more point-release features, Facebook 1.7 for Blackberry is looking pretty slick, and this Bold user is looking forward to the rumored September release!
Lotus Knows: Do You Know Lotus?
by Chris Toohey on 08/31/2009
We're looking for your short video demonstrations that showcase cool/funny/smart ways to use Lotus and its extended capabilities...
NotesDocument Auto-Save Online Demo
by Chris Toohey on 08/28/2009
The concept is pretty basic: When enabled on a new NotesDocument, the Auto-Save is triggered every 5 seconds...
IBM Software Helps Army Take Soldiers Out of the Line of Fire
by Chris Toohey on 08/26/2009
IBM Lotus Forms software helps organizations like the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and the Department of Defense medical community easily move towards a paperless environment, freeing them from the burden of slower business processes and tasks encumbered by storing, printing, and filing paper.
VIDEO: NotesDocument Auto-Save Teaser
by Chris Toohey on 08/22/2009
While I'm still playing around with the demo of my NotesDocument Auto-Save engine - which I'm developing specifically for an article in the IBM Lotus Domino Designer Wiki - I thought that I would at least show an in-progress teaser demo.
My Lotus Knows IdeaJam entry: Real World problem solving viral videos
by Chris Toohey on 08/19/2009
Showcasing the product - not unlike the iPhone ads we see across various media outlets today - we address an everyday customer need with Lotus technologies.
Lotus Knows how to Jam!
by Chris Toohey on 08/19/2009
IBM starts the next public phase of their new end user customer-focused marketing campaign: Lotus Knows. The Lotus Knows IdeaJam will open today, Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 at 8:00AM US EST. To participate, register at http://lotusknows.ideajam.net/register
WebOS Developers start your engines - Palm announces App Store and E-commerce Beta Program!
by Chris Toohey on 08/18/2009
Those interested can check out the Palm Developer Network blog!
Upcoming IBM developerWorks Web Conferences: Social Jazz and Grady Booch on Social Media
by Chris Toohey on 08/18/2009
Direct from IBM developerWorks, two webcasts featuring social Jazz and the opportunity to attend a Q&A with IBM Chief Scientist and co-author of UML Grady Booch to discuss social media and the future of software delivery.
DominoGuru.com v3 Teaser / Spec List
by Chris Toohey on 08/17/2009
A Teaser and Spec List for DominoGuru.com v3, which will hopefully debut soon!
Getting Started with Apple iPhone / Touch Development for ~$400 USD
by Chris Toohey on 08/13/2009
To my shock and horror, the Apple iPhone SDK is only supported on Apple Mac OS. Not wanting to part with what could be a considerable sum of money to toe-dip into the iPhone/Touch development pool (read: no way in hell I'm spending $600+ USD on a whim), I think I've found a compromise...
The Numbers Game
by Chris Toohey on 08/13/2009
For my 31st birthday (October 17th, for those of you curious), I had planned to treat myself to the soon-to-be-released Zune HD. Now, I love my Zune... but I'd be lying if I didn't yearn for some further functionality out of the device.
The Future of Content Delivery
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2009
In a keynote address at Balticon 2009 this past May, Scott Sigler - who has taken his give-it-away-for-free approach to marketing and viral fanbase seeding all the way to the New York Times Best-Sellers list - spoke about The Future of Content Delivery. Being a software developer, blogger, podcaster, and hobbyist author... I was more than a little interested to hear what Sigler's thoughts were on the subject...
Using Facebook? RSVP Attending and Share Yellow Day beyond the Yellow Bubble!
by Chris Toohey on 08/05/2009
Simple. I want those Lotus geeks beyond the yellow bubble to get the message. How? Well, those of you who use Facebook could certainly help! I've setup the Yellow Day - August 11th, 2009 - Facebook Event Link! Having this event in Facebook will allow us to easily Share the event with our geek brothers and sisters that don't participate in the Lotus Online Community, as well as act as a central location for Yellow Day photos, videos, and links that can be further shared beyond our community.
Breaking News: IBM developerWorks Lotus - New Wiki Home Page!
by Chris Toohey on 08/05/2009
With technology, printed materials become dated before they're sent to the editor; improvement of application and technique change almost hourly. Content creation and community interaction--via mediums such as Product Wikis--are invaluable to establishing 'living documentation' which can evolve in tandem with its community.
Aritcle Preview: Advanced NotesDocument Workflow Processing Engine
by Chris Toohey on 08/04/2009
... Now, I fully understand that for an existing NotesDatabase application, you may need to use this approach to update and maintain NotesDocument workflow. I submit however that if you're still using this approach for new projects, then you are greatly limiting the life of your applications. Not to mention that dependences on UI Design Elements for applied business logic for NotesDocuments often limit the UI functionality on the Lotus Notes Client as well as can require re-writes for multi-Client access. ...
Monday Rant: SaaS vs. On-Premise Solutions
by Chris Toohey on 08/03/2009
I've had several conversations in the past few weeks with various customers getting their thoughts on SaaS compared to those on conventional on-premise solution.
Cross-posting your Domino-specific articles to the IBM Domino Designer Wiki
by Chris Toohey on 07/31/2009
This afternoon, while chatting with Joyce Davis about the agenda for our August 2009 Lotus Technical Information and Education Community Meeting, we had the following exchange...
Announcing the LotusTechInfo Community Landing Page!
by Chris Toohey on 07/30/2009
The IBM Lotus Information Development Center has been hard at work with not only highlighting community member education through social networks and services like Twitter, Facebook, and even YouTube, but they've also created a LotusTechInfo Landing Page on the IBM Lotus Developer Domain.
Quick Hack: Controlling the Render Form of a NotesDocument in the Lotus Notes Client
by Chris Toohey on 07/29/2009
For example, while the NotesView shows me the given document, I might be launching my individual review response NotesDocument, or a reader response NotesDocument, or the actual document...
Personal Address Book + 1 Domino Agent = Read-Only WAP UI for Mobile Devices
by Chris Toohey on 07/29/2009
I was contacted by Keith the other day asking me for a downloadable example from my WML-enabling a Personal Address Book.
Introducing Now() + n: Future Proofing your Domino Application Development
by Chris Toohey on 07/28/2009
With upgrades being released - let alone implemented - a step or more behind the latest usage experiences, Web 3.0 UIs, and features that make customers actually want to use your solutions, the need to develop applications with a mind to tomorrow's standards and codebase is absolutely critical...
Notes in Nine: Episode 3 (or why David Leedy is a jerk)
by Chris Toohey on 07/27/2009
David's latest offering - Notes in Nine: Episode 3 - makes it easy for developers and notes geeks to leverage the latest features and functionality of Lotus technologies, but makes it harder on us bloggers to match his expert contributions to the communty.
You're Invited: July 2009 Lotus Technical Information and Education Community Meeting
by Chris Toohey on 07/27/2009
This month we'll cover news from the information development team, welcome two Lotus Online Community members to share their stories with the audience, and - our special topic of the month - discuss how we can leverage social networks and social media to proactively answer the questions of IT professionals and Lotus customers.
Showcase Lotus wins and help combat FUD? I'm in!
by Chris Toohey on 07/24/2009
Chris Byrne has started a new website with the intent of further publicizing Lotus wins in the enterprise through case studies at www.dominoapplications.com.
Need to web-enable some Lotus Notes client applications and don't have Domino 8.5 for XPages? (or how I learned to future-proof my development techniques)
by Chris Toohey on 07/23/2009
I thought I'd take a few minutes to discuss some strategies that I use to best future-proof my code to ensure that it's inline with the features and functionality that DDE and 8.5.n can deliver.
re: Top 10 Reasons I Left Lotus Notes for Google Apps
by Chris Toohey on 07/23/2009
Now, if you can get past the Letterman-esc delivery, there are some things that David brings up that we as product subject matter experts should certainly make ourselves aware of...
Google Gears vs. DOLS for offline rich Web Browser-based applications
by Chris Toohey on 07/22/2009
Not that I'm the first to bring up this subject - a simple Google search for Google Gears vs DOLS returns a few really great articles and blog topics... but I have to wonder myself...
You know you're a geek when...
by Chris Toohey on 07/21/2009
... you see the following, make a 'Ohhhhhhh...' sound, and you're honestly referring to the HTC Hero in Graphite!
A basic thing all web developers should know...
by Chris Toohey on 07/21/2009
web, html, markup, form, google, api, web service, service, services, element, search, formula, maps, integration
David Leedy's Notes in Nine - Episode 2 - Busting the Rip and Replace Myth
by Chris Toohey on 07/21/2009
David does a great job with the second installment of his absolutely awesome ongoing series Notes in Nine. In this episode, he demystifies the Rip & Replace approach that is often associated with using XPage in Domino Web Application Development.
VIDEO: Building a feature-rich website with the Lotus Domino CMS
by Chris Toohey on 07/20/2009
Just how functional do our websites need to be? Do they need to have a database engine running the website? Does my home page need to question whether it's the home page every time it's loaded?! These are questions that I'd asked myself when I started re-writing this website. Now while I still intend to use Lotus Notes/Domino to build and maintain, I quite frankly didn't want the overhead and lag associated with rendering what basically is a very simple website.
IBM Lotus Notes Domino delivering LinkedIn and TripIt widgets to lasso Cloud services!
by Chris Toohey on 07/15/2009
Today IBM announced the official LinkedIn and TripIt Widgets for the Lotus Notes Client.
Teaser: Web 2.0 UI in the Lotus Notes Client
by Chris Toohey on 07/08/2009
Just a little teaser video showing you the Frameset-less Lotus Notes Client UI Design that I had mentioned a few weeks back...
Lotus Notes Domino CMS - RenderKit Teaser Video
by Chris Toohey on 07/01/2009
I've put together a simple little teaser video that shows off the RenderKit architecture for the Lotus Notes Domino CMS I'm currently working on and plan to use to host not only www.dominoguru.com but also a few pro-bono websites I'm putting together.
CMS: do I ask for a PRE/POST Body for each renderkit?
by Chris Toohey on 06/28/2009
One of the projects that I'm working on requires the creation of a content management system. With this CMS, I plan on not only running the two project websites in question but also this site (>www.dominoguru.com). All sites require some basic content management with a mind to incremental updates once the website 'design' is finalized. It's with that in mind that I'm using (what I'm referring to as) renderkits for the markup blocks within the application.
The beginnings of my 'untitled' Project Management and Tasking project
by Chris Toohey on 06/25/2009
One of the latest projects that I'm working on is something that I absolutely need: a simple yet effective Project Management and Tasking application.
My opinion on the current OpenNTF exchange
by Chris Toohey on 06/23/2009
I have not mentioned my opinion on the OpenNTF.org committees and other current initiatives...
Why I like WebOS (and can't wait for the Palm Pre on ATT)
by Chris Toohey on 06/19/2009
I'm a developer. At my core, I'm a web application developer. I know enough Java to get myself into trouble, sure, and I can handle most any language with minimal ramp-up time required... but I absolutely know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Facebook: Vanity URLs, Blackberry Client Update, and Fan Pages
by Chris Toohey on 06/16/2009
I grab http://www.facebook.com/christoohey, Facebook v1.6 for Blackberry hits, and PlanetLotus.org gets a Facebook Fan Page!
developerWorks Author Contribution Program, Domino Wiki, and my latest article
by Chris Toohey on 06/12/2009
My latest article and example utility - the Lotus Domino Java AJAX Proxy - will be published, hopefully sometime this month, as a wiki publication on the Lotus Domino Designer Wiki.There it should find a much larger readership and hopefully become a more useful solution for those developers beyond the yellow bubble of our Lotus Online Community.
IBM Lotus Technical Information Education Community Meeting - June 2009
by Chris Toohey on 06/12/2009
Invitation: Monthly Lotus Technical Information & Education Community Meeting for June 23rd 2009
Domino URL Schemas for Domino CRUD API READ States
by Chris Toohey on 06/04/2009
Every Domino Web Application Developer has used the db/view/notesdocument URL Schema for accessing a NotesDocument in a Domino-based NotesDatabase. That's the standard usage scenario. It's what we have all been taught. It's how Domino RAD drives us to develop. But I'm curious... is there a better way? Specifically, does the db/Page_or_Form?open&UNID=X URL Schema, when combined with @URLQueryString and @GetDocField, lend to a better NotesDocument and NotesData access scenario?
Lotus Technical Information and Community Kickoff a success!
by Chris Toohey on 05/26/2009
Option 1 of our Community Kickoff meeting today went without a hitch! We defined the objectives of the initiative, showcased not only the IBM Lotus Notes Domino Wiki but also the previewed the XPages-based Wiki template that will soon hit developerWorks, and established what Lotus Advocates already knew: this IBM initiative is about using the technology and collaborative tools in and beyond our products portfolio to establish and maintain connections with customers, subject matter experts, business partners, and IBM key players.
Using iCalendar to integrate Lotus Notes Domino Applications and the Microsoft Outlook Calendar
by Chris Toohey on 05/22/2009
We've all heard of them if not experienced them first hand: a company decides to migrate their email and calendaring & scheduling from IBM Lotus Notes Domino to Microsoft Exchange... but keep their collaborative applications on IBM Lotus Notes Domino. The developers are often then tasked with integrating the aforementioned technologies to provide the customer base an improved usage experience.
You're Invited to the Lotus Technical Information and Education community kickoff!
by Chris Toohey on 05/19/2009
You are cordially invited!
When do you NOT help?
by Chris Toohey on 05/18/2009
A simple tale of me weighing the option of helping someone when your morally or ethically (or possibly legally) opposed to their intended usage.
IBM Lotus Community News - In case you missed it!
by Chris Toohey on 05/13/2009
I thought I'd take a few minutes to highlight and comment on several of the truly things you should know news items and upcoming events in the IBM Lotus Community lately.
Getting Lotus technologies to tomorrow's developers - Part 2
by Chris Toohey on 05/08/2009
Afer my post from the other day, Marie Scott shared information on the following IBM Program...
Quickpoll: Frameset Design Elements in Lotus Notes Client Application UI Design
by Chris Toohey on 05/07/2009
In follow-up to my post from the other day, I thought I'd pose the following question via Twitter: Lotus Notes Client design question: Do you still use Framesets in your Application UI? The response from both Twitter and the various other social networking sites prompted me to create a quick MicroPoll...
My developerWorks, MdW Intro Video, and quick teaser
by Chris Toohey on 05/05/2009
Taglined 'The Geekiest Social Network', My developerWorks just keeps getting better.As I mentioned, the IBM developerWorks crew have really taken the social network via Lotus Connections to the community, resulting in an influx of new IBM Online Community (not everyone sticks to Lotus - sad to report ;-) ) Bloggers making the scene and really contributing some great content.
Getting Lotus technologies to tomorrow's developers
by Chris Toohey on 05/04/2009
The other day, I had the pleasure of proctoring a development assessment to a local vo-tech school. The assessments were designed to test the principals of project-based development rather than focusing on a particular technology, which was broken up into 2 sections. Section 1, the student was tasked with creating a simple payrole application that accepted specifically-formatted input and was to be designed to provide specifcally-formatted output. Section 2, the student was tasked with creating an application logic diagram or pseudocoding based on a descriptive requirements document for a given project. The good news - for both sections - the kids rocked it!
Application UI Development - Lotus Notes Client Standards or 'Teh nEw H0tn3ss'?
by Chris Toohey on 05/01/2009
While following 'Lotus Notes' on Twitter, I came across a particular complaint that got me thinking - how should we be designing our Lotus Notes Client Applications?
How I Met [Their] Mother: Celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary!
by Chris Toohey on 04/30/2009
Today marks the 10 year anniversary of my marriage to the most amazing, capable, strong, and beautiful woman I've ever known.
IBM developerWorks introduces My developerWorks - Social Networking via Lotus Connections
by Chris Toohey on 04/30/2009
Looks like the cat is now out of the bag! IBM and the IBM DWadvancedDesign team have been working on a new Lotus Connections offering, this time taking the collaborative abilities of IBM Lotus Connections to the community with My developerWorks!
Feedback/Opinions Wanted!
by Chris Toohey on 04/22/2009
Just recently, fellow Lotus Advocate Bruce Lill, IBM Lotus Advocate Community Manager Joyce Davis, and I discussed ways that we could reach out far beyond our Yellowverse and reach those customers and fellow geeks that are either unfamiliar with ordo not frequent the Lotus Online Community or otherwise outside of the breadth of our reach, but that could benefit from our help and expertise.
Understanding the Domino CRUD API: Example Database Download
by Chris Toohey on 04/20/2009
Today I was asked for an example of a Smart Landing Page, to which I was more than happy to comply and send the requester the in-progress Understanding the Domino CRUD API Example Database.
Understanding the Domino CRUD API: NotesDocument Deletion Basics
by Chris Toohey on 04/19/2009
Deleting NotesDocuments in a NotesDatabase via the ?DeleteDocument Domino URL Command is simple enough, but there are many things to consider - some of which I'll go over in this entry.
Understanding the Domino CRUD API: non-Domino Form CRUD Basics - Part 1
by Chris Toohey on 04/17/2009
I'll show how you can create your own non-Domino Form Design Element-based XHTML Form Elements that use the Domino CRUD API for NotesDatabase Data Management.
Understanding the Domino CRUD API: $$Return and Smart Landing Pages
by Chris Toohey on 04/16/2009
In this video, I talk about creating a context-sensitive Smart Landing Page that uses a combination of Page Design Element, URL QueryString Parameter, XHTML, and some JavaScript to create a user experience that we're used to in Web Browser Applications.
Nokia's new Easy Meet - Product Marketing done right!
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2009
I haven't had a Nokia phone in years, but this service alone makes me want to go back to the E-series... not that it's required (from what I can tell) for Easy Meet.
Domino + HTTP Request Headers
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2009
I've put together a simple Page Design Element based on comments/feedback that displays all values returned via an @GetHTTPHeader call for each HTTP Request Header Field listed by the W3C...
Within my first 10 minutes with the Flock Browser...
by Chris Toohey on 04/15/2009
Within my first 10 minutes with the Flock Browser... I think I'll stick with Google Chrome!
Understanding the Domino CRUD API - $$Return Basics
by Chris Toohey on 04/14/2009
Learn how you can return custom NotesDocument submission messages and redirect to specific URLs with the Domino Rapid Application Development (RAD)-friendly $$Return.
Understanding the Domino CRUD API - the Basics
by Chris Toohey on 04/13/2009
I'll make no assumptions here that you're familiar with the Domino URL Commands that handle all CRUD activities and just jump into them, as understanding them at a very basic level is required for a few more deep dive things that I want to get into.
developerWorks Webcast: IBM software available in the Cloud with Amazon Web Services
by Chris Toohey on 04/09/2009
Hot off the developerWorks mailing list comes news of a new cloud services webcast from IBM developerWorks...
LotusLive, OpenNTF, DominoGuru.com, and other Misc. Updates
by Chris Toohey on 04/07/2009
Just a few updates and mentions of things to come!
YouTube: Lotus Notes/Domino Web Development - Permalinks vs. NotesDocument UNIDs
by Chris Toohey on 04/04/2009
Just a quick video showing you the potential issues with NotesDocument UNID-based URLs and how you can easily create your own 'permalink' functionality in your Lotus Notes/Domino Web Applications!
YouTube: Creating a $$ViewTemplate for your Lotus Notes/Domino Applications
by Chris Toohey on 04/01/2009
The other day, a friend contacted me asking if I had a quick example of a $$ViewTemplate...
DIY Video: XP85 Integration NSF2NSF
by Chris Toohey on 03/27/2009
Jo Grant does it again, showing us a simple way to create Notes Application - to - Notes Application integration via Domino 8.5 XPages.
Announcing the Lotus Technical Information and Education Community!
by Chris Toohey on 03/24/2009
Today I was officially announced as the Lead Lotus Community Advocate for a newly formed group consisting of IBMers, Lotus Online Community members, and IBM/Lotus customers. The simplified goal of this group is to share information and collaborate with people far beyond our 'yellow bubble'.
Composite Application Editor action video!
by Chris Toohey on 03/19/2009
Jo Grant pulls off a great 2:47 minute YouTube screencast showing us just how easy it is to wire a component action in Lotus Notes 8.5.
When business gets tough, the tough get… Redguides!
by Chris Toohey on 03/18/2009
IBM's ITSO Global Content Services announces Redguides
LotusLive Notes Contacts Sync on Lotus Notes 8.5... and why you should care!
by Chris Toohey on 03/03/2009
LotusLive - via the LotusLive Plug-In for Notes 8 - showcases cloud service integration with the onsite product portfolio... something that can open up a whole new world for the Lotus community!
XPage Goodies
by Chris Toohey on 02/28/2009
Jo Grant and Declan Sciolla-Lynch show us just how powerful XPages can be!
Welcome to the IBM developerWorks Author Achievement Recognition Program!
by Chris Toohey on 02/26/2009
The other day (shows you how behind I am when I'm just getting to this now...) I received the following email:
Public Build: Event Calendar - Misc. Updates
by Chris Toohey on 02/25/2009
I've been a while since I've updated the Event Calendar Public Build project... more due to me being extremely busy than not working on the build. Since my last video, I've put some considerable work into the application...
User perception, reality, and why one defines the other
by Chris Toohey on 02/18/2009
Now, I'm certain that you see each of these and countless other like-situations day-in and day-out: the user is having issues - and we'll assume is frustrated - with technology because it's not doing what it's designed to do.
Using Working Sets in Domino Designer in Eclipse (DDE)
by Chris Toohey on 02/09/2009
I came to a realization today that I'm doing it wrong! Using Working Sets allows me to better categorize my Domino Designer in Eclipse projects, which also speeding up the initial launch time for DDE!
Cyclical Technology - When the 'next best thing' is yesterday's re-invented products!
by Chris Toohey on 01/30/2009
My wife and I were talking last night, when she marveled and just how cyclical technology can be...
LotusLive Connections Activities in the Lotus Notes 8.5 Client Sidebar
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2009
After rather unsuccessfully trying to get the LotusLive Connections Activities to load in my Lotus Notes 8.5 Client sidebar, I thought that tonight I'd give the support forums a quick look. I was shocked (but I should have known) that there were step-by-step instructions for doing this very thing!
Best. Captcha. EVER!
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2009
Went to comment on a Blogger-based blog today, and found this random-generated captcha...
Importing Lotus Notes Personal Address Book Contacts into LotusLive
by Chris Toohey on 01/28/2009
A quick fix to an issue with importing exported Lotus Notes Personal Address Book Contacts into LotusLive Contacts!
Get Connected on LotusLive.com!
by Chris Toohey on 01/28/2009
So I was interested (to say the least) when I heard the news from Lotusphere 2009 about LotusLive.com, and decided to check it out. I was surprised to find that it's more than yet-another-social network for the online community!
Notebook?! How to get your Lotus Notes 8.5 Basics Welcome Page to work with your Lotus Notes-based blog!
by Chris Toohey on 01/26/2009
With a simple modification to the design of your blog template, you too can quickly access your blog client or create a new blog entry via the Lotus Notes Basic Welcome Page!
Site News: What to expect in the next few weeks!
by Chris Toohey on 01/21/2009
Greetings Constant Reader! I thought I'd take a few moments to fill you in on my plans for the upcoming weeks. Nothing as boring or self-serving as a site redesign (although I think that is in order once I get some of the bigger items in the list checked off), and there's one rather large item on my list that I can't really get into just yet...
Undocument Command Documented: ExpandNameList
by Chris Toohey on 01/20/2009
Learn how you can use the ExpandNameList function - undocumented since Lotus Notes Release 5 - to get the members of a specified group.
Update *all* of your social networks from your Ping.fm Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widget
by Chris Toohey on 01/19/2009
Seeing that an iGoogle gadget was available for Ping.fm, I wondered if I would be able to get that very gadget to work as a Sidebar Widget.
FYI: Google Sync + Blackberry + Notes Calendar = Word of warning!
by Chris Toohey on 01/19/2009
My suggestion in creating a 3-party synchronization solution between the Lotus Notes calendar, your Blackberry device calendar and your Google calendar via Google Sync caused a huge PITA event during the busiest time of the year for any successful IBM Business Partner!
At least *part* of me is going to Lotusphere 2009!
by Chris Toohey on 01/17/2009
Devid let me know that even though I wouldn't be going, that I would be there in spirit!
Using the context-sensitive Calendar View RegionDoubleClick event and target Form QueryOpen and PostOpen events to pre-populate NotesDateTime Fields
by Chris Toohey on 01/11/2009
As part of the ongoing Public Build: Event Calendar build-off, I find myself want to duplicate a simple feature in the Lots Notes Calendar: double-clicking to create a new Calendar Entry, and using the location on the Calendar View to pre-populate my Event Date and Start Time.
SOTU - Remote Console Command Utility v0.3
by Chris Toohey on 01/06/2009
Just in time for Lotusphere 2009, SOTU - my Remote Console Command Utility gets some v0.3 love with the addition of a WAP browser client - allowing you to issue remote console commands from your smartphones!
Adding Admin-defined Color-coding to Lotus Notes View rows via Color Profile Documents
by Chris Toohey on 01/05/2009
Learn how you can easily create admin-defined color-coding in your Lotus Notes Views!
Lotus Notes, Google Calendar, Google Sync, and my Blackberry Bold -- making me more proficient?
by Chris Toohey on 01/04/2009
As part of my New Year's Resolution, I'm planning on using the tools that I have available to me to become more proficient in my day to day. Google Sync is the latest added to my arsenal!
Public Build: Event Calendar - Screencast Episode 2
by Chris Toohey on 01/02/2009
In this episode, we work on more Views for our Event Admins, including an 'Event Calendar' Calendar-type View, and use both Shared Columns and a 'Color' User Profile to complete a simple yet powerful user interface.
Zune, 'Z2K9', and Twitter
by Chris Toohey on 01/02/2009
How Microsoft, using Twitter, gave me an anxiety-free New Year's Eve!
Public Build: Event Calendar - Screencast Episode 1
by Chris Toohey on 12/30/2008
A quick development jumpstart for the Public Build 'Event Calendar' project, where we'll use the Preferences example database as our base for the NotesDatabase creation and where we'll be spending our design time... at least to start with!
Public Build: Event Calendar - Technology and UI Considerations
by Chris Toohey on 12/30/2008
In part 2, we discuss the technology and UI considerations for our Events Calendar Public Build Project.
Public Build: Event Calendar
by Chris Toohey on 12/29/2008
In this post - the first in an ongoing series of Public Build projects - I plan to discuss the first steps when starting a project, followed by additional posts, screencasts, and other publishings specific to this particular build project.
Happy Birthday PlanetLotus.org, and special thanks to Yancy Lent!
by Chris Toohey on 12/22/2008
I use Google Chrome as my primary, day-to-day web browser (Firefox for development, and IE when testing extranet/customer applications, etc.). One really slick feature of Chrome is the Workspace-like chicklet quicklaunch icons of your most frequently accessed websites. Click for a "New Tab" or start a new instance of Chrome, and you're a single click away from the websites you - based on you browsing history - frequently visit.
Introducing the "Public Build Project", with an Events Calendar
by Chris Toohey on 12/20/2008
I've been playing with this idea for a while now, and was just recently given an opportunity via a customer project to do it! The plan is to have an ongoing series here that details a project build, from the initial architecture phase to deployment. And as an added bonus, I plan on providing the build project application a download on this site at the end of the build/post-deployment.
JUST PUBLISHED: XPages, Themes, and Mashups in IBM Lotus Domino Web application development
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2008
Just published by IBM, my latest article jumps right into creating an XPages and Themes-based OpenStreetMap.org Domino Web Application mashup.
Coming soon - Project Nexus!
by Chris Toohey on 12/12/2008
Tim and I were discussing a while back how he had built an application that would allow him - during a new project meeting - to literally build a Lotus Notes client application via a simple checklist of common design elements and various components. The result was a huge jumpstart to a new Lotus Notes project application, which would often require nothing more than some minor tweaking to get something that you can put in front of the project champion...
Google Friend Connect on dominoguru.com!
by Chris Toohey on 12/05/2008
DominoGuru.com adopts the latest Google-based free web service: Google Friend Connect!
Themes syntax for XPage Controls
by Chris Toohey on 12/03/2008
Those of us who have jumped feet-first into the wonderful world of Domino Web Application Development with XPages may or may not have gotten into Themes. See - while XPages allows for RAD Developers to quickly and easily create up-to-date web application user interfaces for NotesDatabases - those of us (and yes, I'm certainly one of those people) who want complete and absolute control over the Domino-rendered markup have finally gotten their wish with the advent of Themes.
XPages, XHTML and Domino-generated Form supression
by Chris Toohey on 11/18/2008
Not only can you add markup to your XPages via direct Source Pane xhtml markup entry, but we've finally got a solid solution that nullifies years of hacks to supress the Domino-generated Form element.
Lotusphere Idol! @ Lotusphere 2009 - Thoughts from a former contestant...
by Chris Toohey on 11/14/2008
My thoughts on Lotusphere Idol! and it's return for Lotusphere 2009!
Showtime: Blackberry Enterprise Server Push Utility for the Lotus Notes Client - Release v0.1
by Chris Toohey on 11/13/2008
Showtime, my Blackberry Enterprise Server Push Utility for the Lotus Notes Client, allows you to create Jobs for individual Channel, Message, and Browser Content Pushes, as well as allows you to delete Pushed Channel Icons from defined recipient devices.
Rejected, Postponed, but Optimistic
by Chris Toohey on 11/11/2008
Man - yesterday was like the worst day I've ever had getting emails from IBM domains...
magicJack - First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 11/10/2008
While at a dinner party last weekend, a guy who spends his days implementing telephony systems started talking about this pretty slick little device that - for $20 USD for the entire year - allows you to make landline calls through your high speed internet connection. $20/year, and it's a gadget... I was intrigued to say the least.
How an email ruined my morning...
by Chris Toohey on 11/05/2008
I just had an exchange that left me feeling horrible. And the more and more I think about it, I can't help but feel worse.
Showtime - BES Channel Push Utility for the IBM Lotus Notes Client Demo Video and Call for Beta Testers
by Chris Toohey on 11/05/2008
A quick demo video for Showtime, my latest freeware/tipjar-ware utility for the IBM Lotus Notes Client. Showtime allows you to manage Push applications - from creating and deleting Channel Push applications, generating Message Push emails, or pre-caching websites and web content for the mobile browser - via the Blackberry Enterprise Server's MDS Push engine to defined Blackberry mobile devices.
Lotus Remote Residency Wiki: Best Practices for Building Web Applications for Domino 8.5 LO-8002-R01
by Chris Toohey on 10/24/2008
A new remote residency for the Domino Web Development Best Practices RedWiki just opened and is now accepting nominations.
Which applications should I 'mobilize'?
by Chris Toohey on 10/21/2008
Understanding which application to mobilize and making your user community understand which you shouldn't is the key to successful mobile application projects.
YellowCast News - Episode 6, New Format, New Look, New Voicemail, and a Blackberry Tip!
by Chris Toohey on 10/20/2008
Some news on the YellowCast front, as well as a simple-yet-useful Blackberry and Smart Phone tip!
WML-enabling a Personal Address Book - It's in the cards....
by Chris Toohey on 10/15/2008
A quick WML and Domino tutorial, showing step-by-step how you can create a Blackberry-accessible Mobile Directory.
Survive the Outbreak!
by Chris Toohey on 10/14/2008
Think you can survive the zombie apocalypse? Now's your chance to prove it!
Are you a Domino + BES shop? Part II
by Chris Toohey on 10/08/2008
The real eye-opener here is just how closely Blackberry Enterprise Server + Mobile Devices parallel Domino + Lotus Notes. Most shops that are using it today use only a fraction of the capabilities of the technologies, and their business and employees in particular have grown dependant on those technologies. The technology is simple to setup, and a breeze to maintain, and JUST WORKS.
MixMaster v0.1 - Remote NotesItem Manager
by Chris Toohey on 10/06/2008
Manage both NotesDocuments and Design Elements via MixMaster!
Are you a Domino + BES shop?
by Chris Toohey on 09/30/2008
Had an idea yesterday for a new freeware Lotus Notes application that I think would really help Blackberry and Domino shops... which got me thinking - how many of you are both Domino and BES shops?
IBM developerWorks: Harness the power of XPages in Lotus Domino Designer - by Chris Toohey
by Chris Toohey on 09/25/2008
My article - where I XPage-enable a Personal Address Book, giving it a Web 2.0 user interface - has just been published over at IBM developerWorks!
MixMaster v0.1 - NotesItem Manager - Preview
by Chris Toohey on 09/24/2008
So... I had an idea! What if I could logically control the NotesItems of NotesDocuments in remote Domino Applications? I could write a simple configuration-based utility application that would allow me to define a Domino Application, define a collection of Design Elements or NotesDocuments, and configure a NotesItems maintenance engine - all built on my freeware/tip jar-ware application UI.
Poll: How many of us need to develop multilingual UIs for our Lotus Notes and/or Domino Applications?
by Chris Toohey on 09/17/2008
I have not run into this need lately... but how do you handle it?
No-View NotesDocument Lookups, UNID Logic, and Environment Variables - Example Application and Video Tutorial
by Chris Toohey on 09/16/2008
To help address a few of the questions I've been getting on the No-View NotesDocument Lookups, an application-driven UniversalID Logic, and using Lotus Notes Client Environment Variables to speed up 'Preference' NotesDocument Lookups... I put together a quick tutorial and example Lotus Notes Client Application.
Domino Web Development Standards RedWiki now on Domino
by Chris Toohey on 09/16/2008
The Domino Web Development Wiki has moved and is now on Domino!
Quicktip: Environment Variables, Database Scripts, NotesDocument UniversalIDs, and non-View NotesDocument Indexing
by Chris Toohey on 09/15/2008
A quick adopted technique to allow View/Index-free lookups!
Freeware Domino Application Updates in the pipeline
by Chris Toohey on 09/11/2008
Thought I would discuss a few things that I'm looking to deliver in the next-round releases of the freeware/tipjar-ware that I've been putting out lately.
Lotusphere 2009 - Blogger Lounge Facebook Group
by Chris Toohey on 09/10/2008
For those of you planning to attend Lotusphere 2009, are a part of the Lotus Blogging Community, AND have a Facebook account... Keith Brooks has put together a new Facebook group: Lotusphere 2009 - The Blogger's Lounge.
Less than 2 days to the Zombie Apocalypse?!
by Chris Toohey on 09/08/2008
10/09/08 huh?! Sounds like a countdown to the Apocalypse to me!
Writing Free Notes Apps - Taking Notes Podcast 86
by Chris Toohey on 09/04/2008
Two weeks ago (hey, I can totally understand the schedule, Bruce) Tim and I were fortunate enough to be invited on the Taking Notes Podcast to discuss Freeware, Shareware, Guiltware/'Tip Jar'-ware, and 'for-profit' IBM/Lotus Notes and Domino Product offerings. Outside of me bringing down the collective IQ of the assembled cast, I think it was a great show.
Lotusphere 2009: Bloggers Lounge?
by Chris Toohey on 09/04/2008
There have been several mentions in the community about how awesome it would be to have a Bloggers Lounge at Lotusphere 2009 - a dedicated room where us bloggers could camp out, meet readers (hell, meet each other), and all-around get our geek-on. Here are some random thoughts about just what we - the IBM/Lotus Blogging Community - could do with such a dedicated room.
Lotusphere 2009 Registration and Call for Abstracts
by Chris Toohey on 09/03/2008
Get registered and get your abstracts in - Lotusphere 2009 is coming!
Zephyr v0.1 Quick Tutorial (Flash Demo)
by Chris Toohey on 08/26/2008
I've gotten a lot of questions since the release of Zephyr v0.1... and I thought the best way to answer them would be to give you a quick (it's like 4:50 minutes in runtime) flash demo and tutorial on just what is Zephyr and how it works.
I'm HUGE in Japan!
by Chris Toohey on 08/25/2008
Following the rule of the lemming, I decided to give the FaceYourManga.com-thing a shot.
The Church of Lotus? Bringing the Anglican Church of Australia back into the IBM fold!
by Chris Toohey on 08/22/2008
Apparently the The Sydney Diocese of The Anglican Church of Australia had left the IBM flock in favor of seemingly greener Microsoft pastures. However, like the prodigal son, they've returned to IBM and Lotus technologies (including Lotus and Domino, Sametime, and Quickr) to achieve their collaborative technologies goal: a Unified Communications Strategy that will enable them to better collaborate within their community.
Playing around with Jott, Custom Link Contacts, and Web Services!
by Chris Toohey on 08/19/2008
I've been playing around with Jott lately - which allows me to dial into a (free to setup and use) account, and either leave myself a simple message or send that message to one of my contacts. The coolest part...
Match Maker - The Pseudocode!
by Chris Toohey on 08/15/2008
I'm slightly modifying the data architecture of Match Maker - pushing for a more globally useful approach instead of a source database/document approach - which should allow some amazing functionality. Simply put...
Match Maker - Coming Soon!
by Chris Toohey on 08/14/2008
One of the soon to the downloadable, open source applications that I'm working on is named Match Maker
xCopy v0.2 - OS xcopy Client for Lotus Notes
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2008
A better description, and a MUCH smoother process overall, v0.2 of xCopy comes with the following enhancements from the original: xcopy via Java Agents and Script Libraries, Transaction Log documents via Java Agents and Script Libraries, Can now handle multi-thread large file xcopies.
A few tips for the any-level Corporate Application Developer
by Chris Toohey on 08/06/2008
Here's a few quick random thoughts that I think can help any of us Corporate Application Developers...
Quicktip/Hack: Domino URL Commands via Hidden Fields
by Chris Toohey on 08/05/2008
Let's say you're in a situation where you need to communicate with a Domino Design Element from a simple HTML form... written in Dreamweaver, TopStyle, or any other markup editor, and you want to use the GET method, as the URL could be copied and sent to other users...
With some upfront work, CSS in the Notes Client can make stuff purty!
by Chris Toohey on 07/25/2008
I started to put some of the Lotus Notes Client UI together for Project Broker (which you can find out about on YellowCast... and starting from scratch - and knowing that this would be a public, open source initiative - I thought that I would put in a little more upfront work. One of the examples of this is the definition of table and cell classes, and the usage of CSS for UI tweaking. Despite the adoption of CSS in the Lotus Notes client being pretty limited, you can still make use of it to get some pretty slick results.
xCopy - Local Archiving and File Copying Utility for Lotus Notes
by Chris Toohey on 07/22/2008
xCopy is a simple configurable xCopy client for the Lotus Notes client. By creating and defining xCopy Profiles, you can batch process your file backup or remote upload jobs. With the addition of the xCopy sidebar widget, you can easily kick-off these jobs, and modify both the xCopy Profiles and xCopy itself.
It's Monday... time to piss off the readership!
by Chris Toohey on 07/21/2008
Since I do believe that a subscription service would fail miserably, and the tip jar approach has so far failed... I'm looking for suggestions on making the most out of providing downloadable applications, utilities, and tools while giving myself the opportunity to justify the personal time investment on said projects - possibly through some form of compensation.
Creating Form Design Element Sidebar Widgets
by Chris Toohey on 07/11/2008
A 52 second Jing videocast showing how to add a Lotus Notes For as a Lotus Notes Sidebar Widget, and the considerations when designing the to-be-widgeted Form.
SOTU - Remote Console Command Utility v0.2
by Chris Toohey on 07/11/2008
The next release of SOTU - Remote Console Reporting, including a new Sidebar Widget which makes this application a must-have!
A W3C for IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Web Development
by Chris Toohey on 07/03/2008
A lack of a community-voted standards has me asking: can we create and maintain a W3C-like IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Development Standards Body?
Self-Discovery leading to more content, downloads, and examples
by Chris Toohey on 07/01/2008
Consider this a confessional post. My biggest problem is... once I've proven that it canbe done to myself, I get bored really quick... and I tend to walk away. The thing is... I don't even have to write it to get my apathy up about something - once I figure it out in my head I'm often already moving on... which is not good. This results in the quiet death of a lot of some really cool things, and I'm going to try - really put in an effort - to correct this particular character flaw that I see in myself.
Sorting Hat v0.1
by Chris Toohey on 06/30/2008
In this application, we see how the Microsoft Web Browser Embedded Object Control can be used in the Lotus Notes Client to provide programatically-defined File Browsers. Pretty slick for storage of large files, as this can allow you to control the target storage directory via application logic while allowing storage of large files on a File Server.
The Website is down! (NSFW language)
by Chris Toohey on 06/28/2008
A little chicken soup for those of us to have to deal with end users...
RAD of Tomorrow
by Chris Toohey on 06/26/2008
I was in the middle of writing this arm-length article on why you should know XML and XSLT... and realized that I was well onto writing a book on the subject. Wanting to get the point across, here's the highlights on 'Why you should know XML and XSLT as a Domino and Lotus Notes Client developer'.
JSFactory - Java, Lotus RAD, Sidebar Widgets, and $9.99. I'm surprised you're still reading...
by Chris Toohey on 06/23/2008
Simply put, you get a fully functional application, written by one of the best in the business, showcasing how SIMPLE combinations of industry-standard technologies, Lotus Notes RAD, Java, and some other tools that are in all of our arsenals can address everyday business needs. The $9.99USD gets you the source code for JSFactory. For a price that's 1/3 the cost of most of the books on the subject, you're getting something that you can rip apart, dissect, and see how someone else - that's proven himself time-and-time again - gets the job done.
SOTU - Remote Console Command Utility v0.1
by Chris Toohey on 06/18/2008
An admin-friend of mine asked if there was any way to check and see which servers in a domain were running a given add-on task (LEI in this case). After discussing the fact that there's really no simple way to do this in the Domino Administrator client, I thought that I'd put together a really simple application that would do the trick. This application is SOTU.
Domino Web Development JumpStart: Introduction and Primers
by Chris Toohey on 06/16/2008
As I'm asked at least once a week 'How can [you] get started with Domino Web Development?' - Not exactly a simple question to answer... so I thought that I would theme this week as the 'Domino Web Development JumpStart' week. Each day, a new post discussing how you can get started in the Domino Web Development arena!
How did you like the Flash demos?
by Chris Toohey on 06/12/2008
Yesterday I tried something different (for me anyways): I published a quick demo of something that I'm cooking up using the Microsft Web Browser Object Control that I've been talking about these last few days. The difference with yesterday's demo was, instead of using simple images trying to show you what I was talking about, I used Jing and posted two Flash screecasts. Now, the embedding was totally screwy, but I think that by using these screencasts, I was able to quite effectively communicate what I was doing in less than a minute. More importantly, the prep work involved was around five minutes from the start of the recording to it's publication (while Jing limits you to 5 minute videos, it's a pretty slick little application).
Sorting Hat - Embedded File Browser in the Lotus Notes Client UI - Flash Preview
by Chris Toohey on 06/11/2008
So last night I played around with the Embedded Windows Explorer stuff that I mentioned yesterday and came up with the following - which I'm calling Sorting Hat.
Embedded Windows Explorer/File Browser for remotely-stored file resources in the Lotus Notes Client UI
by Chris Toohey on 06/10/2008
I had a request from a manufacturing customer who was asking for a document library, which would be used to store CAD files (read: too-large-for-logic drawings). I immediately didn't want to store these mammoth files in a Domino database container, as 1) the Full Text Index really wouldn't do any good for CAD files and 2) well - duh - there's a long list of reasons not to bring 500MB files as attachments into a Domino database container - and that's not what I'm getting at here... so I'll move on.
Trying out Digsby - IM + Email + Social Networks
by Chris Toohey on 06/10/2008
Domino Development and Data Store Architecture
by Chris Toohey on 06/06/2008
Data Store Architecture - sounds pretty scary doesn't it? You get these horrific visions of server rooms and SANs across WANs... when it's something that every single Domino Developer does on every single application that they work on. At least they often start with Data Store Architecture. Don't believe me? That's okay - maybe by the end of this article however you'll see things my way...
My first Skype Spam
by Chris Toohey on 06/04/2008
Logged onto my IM accounts today (BleedYellow Sametime, Greenhouse Sametime, Gtalk, AIM, YIM, Gizmo, and Skype) when I got the following IM in Skype: my first Skype Spam!
Skinnie Jones: Bittersweet Tears
by Chris Toohey on 06/03/2008
Via Curry's Daily Source Code, Skinnie Jones Bittersweet Tears
Domino as an XML data store and a servlet as a message broker? We'll see!
by Chris Toohey on 06/03/2008
So while chatting with Tim Tripcony last night about just what we are going to do with Broker, we thought that we would split out the workload...
YellowCast Episode 2: Vicodin and MonkeyButter
by Chris Toohey on 06/02/2008
In this episode, we discuss the benefits of "separating UI from data" architectures in Lotus Notes client applications, as well as our frustrations with Domino ("our little brother"), as well as some new BETA release software that hit the community recently...
Which Lotus Notes Client applications do your users need?
by Chris Toohey on 05/29/2008
UI for specific application types requires an understanding of what's needed - so what do you need?!
Introducing YellowCast
by Chris Toohey on 05/28/2008
A new podcast from Chris Toohey and Tim Tripcony - check out www.yellowcast.net!
RIM's Blackberry Connections Client - First Impressions (Part 2)
by Chris Toohey on 05/19/2008
My first impressions review of the new Blackberry Connections Client from RIM.
RIM's Blackberry Connections Client - First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 05/19/2008
My first impressions review of the new Blackberry Connections Client from RIM.
Domino Blog Template Update - Revised Architecture v0.01a
by Chris Toohey on 05/19/2008
After many conversations with people like Nathan, Declan, and my soon-to-be-mentioned co-author on this project (which will be open source and available to the community - it's all about the show!) - I realized that I was taking the wrong approach with thinking that Web Services could do what I needed it to do. What I need to do, for the content management system that I have in mind, is facilitate the ATOM Publishing Protocol (or APP) via REST - that's full support of the POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE methods.
Blogger/ATOM API-based Domino Web Services as the CMS engine for the new blog template?
by Chris Toohey on 05/15/2008
Since we're not all running 8.N, I'm moving to Web Services to facilitate the CMS via the Blogger API.
That's it - I'm re-developing this blog template!
by Chris Toohey on 05/14/2008
My blog ated my brilliantly written comment, and thus I start the development of a new weblog template that won't suck!
BYOUI - Architecture for the mass adopters?
by Chris Toohey on 05/13/2008
If the surge in both development and adoption of solutions like TwitNotes and the pick-your-poision Instant Messaging clients (GAIM/Pidgin, Trillian, etc.) have taught us anything, it's that people prefer to use their own or preferred entry point into community and collaborative solutions. But what's this mean for the Domino application development community? Well, it tells me that I really need to consider architecting my applications to facilitate BYOUI - or Bring Your Own UI. Now, for corporate applications, you may think that this doesn't apply... but I whole-heartidly dissagree! I think that if you really look at it, you'll see just how truly limited the majority of our applications can appear.
Using Bleedyellow.com Connections Activities
by Chris Toohey on 05/08/2008
As I'm working on a community project (more on that once we get past the initial stages and flesh out some more details, etc.) with an individual that is outside of my organization, I needed a simple solution that would allow me to create and maintain a Project/Task/Sub-Task to do list that we could both work from. Enter bleedyellow.com's Connections Activities.
Twitter, Site Updates and my latest offering!
by Chris Toohey on 04/14/2008
Lotus Notes Client Wizard - Components Example Database
by Chris Toohey on 04/11/2008
A simple example of a Lotus Notes Client Wizard.
ITSO Residency Update: Domino Web Application Development Best Practices Wiki GOES LIVE!
by Chris Toohey on 04/07/2008
The RedWiki is live - have at it!
Lotus 911 does it again: Community Sametime Advanced 8.0
by Chris Toohey on 04/02/2008
Lotus 911 provides yet another community solution: Sametime Advanced 8.0
Quick-Tip: Inbox for Mail-In Databases
by Chris Toohey on 03/28/2008
While working on a mail-in enabled Project/Task Application (Lotus Notes-based), I had a need to collect and display all inbound email messages into a single location to facilitate mail filing/categorization.
ND8.0.1, Widgets, Twitter, and a new Domino blogger
by Chris Toohey on 03/27/2008
I spent my lunch hour today updating my Notes client (now running 8.0.1) and playing around with widgets in the sidebar...
Rating on Blogged.com - I'm GREAT
by Chris Toohey on 03/26/2008
Received an 8.0, but where can this site improve?
Philadelphia's Franklin Institute - Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination
by Chris Toohey on 03/25/2008
The Toohey Family geeks out at the Franklin Institute over Easter holiday.
ITSO Bleeding Yellow
by Chris Toohey on 03/12/2008
Lotus911 comes through and provides the ITSO Remote Residency team with a Demo Domino 8.01 environment.
The first rule of Wiki Club...
by Chris Toohey on 03/05/2008
Which famous/infamous characters do you use for your examples?
ITSO-8001-R01 Update: So how's the remote residency coming?
by Chris Toohey on 03/04/2008
Great things coming!
Quicktip: Web DBLookup API
by Chris Toohey on 03/03/2008
A simple and quick-to-implement web-based DBlookup engine
Expanding Domino Applications via API and UI/Data Model Separation
by Chris Toohey on 02/29/2008
When you architect your applications so that data is presented and maintained as data, and not implicitly linked to the UI - your UI becomes a variable. This is an AMAZING option for your Domino applications.
Subscription Passport for 'warez - your thoughts greatly appreciated!
by Chris Toohey on 02/27/2008
Just a thought about having a structured subscription 'passport' for a few Lotus Notes/Domino-based products that I have coming down the pipe to help with the support.
This ever happen to you?
by Chris Toohey on 02/27/2008
While driving today, I zoned out - this ever happen to you?!
Multi-Client Type Design Elements - Ya gotta keep'em separated!
by Chris Toohey on 02/26/2008
A story from a past interview where a lead developer for the hiring company insisted on single-element-multi-client architectures.
MMM: Using the Mail-Merge Method
by Chris Toohey on 02/20/2008
An approach that I've been using for a while... just without an official name!
LO-8001-R01: Best Practices for Building Web Applications for Domino 8 UPDATE
by Chris Toohey on 02/18/2008
I part of the latest Redbook team!
Why can't Content Type be controlled based on the document context?!
by Chris Toohey on 02/16/2008
While working on a CMS, I came across an interesting need... and thus needed to vent!
Of Yellowcake, Podcasting, Application Architecture, and Life...
by Chris Toohey on 02/14/2008
Have had a few things on my mind...
Project: Yellowcake - For want of an FTSearch Engine hack!
by Chris Toohey on 02/12/2008
I'm getting both amazing results from Project: Yellowcake, as well as seeing some of the solution's limitations. A lot of these are easily addressed (the architecture of the solution allows for that - THANKFULLY), but two tweaks here and four tweaks there... well, my in-my-head release date might just be blown as a result.
Project: Yellowcake | IBM Lotus Notes/Domino REST API
by Chris Toohey on 02/11/2008
The Project: Yellowcake public introduction!
Rapid Fire Updates - Sunday Edition
by Chris Toohey on 02/10/2008
From Disney Idol to The Fly - here's some rapid-fire, totally random updates!
Forum Friday: Getting started with Domino Web Development
by Chris Toohey on 02/08/2008
This is advice that I would give to ANYONE wanting doing Domino Web Development - whether you're just starting off (which might actually be better), or you're a seasoned pro!
SnTT: Domino Internet Site and Rules Documents Jumpstart - Now you have no excuse...
by Chris Toohey on 02/07/2008
Not many people utilize the amazing capabilities of the Domino Internet Site and Rules Documents. Now, you have no excuse...!
View PostPaste and the active/inactive toggle
by Chris Toohey on 02/06/2008
While working on Project: Yellowcake, I came across an interesting need to flag pasted documents as inactive - and here's the simple code I used to do it!
Nomination Submitted for LO-8001-R01: Best Practices for Building Web Applications for Domino 8
by Chris Toohey on 02/05/2008
Having just completed a nomination form for IBM's newest Redbook residency, LO-8001-R01, I talk to what the community would really benefit from!
Remove my name from the Domino Directory!!
by Chris Toohey on 02/05/2008
Simple yet effective way to remove a person or group from type-ahead addressing.
Project: Yellowcake, some statistics and the story behind the name!
by Chris Toohey on 02/05/2008
Some more details about my 'mystery project'.
Ya learn something new every day!
by Chris Toohey on 02/02/2008
Ever have one of those days where you try to do something that you don't think is possible, and then someone who you genuinely like and respect kindly points out that the ability to do said something is build right into the product?!
Rapid-Fire Updates - Just a few things on my mind...
by Chris Toohey on 02/01/2008
Here's a few things that are currently bopping around in my head...
NEPA Yellow Bleeders Community
by Chris Toohey on 01/31/2008
I've setup a new community on BleedYellow.com for professionals in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas.
Using the HTML Body Attributes to manipulate Domino-generated Web/Mobile client Design Elements
by Chris Toohey on 01/30/2008
While I tend to roll my own Web and Mobile client Design Elements and not let Domino generate any of that RAD web element publishing stuff... but stuff like this is good to know!
DirLint... IBM's XSD schema missing?
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2008
Helping an admin-friedn use the latest features in the LND 8.0 toolset, and came across dirlint - which aside from having NO documentation (typical, I know) is supposed to point out inconsistencies in the Domino Directory. Great... if it worked!
Updated: Quick and Dirty Mail Application Document Importing Example Database
by Chris Toohey on 01/29/2008
Thanks to a reader, the newly fixed and functional example database is ready for downloading!
Site Update: Dogears on the main page - and Project YellowCake update!
by Chris Toohey on 01/28/2008
I changed around the index.html (main page) of this site, moving the Yahoo! Wishlist to the bottom of the screen and replacing it with my BleedYellow.com
Quick and Dirty Mail Application Document Importing Example Database
by Chris Toohey on 01/27/2008
Example database for a methodology to showcase a simple yet very effective way of making email storage much more collaborative!
Embedded Lotus Connections Dogears - Get your BleedYellow.com DogEars on your site!
by Chris Toohey on 01/26/2008
Embed the BleedYellow.com Dogears into your site with Lotus Connections DogEar Search API
Quick and Dirty Mail Application Document Importing
by Chris Toohey on 01/24/2008
A methodology and example database to showcase a simple yet very effective way of making email storage much more collaborative!
For those of you NOT attending Lotusphere...
by Chris Toohey on 01/23/2008
Upcoming article information
Lotusphere Idol: Andy Pedisich
by Chris Toohey on 01/22/2008
The competition was insane at Lotusphere Idol today...
Lotusphere Idol Update
by Chris Toohey on 01/20/2008
I just got the word an hour ago - I'm gonna be a contestant!
Lotusphere Travel - about to take off!
by Chris Toohey on 01/20/2008
Today's the day - I have a 9:45am flight to Orlando from PHL and am scheduled to land around noon. Once I check in and get settled, this puts me at the registration desk around 2PM!
Lotus 911 - Absolutely Brilliant!
by Chris Toohey on 01/19/2008
Lotus 911 at Lotusphere 2008 and their roll-out of BleedYellow.com
Using AJAX, text/plain Content Type, and external resources to create dynamic in-line content!
by Chris Toohey on 01/18/2008
Was chatting with a good friend today, Mike Smelser, when an interesting requirement came up for an application that he was working on: the need to populate a section of the current page with content from another source - and as dynamically as possible.
Domino Guru (.com) on the Blackberry
by Chris Toohey on 01/17/2008
JiveTalk 1.0.4 BETA on the Blackberry 8820
by Chris Toohey on 01/15/2008
I'm giving the JiveTalk 1.0.4 BETA a 30-day trial run on my AT&T Blackberry 8820...
Lotusphere Idol: Integrate with ANYTHING (My submission abstract)
by Chris Toohey on 01/14/2008
My submission abstract for the Lotusphere 2008 'Lotusphere Idol' - we'll see!
Oops! That's never good...
by Chris Toohey on 01/10/2008
Got the email early this morning to book my hands-on labs...
Looks like I WILL be attending Lotusphere 2008!
by Chris Toohey on 01/05/2008
Just got the word on Friday that I'm going to attend Lotusphere 2008! Now I just need to get things in order...
Addressing Domino Web-based @DBLookup limitations with Rich-Text and Context Profiles
by Chris Toohey on 12/16/2007
I was asked by a good friend for a solution to get around a problem that is probably more common than we may think: web-based comboboxes/select field-types requiring lookups to data in the application.
How NOT to get me to put up an example...
by Chris Toohey on 12/06/2007
I get two comments from the same originator, 3 minutes apart... hell, just open the link to read the story!
Just in time for the holidays!
by Chris Toohey on 12/03/2007
I'd recommend all of ItsJustSomeRandomGuy's work, but this holiday-themed entry is perfect for the comic-geek in all of us! (Embedded YouTube Video)
24 - Day 7 Postponed - Possibly until next season?!
by Chris Toohey on 11/28/2007
Not that I've noticed too much, with Heroes currently taking up my Mondays at 9PM... but Variety reports that Day 7 of 24 - which has been already been plauged with problems - might not even make it to this season's lineup!
Items of Interest
by Chris Toohey on 11/27/2007
From German Police finding just how good Skype Encryption REALLY is to some slick jQuery-based Suckerfish menus - Here's just a few random items from the past few days...
Sometimes it's the little things...
by Chris Toohey on 11/15/2007
It's often laziness - not necessity - that is the mother of invention. Today my laziness led to a conversation with our telephony admin and eventually to a slick Lotus Notes client and Cisco Web Dialer integration.
Zune 30 - After the Upgrade
by Chris Toohey on 11/13/2007
Took a while (approx. 30 minutes - but are you really suprised), though I finally got my Zune 30 upgraded!
Today, I update my Zune!
by Chris Toohey on 11/13/2007
I have what they now call the Zune 30 - the 30GB first-gen Zune. The best thing about getting a DMP (Digital Media Player) from one of the big guys is that they've offering a software upgrade to make my first-gen Zune function and operate just like the next-gen Zunes.
Sametime Unyte - Skype and Sametime
by Chris Toohey on 11/11/2007
Unyte, a super-slick Sametime add-on that even comes with a Skype plug-in - go get it!
Facebook on Blackberry - Desktop [IPPP] causing issues?
by Chris Toohey on 10/31/2007
I couldn't connect... and it appears as though a Service Book entry on my Blackberry was to blame. Click through to get the article on the potential (though not fully recommended) fix!
Dashboard - What do you want in it?
by Chris Toohey on 10/29/2007
So what do you want in the Dashboard database? Here's where you get your say!
Let's 'Encyclopedia Brown' this bitch! - 1408 Review (Spoiler Free)
by Chris Toohey on 10/20/2007
For my birthday my wife gave me the Director's Cut 2-Disc DVD of 1408. 1408, based on a short story by Stephen King, is one of those rare treats: a book-to-movie adaptation that actually works.
Anyone else seeing this in their referers?!
by Chris Toohey on 10/19/2007
Seeing a referer, from a infamous Lotus Community spammer, without a single inbound link. Could these bastards be using a bot?!
Repeat after me: @Functions are NOT for the web...
by Chris Toohey on 10/16/2007
Why use @Functions when JavaScript can get the job done... quickly!
LotusScript @IsMember
by Chris Toohey on 10/11/2007
Someone recently asked me if there was a simple @IsMember-like function in the LotusScript language... so I threw this at them.
Dashboard Update, MySpace, and some other updates
by Chris Toohey on 10/01/2007
A quick update on the Dashboard Lotus Notes Composite Application, my testing out MySpace IM, and a few other quick updates
Sneak Peak
by Chris Toohey on 09/06/2007
Just a sneak peak of what's in store for the Lotus Notes Dashboard Composite Application!
The pitfalls of most "Composite Applications"
by Chris Toohey on 09/04/2007
The biggest pitfall of most Composite Applications, or CA, is the developers mindset that the integrated solutions needs to communicate directly with the Lotus Notes client. In this entry, I discuss an architecture that will allow you to leave any of those misconceptions in the dust.
Question: What 'Composite' Application would you like to see?
by Chris Toohey on 08/31/2007
A question to Constant Reader: If you could integrate one solution with a Lotus Notes application, what would it be? For example, Flash Charts, SVG Charts, Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint), etc.
Lotus Notes 8 - Applications > Databases
by Chris Toohey on 08/27/2007
How a simple nomenclature change can inspire the collective community... or maybe I've just had too much coffee...
So here's what I have so far...
by Chris Toohey on 08/23/2007
I've used Nathan's idea for an embedded frameset that I can quickly re-render with embedded views, etc. - but I still can not get the single category/@SetViewInfo-filter and like functionality to work with it. Thus defeated (but still trying)...
ASP Developer Needed ASAP!
by Chris Toohey on 08/23/2007
A client needs help - and we don't know that much ASP! (follow for more details)
@URLOpen, skype:protocols, and Lotus Notes 8
by Chris Toohey on 08/22/2007
My DIY Skype article wasn't very ND8-friendly... that is, ND8-out-of-the-box-friendly. Here's a quick fix...
So @SetViewInfo and I are officially NOT friends...
by Chris Toohey on 08/20/2007
I had it... it was working SO beautifully, but alas...
Still trying to get @SetViewInfo to work - status update!
by Chris Toohey on 08/17/2007
It's still not quite working yet - but I think we're getting there. The issue is now a matter of focus - to be more specific, the cursor point needs to have focus on the view itself before it can trigger the @SetViewInfo functionality.
In case you missed it...
by Chris Toohey on 08/14/2007
Here's a few links that I came across today that I thought would be of interest.
SetViewInfo, RestrictToCategory, Domino Databases, FrameSets, and the NotesView
by Chris Toohey on 08/13/2007
Reaching out, as I can't be the ONLY person who has needed to do this - dynamic views and subcategory documents in a Notes Client.
Excel Export Example Database
by Chris Toohey on 08/12/2007
Very simple Excel Integration solution - RIP&USE!
Rapid-Fire Updates
by Chris Toohey on 08/09/2007
Birthdays, Facebook accounts, and a question about a new example. While this ain't Burger King, I do ask just how you want it!
Javascript: Reverse Order Lists
by Chris Toohey on 06/25/2007
A very simple and easy to implement solution for reverse ordering your Ordered Lists
Java Noob - How do I know it's working?!
by Chris Toohey on 06/06/2007
So you've installed everything that you need to get you started on your 'Road to Java' - or have you? How do you know it's even working?
So you wanna do some Java?
by Chris Toohey on 06/04/2007
One of my current goals is to get a better handle on Java Development. I don't know if it's just me though, but they do not make it easy for the noob/novice. It's with that in mind that I'll try to come up with a few resources for the new Java developer; some things that'll get you at least started on the Java (with a RIM/Blackberry accent, due to what I've been up to recently) without having a Sun certification (which you'd think is required to get started... but more on that later).
Computed Text, Select and Input Elements, and the home grown Domino Form
by Chris Toohey on 05/30/2007
Using Computed Text elements to build your markup for Select, Input Checkboxes, and Input Radiobuttons.
While we're talking about FCKeditor and Domino...
by Chris Toohey on 05/23/2007
Rolling your own forms can be pretty easy, once you know how that is. One of the tricks I've learned can help to cut down on calculations, thus providing faster page loads and less impact at the server, and allow a more easily recognizable home-grown solution.
Dynarch Calendar - Date Blockers
by Chris Toohey on 01/25/2007
Mike Smelser of Lotus911 shares how he was able to regulate the selectable dates for user entry using a little Javascript and Dynarch's Calendar widget.
From Redmond with some Web 2.0 Love - ASP.Net AJAX
by Chris Toohey on 01/25/2007
Microsoft releases a v1.0 AJAX framework for it's ASP.Net offering.
FCKeditor and the Domino URL Command
by Chris Toohey on 01/23/2007
For those of you looking for a WYSIWYG markup generating editor, FCKeditor is a sure win - however, those using Domino will have to tweak (as always).
Revolution CRM at Lotusphere 2007!
by Chris Toohey on 01/19/2007
The gang at Lotus911 will be showcasing Nitix with IBM Lotus Notes/Domino. One of the applications to-be-installed? Revolution CRM!
SmartIcon: NotesItem Mailer
by Chris Toohey on 01/18/2007
A slick little SmartIcon that send you an email with all document items and their respective values.
Interesting Day
by Chris Toohey on 01/17/2007
Site changes Ahoy!
by Chris Toohey on 01/15/2007
Timestamps on comments and my Google Adsense account was suspended!
Jack's Back!
by Chris Toohey on 01/14/2007
Jack takes a bite out of Terrorism in the Season 6 Premiere of 24!
Five things you (probably) don't know about 'the self proclaimed guru'
by Chris Toohey on 01/03/2007
Apparently, based on NTF's blog - I'm it! Here's 5 things that you may or may not know about me!
Zune Update: Podcast Feed Reader
by Chris Toohey on 01/03/2007
FeedYourZune, a free 3rd party add-on solution that allows you to subscribe to podcast feeds and... feed your Zune!
Happy New Year!
by Chris Toohey on 01/02/2007
Few quick changes for the new year, from menu changes to Google Ads going in place. Some news on the Zune. And some more news on things coming up!
It's now a law to have a CRM solution?!
by Chris Toohey on 12/01/2006
As part of the Patriot Act, companies dealing with federal litigation now have to track at least seven (7) years worth of company correspondence and other corporate employee data - does this make CRM solutions mandatory for all businesses?
Re: Offer Solutions - not Mudslinging...
by Chris Toohey on 11/21/2006
Offer Solutions - not Mudslinging...
by Chris Toohey on 11/21/2006
Domino Flex Fields (Example)
by Chris Toohey on 11/17/2006
Comments working ok?
by Chris Toohey on 11/16/2006
Question to confirm that Comments engine is working properly lately...
New article and new device review almost ready....
by Chris Toohey on 11/07/2006
Too bogged down with the day-to-day, but the latest article and device review are almost ready to publish!
Domino Flex Fields (2)
by Chris Toohey on 11/03/2006
Domino Flex Fields
by Chris Toohey on 11/03/2006
Domino Flex Fields Preview
by Chris Toohey on 10/30/2006
A quick preview of the functional example database illustrating the Notes Flex Field methodology.
A thought... Flex-fields in a Domino Database
by Chris Toohey on 10/26/2006
Potential new article fodder... true flex-fields in a Domino database...
It was about a month since I had launched the Designer client...
by Chris Toohey on 10/24/2006
Some Web 2.0 and some upcoming Notes client development in store...
24 for 28th
by Chris Toohey on 10/17/2006
Cingular's Nokia e62.... in the flesh!
by Chris Toohey on 10/03/2006
So yesterday, while killing some time at the local mall...
Troubleshooting slow databases - the UI
by Chris Toohey on 09/28/2006
A simple tip to troubleshooting slow-launching applications.
Oops - ctoohey@dominoguru.com et al offline for... who knows how long!
by Chris Toohey on 09/12/2006
I do not know how long it was down, but my dominoguru.com domain was not able to receive email...
Where should we focus? Client development sounds like the answer!
by Chris Toohey on 08/22/2006
The 'Lotus Notes clients' have it - and what does that mean for future development innovations?!
Today's Poll: Are you still doing Lotus Notes client development?
by Chris Toohey on 08/15/2006
Are you still doing Lotus Notes client development? Sound off!
Development Resources
by Chris Toohey on 08/10/2006
At the request of a friend, I've put together a short list of excellent resources for Domino and non-Domino Web developers alike...
Clarifying the message
by Chris Toohey on 08/07/2006
Sometimes you need to clarify the message... IBM needs a free-to-the-customer hit-squad (not unlike their SWAT team) for engagement outside of the sales life-cycle, but rather for production adoption and retention.
Re: A call for Champions: Black and Blue and Yellow Too!
by Chris Toohey on 08/03/2006
What if IBM employed those of us in the community that have proven to provide real solutions utilizing Lotus Notes/Domino to work Pro-Bono in "Notes shops" to solidify IBM Technology investments?
A call for Champions: Black and Blue and Yellow Too!
by Chris Toohey on 08/02/2006
'nuff said!
by Chris Toohey on 07/26/2006
Just one of the reason's that I love cBlock - no more DominoFiles SPAM!
Good Technology's IBM Lotus Notes / Domino Solution: Good Mobile Messaging for IBM Lotus Domino
by Chris Toohey on 07/25/2006
A mail from Good Technology informed me that they have finally released an IBM Lotus Notes/Domino solution!
New Site Feature: An attempt at Blog Spam Blocking
by Chris Toohey on 07/04/2006
In an attempt to hault the onslaught of Blog Spam, I've implemented the following countermeasures...
Clearframe's Derik Bracke on LotusUserGroup.org
by Chris Toohey on 06/27/2006
Derik Bracke of Clearframe is guest-moderating the Lotus User Group forums this week. His topic: Lotus Notes C API!
New Download and Example - Context-Sensitive Tabbed Navigation in the Lotus Notes Client
by Chris Toohey on 06/21/2006
News of the example database showcasing the Context-Sensitive Tabbed Navigation in the Lotus Notes Client method
Context-Sensitive Tabbed Navigation in the Lotus Notes Client - Example Database
by Chris Toohey on 06/21/2006
This example database is designed to showcase the Lotus Notes client UI development method discussed here and first utilized in Clearframe's Revolution CRM. This method has allowed us to deliver complex forms which appear simple, intuitive, and easily navigable.
Lotus User Group - Comments Example
by Chris Toohey on 06/14/2006
Example database for my tip/discussion on
Context-Sensitive Tabbed Navigation Example Database coming soon!
by Chris Toohey on 06/13/2006
Based on the online and offline requests for it, I'm going to post an example database showcasing the solution discussed in my Context-Sensitive Tabbed Navigation in the Lotus Notes Client article.
Lotus User Group: Web-Enabling Lotus Notes Applications - Moderated Week of June 12, 2006
by Chris Toohey on 06/12/2006
This week I'll be guest moderating the LUG forum. My topic: Web-Enabling Lotus Notes Applications
Friday Challenge: On-The-Fly Code/Markup-ASCII conversion
by Chris Toohey on 06/02/2006
Code/Markup-to-ASCII conversion challenge!
Using getElementsByClassName and CSS to create location-sensitive navigation
by Chris Toohey on 06/01/2006
Using a combination of getElementsByClassName from Robert Nyman, some CSS, and some simple application logic, you can create truly simple yet truly dynamic location-sensitive navigation interfaces for your web-based solutions.
So you wanna build cross-client Domino applications?
by Chris Toohey on 05/30/2006
Microsoft Expression Web Designer CPT 1
by Chris Toohey on 05/23/2006
Got an email today (as I'm certain anyone who signed up to receive product beta updates did) from Microsoft regarding an opportunity to try out a product called Microsoft Expression Web Designer CPT 1...
New Article - Title too long to retype!
by Chris Toohey on 05/23/2006
Flash Banners and Domino - Targeted Marketing Flash-based Banners and Clearframe's Domino-based Utilities (Part 1)
by Chris Toohey on 05/23/2006
The majority of my projects allow me to integrate some real-world technology with Lotus Notes/Domino to come up with some pretty seemless solutions - much like a project that I recently wrapped up where a client was looking for a Macromedia Flash-based banner to create content back in their CRM solution. The client has given authorization to use their banner as an example in this article, for which I am very thankful!
Flash Banners and Domino - Targeted Marketing Flash-based Banners and Clearframe's Domino-based Utilities (Part 2)
by Chris Toohey on 05/23/2006
The majority of my projects allow me to integrate some real-world technology with Lotus Notes/Domino to come up with some pretty seemless solutions - much like a project that I recently wrapped up where a client was looking for a Macromedia Flash-based banner to create content back in their CRM solution. The client has given authorization to use their banner as an example in this article, for which I am very thankful!
Two months of updates!!!
by Chris Toohey on 05/17/2006
After two months away... a quick recap of the insanity that's been keeping me away from updating the content on this site. Here's some tech that I've been working on!
DHTML/AJAX Development - Considerations for disabled Javascript
by Chris Toohey on 03/08/2006
Using the noscript tag to provide safezones for your Javascript-dependant DHTML/AJAX-based solutions - a quick tip!
My Cingular 8125
by Chris Toohey on 03/07/2006
My buddy, my buddy... where ever I go, it's gonna go!
basehref Shared Field: Logic Tip
by Chris Toohey on 03/04/2006
Quick tip here... dealing with <base href>, and Internet Site Substitution Rules.
IntranetJournal.com's Lotus-Themed Intranet Solutions
by Chris Toohey on 02/28/2006
IntranetJournal.com has a new Mainpage...
IJ: Building an Intranet with Lotus Database Templates
by Chris Toohey on 02/24/2006
Click-thru to read my article for IntranetJournal.com entitled Building an Intranet with Lotus Database Templates
Architecture: The "Report Profile"
by Chris Toohey on 02/23/2006
While I feel it's important to provide real-time information to your application users, large databases that handle several thousand transactions per her, and more accurately, the reporting of or data interaction with said transactions can make even the most streamlined application slow with embarrassingly sluggish response times. In these cases, for those applications that exceed the "logical" document count for a Domino database (I'd say 200,000+ documents for a single database) I typically recommend the implementation of transaction profiles - the utilization of an architecture which I'll attempt to explain in the following article.
Preview: Architecture: The Report Profile Article
by Chris Toohey on 02/22/2006
With Show-and-Tell Thursday just a day away, here's a glimpse at an upcoming article: Architecture: The Report Profile
Skype: Skype finally to Symbian... almost
by Chris Toohey on 02/16/2006
Looks like Skype is finally porting their solution to Symbian - let the congregation say Amen!
Context-Sensitive Tabbed Navigation in the Lotus Notes Client
by Chris Toohey on 02/16/2006
A detailed article showcasing how we were able to deliver context-sensitive tab-based navigation to our Lotus Notes client-based Revolution CRM users.
Domino Document-based CSS / Javascript Library Management Method
by Chris Toohey on 02/15/2006
Originally appearing on LotusUserGroup.org!
Skype for Pocket PC 2.0
by Chris Toohey on 02/15/2006
Skype for Pocket PC 2.0 Released to the public!
What's more important: Functionality or the UI
by Chris Toohey on 02/14/2006
Got an IM from a buddy today asking me what I felt was more important for an application: excellent functionality, or a bleeding-edge user interface.
Quick-Tip: Javascript Validation - String Comparisons
by Chris Toohey on 02/14/2006
Just a quick-tip for Javascript-based data validation, suggesting the usage of a quick conversion technique to ensure that the string value you're equating isn't a numeric-type value.
New Watch Suggestions
by Chris Toohey on 02/13/2006
Might be in the market for a new watch... any suggestions?
Creating Documents via the URL-Command Method
by Chris Toohey on 02/08/2006
The ?createdocument and ?savedocument are two very useful Domino URL Commands that can be used in combination with affording back-end design to allow practically complete web-based Domino Content Management without having to rely on Domino-generated/housed forms. In this entry, I will showcase the aforementioned web-based Domino Content Management, complete with this method's various pros and cons.
Theme Week: Domino Document Management - Architectures and Solutions
by Chris Toohey on 02/06/2006
When Domino just isn't the solution... for your front-end, here's a way to allow external technologies to publish content to a Domino container
Of life, of AJAX, and of things to come
by Chris Toohey on 02/03/2006
A dive into AJAX, my current storm of work, and tales of a future article addressing workarounds for File Upload concerns.
IntranetJournal.com's Intranet Solutions with Lotus Notes and Domino
by Chris Toohey on 01/26/2006
Today IntranetJournal.com published the first part in a series of articles that I'm writing for the about utilizing LND for corporate intranet solutions.
Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 7 - PACKT Publishing January 2006 - First Impressions
by Chris Toohey on 01/25/2006
My first impressions of PACT Publishing's Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 7
by Chris Toohey on 01/23/2006
Mass-Mailing 101 - don't put your recipients in the To field.
Site News: Article Migration a Go!
by Chris Toohey on 01/20/2006
I've started moving over my old articles and tips...
Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 7 - PACKT Publishing - Sample Chapter and Upcoming Book Review
by Chris Toohey on 01/18/2006
A downloadable sampler of an upcoming book I'm going to review: Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 7
The new, shiny Skype 2.0
by Chris Toohey on 01/12/2006
Groups, Local Time, and Video Conferencing a few of the new features in Skype 2.0 - available today!
DIY Skype Integration
by Chris Toohey on 01/09/2006
The gang at Clearframe show us how to get Skype integration into our Lotus Notes client applications.
I had the best intentions...
by Chris Toohey on 01/02/2006
Downloaded, setup, and realized that there was something wrong... my attempted implementation of an Open Source solution. Where do the faults lie?
Lenovo's Thinkpad Viral: Black or Titanium
by Chris Toohey on 12/19/2005
Using PNG, and the cross-browser hack!
by Chris Toohey on 12/15/2005
I'm doing a lot of web-work as of late (some using Domino and some not). As a result of this, I've been working with Photoshop moreso now than ever before, as the majority of my work has been marketing-related. This being said, I'm really starting to push the usage of the PNG format for my images...
More Site Mods - non-Domino-branded URLs
by Chris Toohey on 12/14/2005
After going back and forth with whether or not I should have used the replica ID or the @WebDBName in my Permalinks, I've decided to rid myself of the problem and use Web Site Substitute Rules.
Never too busy for you...
by Chris Toohey on 12/09/2005
I've added a dynamic DHTML editor preview to the comments form!
Another simple usage for innerHTML: the DHTML Preview
by Chris Toohey on 12/06/2005
Playing around the other day, I found yet another use for accessing/setting the innerHTML of a container tag: a DHTML Preview.
For want of a Function...
by Chris Toohey on 11/30/2005
Working on a project, I find myself in need of a formula-based solution (read: non-Agent-based) to grab field values from multiple documents that I have selected in a view and use that information in a single meta-action...
Confessions of a Flasher
by Chris Toohey on 11/23/2005
Having not touched Flash since 2000/2001, I'm finding that this ol' Domino dog can learn some new tricks after all...
An Attempt at Dynamic Content via Javascript
by Chris Toohey on 11/21/2005
My Drawing Board/Playground attempt at URL Query String/Logic-driven dynamic DHTML via Javascript
I think it's time I get off the pot...
by Chris Toohey on 11/18/2005
FYI from IBM: Notes Domino 6/6.5 Update Exams Set to discontinue December 31, 2005
Breaking Benjamin - We Are Not Alone
by Chris Toohey on 11/17/2005
Breaking Benjamin - We Are Not Alone - .... on heavy rotation!
LotusUserGroup.org (LUG): Example Blueprint: Domino Document-based CSS/Javascript Library Management Method
by Chris Toohey on 11/14/2005
Cross-Post: "LotusUserGroup.org (LUG): Example Blueprint: Domino Document-based CSS/Javascript Library Management Method"
Busy Busy Busy!
by Chris Toohey on 11/14/2005
This week should prove an interesting and busy week: Ubuntu CDs via mail, LotusUserGroup.org Forum Moderating, and a few more tricks....
Don't put all of your eggs in one basket...
by Chris Toohey on 11/10/2005
eWeek.com reports another RIM/NTP update, and a friend goes shopping for non-BES-related wireless solutions.
Caroline Grace Toohey - 11/09/2005
by Chris Toohey on 11/10/2005
Birth Announcement for Caroline Grace...
More from HTC: the Wizard, soon coming to Cingular
by Chris Toohey on 11/03/2005
More Device Lust: the HTC Wizard/Cingular 8125
A few quick tips today....
by Chris Toohey on 11/01/2005
A few quick tips detailing 3 practices that the Domino Web Developer can employ to tidy up and streamline their applications!
L33t H@x07! - or Ugly High Contrast Design to illustrate a point!
by Chris Toohey on 10/25/2005
With a simple modification to nnotesws.dll, I can get custom color schemes and chicklet icons on my workspace!
I'm on a quest...
by Chris Toohey on 10/24/2005
I'm trying to hack the Lotus Notes client - stay tuned!
To certify or not to certify
by Chris Toohey on 10/23/2005
My thread on the Lotus User Group Forums - discussing what's next for the R5 CLP, like me!
by Chris Toohey on 10/17/2005
ND7 Live event in Philly area, brought to you by Resolutions Consulting information and sign-up link, as well as a call-to-arms for RSS Feed Ninjas in the area...
Visit from a friend...
by Chris Toohey on 10/12/2005
A quick snap image of a spider that came near my office.
The Nokia E61...... drool.....
by Chris Toohey on 10/12/2005
With the hw6510 pulling a disappearing act in the US, my next convergence device might just be the Nokia E70...
A few updates!
by Chris Toohey on 10/07/2005
From my son's surgery to an interesting little gotcha in Domino Web Development - a few misc. updates!
Content Type Cheatsheet
by Chris Toohey on 10/05/2005
An external link to a MIME/Content Type table listing the Content Types for various applications and file types.
Functional events via CFD fields
by Chris Toohey on 09/30/2005
Computed For Display (CFD) fields are typically used in Domino applications to (we're talking the basics here gang...) and return computed information for display purposes (wonder how they got the CFD label huh?!) - not much function in that. You can however, add what's typically thought to be UI functional formula (meaning formula/commands that perform a given function) in a CFD field, which will act as it's own WebQueryOpen event and perform a number of given actions.
I actually left my heart in PA thanks!
by Chris Toohey on 09/28/2005
Returning from San Francisco, California after a weekend of fellow-ship with co-workers | CTIA and other Industry-specific news items of interest...
Great quick-fix for min-height in CSS
by Chris Toohey on 09/24/2005
A great quick-fix reusable div to get rid of those pesky CSS-based layout bleeds when your major content area isn't long enough to keep things like footers working as you designed them in your mind.(external link)
Device Lust: hw6500/hw6515
by Chris Toohey on 09/21/2005
Being a Blackberry user, and used to the square-screen, qwerty-keyboard style devices, the HP Mobile Messenger (hw65XX) has made my list. But based on industry news, should we hold out for the hw67XX series?!
New article regarding Hide-When formulas
by Chris Toohey on 09/21/2005
An announcement on the Suggested approach to Hide-When formulas article being published!
Suggested approach to Hide-When formulas
by Chris Toohey on 09/21/2005
A suggestion on defining logical true and logical false in Lotus Notes/Domino hide-when formulas... because sometimes I just can't get my head around it.
New Project bears fruit - new application and article coming soon!
by Chris Toohey on 09/19/2005
Preview of my RHINO article and application download
Katrina's Half
by Chris Toohey on 09/15/2005
by Chris Toohey on 09/14/2005
Forward thinking in your application architecture can save time, resources, and your developers gray matter.
Compliancy - W3C Style
by Chris Toohey on 09/12/2005
The earlier development woes of v2 template and W3C compliancy.
View Selection Formulas Redux
by Chris Toohey on 06/16/2005
An article detailing the concept of soft-inlusion via View Selection Formula. Using an opt-in scheme instead of explicit formulas, you can very easily mass-produce new views, maintain older views, and ensure that only the documents you want populating a certain views are in there!
MapQuest Direction Plugin
by Chris Toohey on 10/23/2004
My Mapquest Directions Javscript Function, showing how to utilize information at the document-level to populate querystring parameters for URL-based 3rd-Party integration.
To := or not to :=
by Chris Toohey on 04/30/2004
A real-world example on when to or not to define variables for clean and resource-efficient code!
Dynamic Web Menus via View Content
by Chris Toohey on 11/19/2003
Utilizing documents for content and views for content-type display, we're able to make some wonderful DHTML menus!
CGI Variables in a CSS Document
by Chris Toohey on 04/14/2003
A quick tutorial on how to use CGI Variables in a Domino-generated CSS Document!
Disabling $KeepPrivate documents!
by Chris Toohey on 03/19/2003
Disable the $KeepPrivate field, and allow nasty-gram forwarding via SmartIcon goodness.
Lotus Notes Client URLs
by Chris Toohey on 01/09/2003
Hangout: Modernizing IBM Lotus Notes Applications with XPages
Event Date: 08/18/2014 Event Time: 11:00:00 AM - 12:00:00 PM (EDT) In this hangout, we'll discuss the strategies and real world tactics you can use to take your IBM Lotus Notes Client applications to the web, mobile devices, and tablets via XPages.
Hangout: Getting Started w/ Layout Custom Controls for IBM Notes Domino XPages
Event Date: 08/13/2014 Event Time: 11:00:00 AM - 12:00:00 PM (EDT) Join Chris Toohey for a live screencast covering the development and use of layout-type Custom Controls in your IBM Notes Domino XPages applications. After this hangout, you'll be able to create your own reusable layout Custom Controls!
Hangout: Getting Started with Foundation UI JavaScript Framework in IBM Lotus Domino XPages
Event Date: 08/11/2014 Event Time: 11:00:00 AM - 12:00:00 PM (EDT) Join Chris Toohey for a live screencast, where we'll cover the initial setup and use of the Foundation UI JavaScript and CSS framework with IBM Notes Domino XPages.
Gamification, Onboarding, and Adaptive User Interface Design Consulting Chris Toohey (08/07/2014) Starting at $75 / Hour Take your existing applications to the next level by educating your users via the same psychological principals adopted by the game industry.
Development and Design Mentoring Chris Toohey (08/06/2014) $65 / Hour Learn from the pros with hands-on, in-project development and design coaching and mentoring services.
Application Modernization Chris Toohey (08/06/2014) Starting at $65 / Hour Take your current apps to the cloud and mobile-enable your employees.
Junction Lite v1.1 Chris Toohey (07/22/2014) $5 USD Microsoft Excel Import Utility App for the IBM Lotus Notes Client
Mailer v1.0 Chris Toohey (07/22/2014) $5 USD Mass Mailing and Email Campaign Utility for the Lotus Notes Client
Zephyr v0.1 Chris Toohey (08/21/2008) FREE Configuration-based Rich Text Mail Merge and Emailing Utility
Dialog Forms
by Chris Toohey on 08/12/2014
A simple yet effective demo of the OpenNTF.org XPages Extension Library Dialog + XPages viewPanel Controls
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